Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords - v.2.13 retail - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords , a(n) strategy game, v.2.13 retail, added on Monday, July 23, 2007.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 80.9 MB

Last Update: Monday, July 23, 2007

Downloads: 1752

Last 7 days: 0

Report problems with download: [email protected]

version: v.2.13

Civilization IV: Warlords v2.13 fixes :

Ship combat odds no longer affected by crossing a river

Game no longer crashes when you load a save with the diplomacy screen open

Fixed bug where ships could sometimes attack ground units

When the user is the last human player in a multiplayer game, the retire option now works properly

Forts act as cities only if they within friendly (ally or vassal) to the defender borders

GameCore DLL no longer loaded from CustomAssets folder. Mods can still have their own DLL

Fixed pop-rush rounding bug

Fixed absenece of production popup for conquered city under certain circumstances

Fixed multiple missions exploit from the same Great Person

GNP graph shows total commerce generated, not only raw commerce

Just one Cathedral required for OCC

Barbarian Spearmen and Galleys appear as intended

Fixed crop yield history reset on load

Fixed removed spy teleportation mission :-)

Fixed hotseat tech chooser bug

Game no longer hangs when you retire from a one-player hotseat game

Widescreen Laptop video resolution 1280x720 is supported

Vassal States

No longer possible to receive a request from an AI to declare war on one of his vassals (!)

Vassals can no longer accept one-sided defensive pacts (!)

Fixed happiness from vassal issue

You can now airlift into cities of your vassal

You don't pay supply costs for units inside your vassal's borders

Can no longer ask someone to make peace with a vassal. Talk to the master directly.

Vassal AI improvement

When you declare war on a vassal, you also declare war on the master (instead of the master declaring war on you)

Vassal AI no longer makes *all* their gold available for trade.

Vassal AI never refuse to talk to their master

AI better considers war consequences of accepting a vassal

Vassals no longer freed when master forms a permanent alliance

- Fixes the vassal/defensive pact exploit

Master/Vassal AI attitude reflects the implicit defensive pact of a vassal agreement.

Master/Vassal AI no longer give each other negative attitude modifiers for close borders.

Vassal AI does not get upset because of Master's defensive pacts with third parties.

Vassal cannot own plots within the city radius of his master's cities unless those plots are closer to his own cities.

If you have a peace treaty in effect with someone, you can no longer declare war on their vassals either.

Adjusted negative AI attitude for having vassals

AI no longer refuses to become a vassal because of "your lands too far" when you are actually neighbors

Great Generals

When a generic Great General is attached to a unit, the unit is no longer given a TXT_KEY name

Great Generals experience threshold scales with the ratio of Great People threshold to unit production rate

(so the threshold is the same at all speeds except Marathon where they require 1.5 time more experience)


Anonymous play: real player names revealed on game end

Fix for anonymous mode not being always anonymous

Fixed some more anonymous play issues

- You can no longer see other player's names in the staging screen for loading a save

- You no longer see the player ID for "waiting to hear from..."

Fixed selection issue in simultaneous MP for recently-moved units

Now possible to join a Pitboss game where only AI are left

Fixed Pitboss not-ready-to-launch bug

Pitboss no longer crashes when launching as players are joining

Pitboss no longer crashes when large amounts of text are spammed into the chat box

Don't allow launching the game with players still in the civ selection screen

Fixed MP crash when player is eliminated with the trade screen up and performs a trade

Switched to new GameSpy SDK

No autosaves generated for PBEM

Innocent units are no longer penalized when another unit moves near the end of the turn timer and stays selected

Added "logging enabled" warning for MP

LAN: No longer possible to spam the network with game refresh requests


Fixed non-shader version of Mehmed

if too many individual plots need globe rendering, redraw entire globe texture for performance

Hooked up modern harbor graphic

Fixed issue where combat zoom did not happen after you just clicked "yes" on the popup to declare war.

Possible fix for grid crash. Test by playing at medium or low graphics level.

Kublai / Qin swap

High resolution terrain option has no effect when graphics settings are not at the highest level


Combat odds greater than 99.9% are displayed as such (not rounded to 100%)

Combat odds less than 0.1% are displayed as such (not rounded to 0%)

Active resource deals (1 of X) display the correct number for X

Diplomacy screen: leader attitude once again shown at the top

Regenerating the map resets the statistics in the Info screen

Plot indicator rotation no longer gives away your location on the map (north-south hemisphere)

Fixed Python exception in plotlist mouseover help

Fixed watermill and workshop tooltip

Mission queue is no longer cleared after the selection group has used up all its movement from a previous mission

Fixed cursor location for windowed maximized mode.

Rally points now work with autopromote

Canceling a deal in the diplomacy advisor no longer affects the state of any existing diplomacy screen

Fixed erroneous score display in city screen for games with over 20 number of players

Foreign advisor: leaderheads no longer cut off when tech or resource trading not possible

Great Person city bar mouseover shows turns left

Your cities can now have the same name as an existing city of another civ (to prevent renaming to expose your AI opponents)

Civ name appears after city names when captured and when Great People are born

(to avoid confusion now that duplicate names are allowed)

City selection: Shift-clicking on a selected city de-selects it, just as it works for unit selection

Fixed sorting bug in Domestic advisor

Improved performance for large selection groups

Fixed F6 screen update issue for PBEM

Fixed civilopedia display for buidings that give raw food/production/commerce/gold/science

No more warnings for animals at your borders

No more '&' allowed in player and city names (special character)

Globeview unit indicator and help text show up correctly for plots with more than one unit

Correct unit mouseover for collateral damage protection

Correctly updating yield symbols after plot ownership change

Workers given orders after they have moved wake up when in danger


Fixed SAM noise issue

Fixed a sound bug

Added audio to enemy unit warnings

Stalin gets Peter's diplo music, not Catherine's

Fixed audio crash on reload

Diplomacy music was slightly too loud for new leaders


AI no longer chooses state religion civics if it has no religion

City governor no longer overly starves a city when there is not enough food

Fixed a couple more issues with the city governor

AI no longer dumps their entire nuclear arsenal on the barbarians

Fixed bug where AI would sometimes accept trades for your worthless maps

AI builds bunkers more urgently

AI city placement improvement as per Blake

Improved AI use of 'emphasize' buttons as per Blake

Pop-rush and draft AI improvement as per Blake

Worker AI improvement as per Blake

Improved civics AI as per Blake

Tweaked AI building priorities as per Blake

Fixed AI accidental war declaration (crash into submarine)

AI no longer offers non-peace deals when at war


Increased trebuchet cost to 80

Quarries give +1 shield with railroads

Expansive gets +50% production for workers, and just +2 health

Navigation II requires Flanking

Leadership gives double experience points

Stables obsolete with Rocketry (when mounted units upgrade to Gunships)

Siege units no longer defend after other less powerful units in a stack

When gifting a unit to a charismatic leader, an experience adjustment occurs.

(Prevents exploits of gifting units to a charismatic teammate just for them to promote and return them)

Removed balanced resource option from Mirror mapscript

Creative gets cheap Libraries

Organized gets cheap Factories

Jaguar gets Woodsman promotion instead of 25% jungle defense

Bureaucracy: High upkeep

Representation: +3 Happy in largest cities

Civil Service requires Mathematics

Pyramids cost 500

Colosseum and Odeon cost 80

Masonry has higher religious weight

Mall: +20% gold

Guerilla3 gives +30% withdrawal in addition to hills attack bonus

Walls give 25% protection to bombardment (so they are relevant even in high-culture cities)

Castle gives 25% protection to bombardment

Spanish Citadel gives +5XP to siege

Heroic Epic available with a level 4 unit

Shrines immune to nukes

Gallic Warrior can also be built with Copper

Military Academy: +50% production for military units

Military Academy requires Education

Military Academy gives 3 culture

Oracle, Stonehenge, Great Wall no longer available in Classical starts

Great Wall gives just 1 Great Person point per turn

Temple of Artemis: reduced cost to 350

Barbarians can have Spearmen

Misc bug fixes

Fixed first strike chance bug

Enemy spies no longer visible from GlobeView!

Barbarians can no longer build any of the Wonders

Fixed potential crash

Old .Civ4WorldBuilderSave files are recognized and loaded

Can't gift a unit if the recipient is over the limit (missionaries, spies)

Units cannot jump into enemy territory when expelled

When you lose a Wonder race and you have a Settler/Worker queued up next in that city, you no longer get food counted both in the food and production boxes.

Fixed crash with flip of city that contained troops loaded into a transport.

Fixed several other potential crashed of the same type.

Fixed crash bug

Fixed bug with research overflow

Fixed load unit into transport crash

Fixed selection group cycling crash

Can't capture Greek Odeon (gives culture)

Raised Worldbuilder culture limit from 1000 to 100000000

No longer possible to bombard a city with zero defensive modifier

Fixed back to main menu crash

Great People type no longer changes during anarchy

Game no longer freezes when you try to retire after ending your turn in PBEM/Hotseat


Fixed Stonehenge strategy text

Updated credits

Fixed typo in Hannibal civilopedia entry

Fixed inaccuracy in Great General civilopedia entry

Fixed Pavilion spelling

Updated Celtic city list

Fixed Louis diplomacy text bug

Egypt civilopedia text fix

French Tank: Char -> Char d'assaut


Updated PythonHelp feature

exposed getCurrentEra to Python

Added some missing python auto-doc information

Added Python override to prevent razing of a city

Leaders with no favorite civic appear in civilopedia

Projects defined in WorldBuilder saves now work properly

Genghis Khan Scenario

Removed Pinch promotion

Chinese Unification Scenario

Can now build Galleys in all 'river' coastal cities

Imperialist Trait now grants 50% Settler production bonus as expected

Alexander the Great Scenario

Reset Variables at the beginning of the game; fixes the 2 Alexander if the scenerio is restarted.


Only available for single-player games

Peloponnesian War Scenario

Non-english text fix for Peloponnesian War

Vikings Scenario

fixed bug where Red marking circles did not show up after loading a save

Omens Scenario

Player can no longer gift Missionaries to the AI to convert them to their religion and win easily

  • Last update: Monday, July 23, 2007
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 80.9 MB