Saw: The Video Game - Truth v.1.1 - Game mod - Download

The file Truth v.1.1 is a modification for Saw: The Video Game, a(n) adventure game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 17.5 MB

Last Update: Monday, May 3, 2021

Downloads: 1500

Last 7 days: 8

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Truth is a mod for Saw: The Video Game , created by EmoLevelDesigner.


Truth mod is an expansion pack for Saw Game, its events take place after the Truth ending.

You are Melissa Sing. You wake up in some abandoned mansion.

What's happening? Having no other choice, you explore the house in the quest for the truth...

Installation and launch:

In short words, just copy the "my games" folder from the archive to yourb "My Documents" folder if you use Windows XP, or "Documents" if you use Vista or 7. When it asks if it's ok to merge folders, answer that it's ok.

You can also install an optional fix for 16:9 widescreen mode, which increases the player's FOV in order to make the gameplay Hor+. You can find out more information and its installation instruction from Readme.txt in Widescreen Fix folder.

Then launch the game with "Mansion" command-line parameter. For this, you can copy the game shortcut and edit it, or use the .bat file provided in the archive. Copy it to Saw\Binaries folder and launch.

If you have Steam version of the game, you can try to write the word Mansion in the "Set Launch Options", but I don't know if that will work or not, because I don't have this version at my disposal and can't test it.

Where the files must go:

Mansion.saw and Canals.saw:

Documents\my games\Saw\SawGame\Published\CookedPC\Maps

AN_NonPlayerChar_modded.upk and UI_Scenes_Mansion.upk:

Documents\my games\Saw\SawGame\Published\CookedPC\Packages


Documents\my games\Saw\SawGame\Config

This file must be read-only, otherwise the game will overwrite it with its own.

For your convenience, the archive contains this folder structure, so you need

to simply copy the "my games" folder to your "Documents" folder.

  • Last update: Monday, May 3, 2021
  • Genre: Adventure
  • File size: 17.5 MB