Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption - v.1.1 - Game update - Download
Game update (patch) to Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption , a(n) strategy game, v.1.1, added on Friday, December 15, 2006.
File Type: Game update
File Size: 20.1 MB
Last Update: Friday, December 15, 2006
Downloads: 9978
Last 7 days: 0
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version: v.1.1
For PC: 1.1 update
Posted: 12/14/06
Thank you for downloading the STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR (TM) Forces of Corruption update. This version includes all previous updates.
Installation: After downloading the update, double click on FOCUpdate1_1.exe to install. The installer will automatically search for the folder where you originally installed STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR: Forces of Corruption and install the update. If the update does not Locate STAR WARS: EMPIRE AT WAR: Forces of Corruption on your system, you may need to reinstall the game and then run FOCUpdate1_1.exe again.
This update addresses the following:
Balance Changes:
- Ion Cannon and Hyper Velocity Gun now set to a max of 2 per planet for both single-player Galactic Conquest and Multiplayer.
- All fighters now do 30% less damage to space station shielding.
- Mobile Defense units are now victory relevant units in battle.
- Stealth units now de-cloak when stunned.
Missile Defense Turrets (Empire and Rebel)
- Missile volley increased from 4 to 6 missiles.
- Duration between volleys decreased from 5 to 3.5 seconds.
- Mobile Defense Units for all factions garrison cost
- Changed to pip values of 2.
Darth Vader
- Cost to assassinate changed to 15000 credits.
TIE Interceptor
- Cost decreased from 600 to 550.
- Health increased by 5%.
- Executor tractor beam can no longer target space stations.
- Executor now has population value in space.
Imperial Star Destroyer
- Turbolaser hard point health increased to 350.
- Fighter bay hard point health increased to 250.
- Shield Generator hard point health increased to 375.
- Tractor beam hard point health increased to 225.
- Ion cannon shot volley increased to 6 per round.
Death Star
- Capital Ship laser recharge increased to 60 seconds.
Tie Defender
- Base speed decreased by 10%.
Tie Phantom
- Shields increased by 15%.
- Health reduced by 10%.
- Cloaking ability recharge reduced from 55 to 10 Seconds.
- Cloaking duration increased from 40 to 80 seconds.
- AT-STs can be garrisoned with a pip value of 2.
- Dark Trooper IIIs can be garrisoned at a pip value of 2.
- TIE maulers pip value changed to 2.
- Speed increased by 30%.
- Point Defense duration increased to 25 seconds.
Magnapulse Cannon
- Skirmish multiplayer build cost increased from 1200 to 1400.
- Stun area increased by 50%.
- Duration increased from 10 to 17 seconds.
- Fog of war reveal radius around structure reduced from 1500 to 500.
- Stun now affects R2D2 and C3PO.
- Range increased by 10%.
Empire Offensive Sensor Node
- Added new particle effect.
- Targets acquired increased from 4 to 6.
- Attack range increased by 25%.
- Sight range increased from 500 to 700.
- Cost increased from 100 to 175.
- Now does damage over time while enemy unit is in its attack radius.
Arc Hammer
- The Arc Hammer now has a pop cap value of 2.
- Moving targets are no longer held in place by the Lancets beam weapon. If moving targets get too far away the Lancet will now break off the beam weapon attack.
- Shields reduced from 50 to 40.
- Health reduced from 75 to 60.
- Buzz Droid damage increased by 15%.
- Buzz Droid duration decreased by 6 seconds.
- Delay between weapon shots increased by 1 second.
- Buzz Droid chase range increased by 20%.
- Cost increased to 675.
- Build time increased to 13 seconds.
Skipray Blastboat
- Increased speed by 20%.
- Jamming radius reduced from 800 to 300.
- Jamming duration reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.
- Cost decreased to 700
Interceptor IV Frigate
- Special ability duration reduced to 7 seconds.
- Speed reduced by 20%.
- Shield refresh rate decreased from 45 to 40.
F9TZ Transport
- Cloaking duration reduced from 300 to 120 seconds.
- Hack Death Star cost increased from 38000 to 50000.
Crusader Gunship
- Health increased from 1000 to 800.
- Speed reduced by 20%.
- Point defense laser system time between shots decreased by 20%.
- Point defense duration increased to 35 seconds.
Vengeance Frigate
- Cloaking duration increased from 45 to 60 seconds.
- Cloaking ability recharge reduced from 35 to 15 seconds.
Keldabe-class Battleship
- Ion cannon shot volley decreased to 3 per round.
- Turbolaser shot volley decreased to 8 per round.
Space Station
- Plasma Cannon recharge time decreased to 120 seconds.
- Mass Driver cannon hard point health reduced to 450.
- Mass Driver cannon shot volley decreased to 8 per round.
- Plasma weapon hard point health reduced to 450.
- Plasma weapon shot volley decreased to 6 per round.
Canderous Assault Tank
- Speed decreased by 20%.
- Turn rate decreased by 50%.
- Shield strength reduced by 20%.
Mass Driver Turret
- Cost increased from 900 to 975.
Torpedo Turret
- Cost increased from 800 to 850.
Consortium Repulsor Jammer
- Skirmish multiplayer build cost increased from 1400 to 1600.
Mass Driver Cannons
- All Consortium Mass Driver cannons are now 25% less accurate vs. fighters.
- Speed increased by 20%.
- Damage vs. mines and defense satellites increased by 20%.
- Price reduced from 675 to 600.
- Lure ability recharge reduced from 90 seconds to 50 seconds.
- Lure ability activated duration reduced from 20 seconds to 14 seconds.
- Lure Ability now affects StarVipers and Skiprays.
Corellian Corvette
- Speed increased by 20%.
Rebel Uplink Station
- Skirmish multiplayer build cost decreased from 1800 to 1100.
- Sensor ping recharge time decreased from 40 to 23 seconds.
Rebel Orbital Bombardment
- Visual affect now properly displays on affected units.
- Droids now stunned during mirrored match games.
- Duration increased to 28 seconds.
- Price reduced to 6000.
- Shield strength increased by 15%.
- Base Speed reduced by 10%.
- S-foil speed increased by 10%.
MC30 Frigate
- Time between torpedo volleys increased by 1 second.
- Corrected an issue where player pop cap value would go. down by one when a MPTL spotter is destroyed.
Gallofree Heavy Troop Transport
- T2-B Tanks pip value changed to 2
Rebel Trooper
- Health reduced to 48
Multiplayer Space Upgrades:
Asteroid mine health
- Increased from 1200 to 1700.
Reflective Armor
- Level 1 price increased from 575 to 1100.
- Level 2 price increased from 1200 to 2300.
- Level 3 price increased from 1900 to 3400.
- Level 1 build time increased from 14 to 28 seconds.
- Level 1 build time increased from 30 to 35 seconds.
Reinforced Durasteel
- Level 1 price increased from 750 to 1000.
- Level 2 price increased from 1100 to 2300.
- Level 3 price increased from 2900 to 3200.
- Level 1 build time increased from 23 to 25 seconds.
- Level 3 build time decreased from 45 to 40 seconds.
Targeting System
- Level 1 price increased from 850 to 950.
- Level 2 price increased from 1500 to 2500.
- Level 3 price increased from 2500 to 3500.
- Level 1 build time increased from 20 to 23 seconds.
- Level 3 build time increased from 33 to 35 seconds.
Black Market Engines
- Level 1 price increased from 650 to 850.
- Level 2 price increased from 650 to 1600.
- Level 3 price increased from 650 to 2800.
- Level 1 build time decreased from 20 to 18 seconds.
- Level 2 build time increased from 20 to 25 seconds.
- Level 3 build time increased from 20 to 33 seconds.
Carbonite Firing Coolant
- Level 1 price increased from 650 to 1200.
- Level 2 price increased from 900 to 2300.
- Level 1 build time increased from 20 to 25 seconds.
- Level 2 build time increased from 20 to 35 seconds.
Consortium Asteroid Mines
- Price increased from 850 to 1000.
- Build time decreased from 35 to 30.
Boba Fetts Sonic Bomb
- Does additional damage to fighters.
Map Changes:
Addressed the following issues:
- Adjusted mine locations on the Mandalore land map.
- Adjusted mine locations on the Bespin space map.
- Relocated reinforcement point on the Assault on Hoth land map.
- Relocated barracks on the Hypori Land map.
- Replaced space map for Bespin with a star field version.
Galactic Conquest:
- Players can no longer bring raid fleets that contain repulsorlift vehicles to Jabiim.
- Corrected an issue where the Rebellion and Empire could not produce capital ships at Mandalore if either faction controlled the planet.
- Added missing Mon Calamari slave units and connected them to Mon Calamari corruption.
- Added 2 MC30 Frigates and 2 Mon Calamari Cruisers to each multiplayer campaign on the Rebel side to better balance starting Rebel fleets against Empire space heroes.
All Changes:
- AI will produce less land units above planets.
- AI will now wait longer before removing corruption.
- AI for all factions is more proactive about defending space stations.
- AI will use less transport units.
- AI for all 3 major factions will now build and use Mobile Defense Units.
- AI will now try to find and destroy Orbital Long Range Scanners.
Audio Changes:
- The Empire and Rebel factions now receive the appropriate warning for "enemy fleet approaching" in galactic mode.
- The Consortium now receive the appropriate responses for Upgrade Complete and Fire When Ready in relation to the Plasma Cannon.
- The TIE Defenders ion cannon fire sound effect now sounds like ion cannon fire.
- The TIE Phantoms Scout related responses will no longer play when selecting or moving the unit.
- The Interceptor IV Frigate unit responses for select and attack have been swapped. The Interceptor IV was playing those responses incorrectly.
- Han Solo's remove corruption ability now uses the Rebel response instead of incorrectly using the Empires response.
- General Veers no longer says "Incoming Rebel fire" when attacked by the Consortium.
Additional Changes:
The following issues have been addressed:
- Intermittent crash when trying to neutralize ship-only or vehicle-only heroes using the Neutralize Hero ability.
- Intermittent crash when the Remote Bomb ability is left on auto-fire.
- Adjusted the starting tech level slider setting in Galactic Conquest for the Rebels under advanced options.
- Heroes would sometimes be taken out of play and never return.
- The fog of war would hide objects under the players control after using Yodas force sight or losing control of the sensor array.
- The auto-fire box would overlay onto tactical production buttons.
- Consortium no longer receives the Death Star firing switch in the HUD when the Death Star is in a battle.
- Long buddy messages sent from GameSpy will no longer overlap and corrupt the save dialogue.
- The Consortium Space Stations Plasma Cannon Turret cannot fire immediately upon starting a space battle.
- The Death Star's beam will now be visible when destroying a planet during the 'Enhanced Targeting' cool down period.
- Corruption particles are now correctly removed from a planet in galactic mode if the planet is destroyed by the Death Star during a tactical space battle.
- Human players will now lose space skirmish battles as soon as there are no human players left.
- Teammates will now be able to use captured Turbolaser towers correctly.
- The Repulsorlift Jammer no longer affects allies.
- Increased ability to ignore spammers in the internet lobby. Instead of having to click on a players name to hit ignore, players can select a line of text in the chat window and the player who issued it will automatically be highlighted.
- Last update: Friday, December 15, 2006
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 20.1 MB