Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - CPU Limiter v.1.0 - Game mod - Download

The file CPU Limiter v.1.0 is a modification for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 484.8 KB

Last Update: Monday, December 16, 2019

Downloads: 927

Last 7 days: 0

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CPU Limiter is a mod for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, created by Sorestus.

Description (in author’s own words):

Limits the CPU usage to keep the game from using 100% CPU capacity. Should help older CPU's from stuttering

I had similar problem with Kingdom come deliverance, so took the same solution and modified. Now my version works on my machine, hope that it helps others.

File need to be edited because not all have the same system Directory.

How to use BES (CPU Limitter)

1. Unpack tool to any location on your hard drive disc.

1.1 (Optional) Just download and configure autolauncher bat file (steam ver. or non), then run autolimited game by one click anytime.

2. Run BES.exe.

3. might need to run as administrator for it to work.

4. Load your game.

5. Alt+Tab to BES and choose "starwarsjedifallenorder.exe" procces by pressing "Target" button.

6. Press "Limit this" button and set with bottom slider percentage -4% usage, which means your game may take only 96% of your processor power.

7. Minimize the tool to tray.

8. Play game and enjoy almost freeze free gameplay ;)

The Auto launcher configures, BES startup and starts your game.

How to use autolauncher:

1. Download AUTOlauncher (steam version or non, depends what version you use) from "Optional files" and unpack to any location on your disc.

2. Right click on file - choose "?hange/Edit" and open it in notepad.

3. Change directories as guided inside bat file (avoid to use strange symbols and long patches). Save it after edits.

4. If you used for game common directories like "Program Files", you should run game "As administrator", run BES "As administrator" too, just in case.

5. Run the game by clicking on this bat file, they should start together with BES, with autolimiting (orange light in tray).

6. Congratulations! Now you can always load your stabilized game by one click, without any additional manipulations.

Have run this, on windows 7

have now tried Windows 10 as well and it works fine.

Without the Mod win 10 stutters less than win 7.

just a tip if you are running the game on win 7

  • Last update: Monday, December 16, 2019
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 484.8 KB