Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption - Unofficial Forces of Corruption Patch (UFoCP) v.1.16.682 - Game mod - Download
The file Unofficial Forces of Corruption Patch (UFoCP) v.1.16.682 is a modification for Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.
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File Size: 20.1 MB
Last Update: Monday, October 18, 2021
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Unofficial Forces of Corruption Patch (UFoCP) is a mod for Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, której autorem jest AlyMar1994.
Star Wars: Empire at War – Forces of Corruption: the eight-month-in-dev expansion. On its release, Forces of Corruption released with slews of bugs. Petroglyph released a bunch of patches in post, but many issues still remained. The overall point of the UFoCP is to be a comprehensive one-does-all patch for FoC. The goal: to eventually fix every bug with FoC not officially resolved by Petroglyph, to the limits of what's possible in the Alamo engine and community-developed tools, in one package.
This mod works only with Steam version of the game.
Make sure you're taking the folder inside the ZIP and putting it in your mods folder, the directory being "\corruption\Mods\UFoCP-[Version]\Data", then run it with the proper mod parameter "MODPATH=Mods\UFoCP-[Version]".
Detailed Features:
-Reverted bad AI change which messed up a plan from BuildGroundForcesPlan.LUA.
-Fixed regression in BudgetingEquations: Added "Darth_Team_Executor" as a budgeting requirement under <TechUpgradeBudgetRequirement>.
-Fixed regression in InfrastructureGalacticEquations: I literally deleted the entire document from the repo. It has been restored with proper changes (changes from "Death_Star" --> "Death_Star_II," "Darth_Team_Expansion" additions to budgeting, adding "U_Ground_Gravity_Generator" to the desireable savings list, ect).
-Felucia – Reverted changes from v1.9. This is a part of a bigger problem where the default Felucia map causes errors inside the game, and my edits were making them worse.
-Fixed space CorruptionRewards (Piracy units) causing errors in code. This was due to the Underworld Piracy units not pulling values I told it to pull from other ships.
-Reorganized the all hardpoints files into seperate files: Hardpoints (for Pirates/misc factions and items), _Rebels (for Rebel space and land items), _Empire (for Empire space and land items), and _Underworld (to only include Underworld items). The original files were messy, gigantic and without organization.
-Reorganized the all upgrade files into seperate files: UpgradeObjects_Rebels, _Empire, _Underworld and original UpgradeObjects for organization.
-All hardpoints files have undergone a structural/code rework, standardizing it and cleaning it up. Hardpoints without Damage_Types should be fixed, and everything should be functioning properly.
-Reorganized the upgrades files and its contents to be cleaned, along with fixing any erroneous upgrades.
-Fixed duplicate trade route "Anaxes_Carida" to fix an internal error.
-Fixed duplicate trade route "Mandalore_Utapau" to fix an internal error.
-Removed ability "Tani_Slicer" declaration in GameConstants to fix an internal error, as Tani is a completely unused unit.
-Removed ability "Mara_Jade_Sabotage" declaration in GameConstants to fix an internal error, as Mara isn't a galactic unit and cannot sabotage like the Defilers (she doesn't have the ability anyway).
-Removed ability "Kyle_Katarn_Sabotage" declaration in GameConstants to fix an internal error, as Kyle isn't a galactic unit and cannot sabotage like the Defilers (he doesn't have the ability anyway).
-Removed ability "Corruptor_Corrupt_Planet_1" declaration in GameConstants to fix an internal error, as the "Saboteur"/"Corrupter" unit was replaced with the modern Defiler.
-New file "Units_UFoCP_Hero_Rebel_VehicleThieves" which condenses all Han Solo & Chewbacca files into one document.
-Fixed upgrade "Reinforced Durasteel" lv.1-3. The upgrades originally did nothing, as their ability type to upgrade was "Ground_Automatic" instead of "Space_Automatic."
-Fixed upgrade "Reinforced Durasteel" lv.1-3. Upgrades referenced applicable unit category "structure" and not specifically the Underworld space stations, meaning all structures would endure a defense upgrade. The space stations didn't get the upgrade anyway, as they're type "capital."
-Fixed upgrade Combat Armor (lv.1) tooltip mentioning infantry defense is increased 25%, when in reality it was 50%. Tooltip has been changed.
-Fixed upgrade Combat Armor (lv.2) tooltip mentioning infantry defense is increased 25%, when in reality it was 50%, and not mentiong both infantry and Plex. Tooltip has been changed.
-Fixed upgrade "Light Armor Plating" (lv.1 and 2) not mentioning it upgrades Pod Walkers as well.
-Fixed upgrade "Enhanced Repulsors" (lv.1 and 2) not mentioning it upgrades Pod Walkers as well.
-Fixed upgrade "Stamina Boost" not having "Stormtrooper_Team" as a part of the affected units.
-Fixed upgrade "Light Reflective Armor" not having the correct reflection percentages mentioned in the tooltip.
-Fixed upgrade "Improved AT-AT Reactors" (lv.2) not having the correct percentage bonuses mentioned in the tooltip.
-Fixed upgrade "Weapon Boost (Level 2)" not being mentioning the Canderous Tank in the skirmish upgrade's tooltip. Along with the MZ-8 tank, the Candie also gets its damage upgrade by 50%.
-Fixed upgrade "Modified Cloaking Generator" (lv.1 and 2) upgrades. Upgrade originally did nothing, as ability type was "Ground_Automatic" instead of "Space_Automatic."
-Fixed upgrade "Modified Cloaking Generator" (lv.2) upgrade. Upgrade originally did nothing, as ability type was "Ground_Automatic" instead of "Space_Automatic."
-Removed duplicate <Category_Mask> on the "Enhanced Base Shield" Empire upgrade.
-(LUA) PGEvents – Fixed up some missing behaviors. Changing some permissions so the AI can suggest using the "take cover" ability on land, and for AT-ATs AI to suggest using their "deploy troopers" ability (when they need to, of course). This has led to a direct increase in the AI using these abilities when not so before.
-(LUA) PGEvents – Fixed a behavior that didn't include Underworld skirmish turbolasers as a part of the AI to try to get in and/or escape the maximum attack range for "artillery" (turbolaser towers, MPTL, ect).
-(LUA) TacticalMultiplayerBuildSpaceUnitsGeneric – Modified script to search for new Han Solo & Chewbacca MP space unit.
-Fixed the Underworld using Rebel music instead of their own proper faction losing music in a default strategic/tactical loss.
-Rebel – Fixed ability toggle SFX for enemy calling "ABILITY_LURE" instead of just "LURE," causing an internal error and preventing the abilities from playing proper SFXEvents if assigned.
-Rebel – Fixed ability toggle SFX for enemy calling "ABILITY_ROCKET_ATTACK" instead of just "ROCKET_ATTACK."
-Rebel – Removed all SFXEvents for abilities "HARASS" ("Harass") and "AVOID_DANGER" ("Scout") as those abilities don't exist in the game anymore, and caused errors.
-Empire – Fixed ability toggle SFX for enemy calling "ABILITY_LURE" instead of just "LURE."
-Empire – Fixed ability toggle SFX for enemy calling "ABILITY_ROCKET_ATTACK" instead of just "ROCKET_ATTACK."
-Empire – Removed all SFXEvents for abilities "HARASS" ("Harass") and "AVOID_DANGER" ("Scout") as those abilities don't exist in the game anymore, and caused errors.
-Underworld – Fixed ability toggle SFX for enemy calling "ABILITY_LURE" instead of just "LURE."
-Underworld – Fixed ability toggle SFX for enemy calling "ABILITY_ROCKET_ATTACK" instead of just "ROCKET_ATTACK."
-Underworld – Removed all SFXEvents for abilities "HARASS" ("Harass") and "AVOID_DANGER" ("Scout") as those abilities don't exist in the game anymore, and caused errors.
Maps/Planets (Space)
-Fixed space obstacle "Nebula Friggin Huge Ion" not actually being considered an ion storm in-game. This caused "friggin huge" ion storm on maps like space skirmish Felucia to *not* act like an ion storm, and only a nebula.
Planets (Galactic)
-Added a galactic-level icon for Corruption type "Piracy," so when a planet gets corrupted it visibly shows Piracy affects the planet (originally, Petro never included an icon in-game). It looks like ass, but it fixes the issue right now.
Structures (Land)
-Rebel Command Center – Fixed non-MP variants not having encyclopedia text (was causing internal errors).
Structures (Space)
-Empire Space Station – Fixed a missile launcher on the level five station not having an SFXEvent for being destroyed.
-Empire Space Station – Fixed a tutorial variant's hardpoints having damage modifiers when they shouldn't (as they're useless dummies).
-Empire Space Station – Fixed a tutorial variant's hardpoints having multiple alternate firing bones attached when it only can have two.
-Pirate Asteroid Base – Fixed using wrong "Model_To_Attach" to attach the second laser hardpoint to a bone. Was "Nb_apbase_hp_ll1.alo" instead of "Nb_apbase_hp_ll2.alo" (ll1 was used by another hardpoint).
-Pirate Asteroid Base – Fixed all turbolaser hardpoints using an incorrect damage type (Damage_Sation_Turbolaser), which lead to bad damage modifications. They have been corrected to "Damage_Station_Turbolaser."
-Pirate Asteroid Base – Fixed all laser hardpoints using an incorrect damage type (Damage_Sation_Laser), which lead to bad damage modifications. They have been corrected to "Damage_Station_Laser."
-Fixed EaW bumpmap texture "EB_BaseWall_DS1_BC" not including any modifications to the texture to imply destruction. Style preserved.
Units (Galactic)
-The Sundered Heart - Captain Antilles – Fixed general hero AI not including Antilles as with all other heroes in trying to decide where to stay when not in-use.
Units (Land)
-Blizzard 1 - General Veers – Fixed unit causing errors by referencing a non-existent SFXEvent for a land unit callout.
-Blizzard 1 - General Veers – Attempt fix at unit callouts not working on land.
-Chewbacca – Fixed land shadow scale being multiplied by 2. Scale is now 5.
-Grenadiers – Fixed infantry being unbribable in Underworld mirror skirmish matches. They have been given a <Tactical_Bribe_Cost> so Tyber Zann can bribe enemy Underworld infantry. Uses vanilla bribe cost value of 25 credits.
-M.A.L. – Removed non-existent sound file usage "U000_MAL0503_ENG," an assist movement line (was causing internal errors), and adjacent subtitle file.
-Merc Assault Squad – Fixed infantry being unbribable in Underworld mirror skirmish matches. They have been given a <Tactical_Bribe_Cost> so Tyber Zann can bribe enemy Underworld infantry. Uses vanilla bribe cost value of 25 credits.
Units (Space)
-Corellian Gunship – Fixed inconsistent hardpoint tags. Half of the missile hardpoints wouldn't fire on-target, and half would. All four missile hardpoints won't immediately fire on targeting, as intended.
-Pirate Interceptor Frigate – Fixed turbolaser hardpoints using Acclamator laser cannon damage modifiers.
-Rogue Squadron – Fixed Derek Kilvian's lines not playing when his enemy's health is critical in Rogue Squadron. The SFXEvent was improperly named "Unit_Enemy_Health_Critcal_Derek_Klivian" instead of "Unit_Enemy_Health_Critical_Derek_Klivian."
-Rogue Squadron – Fixed Rogue Squadron playing generic X-wing lines when going into nebula or asteroids.
-The Millennium Falcon - Han Solo & Chewbacca - Created a new MP unit to fix the object contestation glitch ("Boba Mine Glitch"). Unit performs the same as original.
Useful links:
Empire at War Community Discord
Steam Source:
Unofficial Forces of Corruption Patch (UFoCP) on Nexus
- Last update: Monday, October 18, 2021
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 20.1 MB