Severance: Blade of Darkness - Blade of Light v.20Anniversary (31012021) - Game mod - Download

The file Blade of Light v.20Anniversary (31012021) is a modification for Severance: Blade of Darkness, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 3.4 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Downloads: 7532

Last 7 days: 2

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Severance: Blade of Darkness mod Blade of Light v.1.0

Blade of Light is a modification to the Severance: Blade of Darkness, whose mission is to improve the quality of the graphics in this classic action game. This has been achieved through the introduction of many new Visual effects based on the package info ENB, such as HDR, SSAO, SSIL, BLOOM, depth of field of view, lens flare, or support for piel shaders. At the same time, the author has modified slightly the game so that the lighting system significantly influenced the course of play. For example, the Sun blinding the player and enemies, which can be used in the fight, and the fog makes it difficult to recognize traps and turbot.

Requires modification of the game updated to version 1.01 and nGlide for emulating 3dfx cards on modern layouts. Version of the game from has already pre-installed Nero nGlide, but if nabyliscie boxed version is install it manually.

To install the Blade of Light:

1. Wypakujcie archive to the game directory and wyrazcie agreeing to replacing files.

2. Open the file in Notepad, add at the end of two lines:

import weaponLight

weaponLight. ToggleLight ()

3. write down the changes in the files

4. start your Blade file. exe, in the menu that pops up, click on "setup" and choose the option "Video section r3dfx voodoo 1-2"

5. Choose a resolution of 640 x 360, do not worry, you will not have to play such a low resolution.

6. start your glide_config file and choose the resolution of your monitor.

7. start your game, and then press the F1 key by going to the menu, and then click key, and then immediately press F1. This should start the fashion. If this does not happen, then return to the game and press 2, then it should eventually activate the modification.

8. during the game 1 key is used to ignite and extinguish the slim arms.

  • Last update: Tuesday, October 19, 2021
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 3.4 MB