Stardew Valley - Multiple Spouses v.1.0.0 - Game mod - Download
The file Multiple Spouses v.1.0.0 is a modification for Stardew Valley, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 195.6 KB
Last Update: Monday, June 22, 2020
Downloads: 6230
Last 7 days: 7
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Multiple Spouses is a mod for Stardew Valley, created by aedenthorn.
Allows you to have multiple spouses, kisses, pregnancies, spouse rooms, etc.
Mod Features:
Lets you marry NPCs when you're already married.
Lets you date NPCs when you're already married.
Randomly chooses spouses to be outdoor spouses, bed spouses, and kitchen spouses each day.
Adds spouse rooms for every spouse in a row next to the original spouse room.
Lets you make your bed bigger and have your spouses sleep spread out throughout it at night (pic above).
Lets you kiss all of your spouses as many times per day as you like, because seriously.
?Lets your spouses kiss each other.
Replaces kissing dwop sounds with realistic, 3D spatial kissing sounds
Lets you buy mermaid pendants from the Old Mariner when married and even when it's not raining.
Lets you have multiple pregnancies with individual spouses and potentially have more than two children (highly experimental).
?Lets you have amicable divorces with all of your spouses.
Lets you customize certain spouse dialogue strings for each spouse that weren't customizable before (see below).
This mod is brand new and probably has lots of kinks left to work out still. Check back often for new versions (SMAPI will tell you when there's an update) and be prepared for crashes, bugs, and even save game corruption. Also create log files and post bug reports with links to log files (don't paste log text into the bug report), please.
The game has two separate ways of checking for spouses: asking who a farmer's spouse is, and asking whether a given NPC is the farmer's spouse. Where it asks the former, there can only be one answer, so I've tried to replace or work around such requests. There are still instances where who the "official spouse" is matters - most noticeably regarding who's spouse room is shown in the default spouse room area. Also many mods seem to prefer the first method (you can bug mod authors to choose the second option, tell them I sent you ;) ). Anyway:
In order to switch which spouse is your official spouse, give a bouquet to a non-official spouse.
The bouquet won't be consumed and you should see the official spouse room switch to their room immediately. This won't happen if you are engaged, however, since the fiance needs to be set as the official spouse until after the wedding.
Some vanilla marriage dialogue will be repetitive. For example, on Fall 15, every female spouse will ask "Have you figured out what you're going to use for our grange display tomorrow?" You can fix this if you add a fall_15 entry to MarriageDialoguePenny, for example. Some dialogue strings are hard-coded though, to the extent that they can't be individualized for each spouse. Worse, some of them are chosen pseudo-randomly but will be the same for each spouse on a given day. I've changed those to be fully random per spouse, and opened up the hard-coded marriage dialogue strings for you to edit. I've created an article with the strings you can add to your spouses' MarriageDialogue<Name> file overrides here.
Giving pendants while engaged has been disabled (the receiver will reject the offer), because this interferes with the process of gaining a new spouse. Wait until after the marriage to get married, sheesh!
This mod probably doesn't work well with Krobus as a roommate, but I haven't tested that. Let me know of any specific problems and I can try to code around them.
?This mod most likely does not work with multiplayer marriages, but I haven't tested that.
Config Settings:
"EnableMod": true, - set to false to completely disable the mod
"BuyPendantsAnytime": false, - causes the Old Mariner to appear even when it's not raining
"MinPointsToMarry": 2500, - friendship points needed to marry (250 points per heart), reject dialogue is different below 60% of this value
"MinPointsToDate": 2000, - friendship points needed to date (250 points per heart), reject dialogue is different below 50% of this value
"MaxGiftsPerDay": 1, - number of gifts you can give each of your spouses per day (-1 means no limit)
"DaysUntilMarriage": 3, - how many days between proposal and wedding (barring any events on that date (min 1 day)
"FriendlyDivorce": true, - divorce maintains spouse hearts and sets status to "friendly" rather than "divorced".
"BuildAllSpousesRooms": true, - causes each spouse to get a spouse room
"ExistingSpouseRoomOffsetX": 0, - tile x offset of your custom farmhouse's spouse room.
"ExistingSpouseRoomOffsetY": 0, - tile y offset of your custom farmhouse's spouse room.
"HallTileOdd": 265, - odd numbered tile to use in the spouse room hallway
"HallTileEven": 266, - even numbered tile to use in the spouse room hallway
"HallTileOddSheet": 0, - tilesheet index to use for hallway odd numbered tile
"HallTileEvenSheet": 0, - tilesheet index to use for hallway even numbered tile
"CustomBed": true, - rebuild the farm bed to ?make it wider and let you to walk on the pillows.
"BedWidth": 3, - set the width of the custom bed in tiles (min is 3, max is 7 for first house upgrade and 9 for second house upgrade)
"ExistingBedOffsetX": 0, - tile x offset of your custom farmhouse's bed (the original bed must actually be there!).
"ExistingBedOffsetY": 0, - tile y offset of your custom farmhouse's bed.
"AllowSpousesToKiss": true, - allow spouses to kiss each other
"SpouseKissChance": 0.5, - chance per second of a kiss happening between two spouses
"RealKissSound": False, - use a real kissing sound (3D spatial for spouse-to-spouse)
"MaxDistanceToKiss": 200.0, - max distance spouses can be in order to kiss each other (in pixels)
"MinSpouseKissInterval": 5.0, - min seconds between spouses kissing each other
"BabyRequestChance": 0.05, - chance per night for each spouse asking for a baby (1.0 = 100%, only one request per night)
"AllowGayPregnancies": True, - Cause same-sex couples to become pregnant rather than adopt.
"FemaleBabyChance": 0.5, - Chance a baby is female (1.0 = 100%)
"PregnancyDays": 14, - How long a pregnancy lasts (days)
"MaxChildren": 2, - Maximum number of children (-1 means no limit)
Please post bug reports if this mod breaks your game, and make sure to include a SMAPI log link from the SMAPI site.
This mod now recognizes TMXL Map Toolkit spouse rooms of custom NPCs (thanks kdau!). Nothing special needs to be done; let me know if your custom NPC room doesn't show up.
It probably works well with Keep Your Partners.
It appears to work with Pregnancy Role?.
It probably plays well with simple Content Patcher mods.
There is a high probability it breaks anything else touching spouses or pregnancies.
If you are using a custom farm house, you may need to disable the BuildAllSpousesRooms and CustomBed options.
I hear the spouse rooms work okay with Bathroom after 2nd House Upgrade?.
Let me know if you find it is compatible with any specific spouse-related mod, please.
Install the latest version of SMAPI.
Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods.
Run the game using SMAPI.
- Last update: Monday, June 22, 2020
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 195.6 KB