Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) - Sullust: Jedi Conclave - Game mod - Download

The file Sullust: Jedi Conclave is a modification for Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005), a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 37.1 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Downloads: 228

Last 7 days: 0

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Sullust: Jedi Conclave is a mod for Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the one from 2005), created by Maveritchell.


his is a large, arena-style map that served as a prototype for the Knights of the Old Republic sides for the Conversion Pack. It (the map) was later included as part of Dark Times. This is a standalone release.

Note: This is a reupload of my original file from SWBFFiles/Filefront. This is not a new file - it was released originally in 2007.

This is a Hero Assault map, featuring Jedi versus Sith. Also present will be Republic troopers and Sith troopers, as locals but mostly as cannon fodder. There are 12 force powers to be used; 4 Dark Side powers, 3 Light Side powers, and 5 Universal powers.

The Jedi classes are broken down as they are in the game Knights of the Old Republic. There is a Force-heavy class, a Melee-heavy class, and a balanced class, and then "Prestige" classes for all of these. If you are unfamiliar with how these classes are set up, not to worry. All this really means is that one-third of the classes is set to be melee-oriented (guardians, Sith Marauder, and Jedi Weaponmaster), one-third is set to be force-oriented (consulars, Sith Lord, and Jedi Master), and one-third is balanced (sentinels, Sith Assassin, and Jedi Watchman). In this map, the force-oriented classes are the weakest, but can use the most force powers, whereas the melee classes are strongest but have the least force-using ability. The balanced classes are somewhere in the middle.

Additionally, there is an infantry assault bonus mode included, available if you play CW hero assault.

Mod offers an installer.

In case of problems make sure you have The Unofficial v1.3 Patch installed.

  • Last update: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 37.1 MB