Risen 3: Titan Lords - Savegame Modifier v.0.2 - Game mod - Download

The file Savegame Modifier v.0.2 is a modification for Risen 3: Titan Lords, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 91.9 KB

Last Update: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Downloads: 20

Last 7 days: 4

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Savegame Modifier is a tool for Risen 3, created bytombom81


Risen 3 savegame modifier which allows you to replace the player's inventory items by any

(or almost any) item in the game.

Deceit, influence, toughness, dexterity, magic and spirit are changeable.

You also may modify your soul value (risky! Read _important.txt file).

Tested with vanilla R3 only!


It's very important that you create backups of your savegames!


There is a certain risk that the Risen3-SG-modifier could spoil a savegame when modifying it.

So if you can't restore spoiled savegames (if any) because

you were too lazy to create backups BEFORE


*** DON'T BLAME ME ***


For Win 7 Risen 3 savegames are usually to be found here:

[Drive letter]:\Users\YourAccount\Saved Games\Risen 3\SaveGames


--- Risen 3 savegame modifier (.save) ---


- First of all: I wouldn't recommend to use this tool before you've finished Risen 3 one time at least.

- Secondly it's not intended to be a cheat tool.

If you want to increase Blood (hitpoints), MaxBlood, Gold count, Melee, Range

it's recommended to use CheatEngine instead.

If you urgently need to change the "soul value" please read the warning about it at the endOfText.

I strongly recommend NOT to cheat XPs (Fame) to increase your level in your first playthrough.

But I can't (and won't) prevent you from spoiling your game.

So it's up to you to improve your gaming experience instead...

- 3rd: tested with savegames from the vanilla Risen 3 version only!


Change of attributes, soul, XP (Fame) and players inventory.

You can't expand the inventory, though, just overwrite existing items. (That's why it's called 'modifier', not 'editor'.)

--- SO BE CAREFUL which items to overwrite! ---

Certain replacements don't work in game - some even crash it!

So DON'T replace any item by It_Map_World (category "Extra") otherwise the game will crash

when you try to open the inventory (key 'I' in game).


How to use:

Not all items in the left hand window (player's inventory) are valid for replacing (see hint box below "Soul:" ).

Also only items with an amount of 1 are replaceable (to avoid users spamming the inventory

with hundreds of armors, weapons etc.).

Once you've chosen a valid item on the left a message box pops up:

"Choose an item in the right listbox."

Keep in mind that the item name on the left is not updated - just save, when you're done.


Not all available items are save to use as replacements. But I didn't test all of them.

FAQ: why is player's guild not changeable?

Guilds are bound to gameEvents - same problem as with "soul", see EndOfFile.

v 0.2: new category "Extra"

fixed: It_Ear and It_Feet (were in weapons2 strangely)

to do (scripting):

change the faction for example to avoid hostility using scripting (InfoCommand SetGuild).

Finally (again):


*** BACKUP YOUR SAVEGAMES before using this tool! ***


you have been warned!

***** Soul *****

The "Soul value" reflects how you played the game. So changing it using the modifier could lead to dialog options

which might confuse you.

(Sometimes it's nice to temporarely just check out those options but you urgently need to restore the last value after that.)

This is the reason: depending on the soul value the game sets dozens of gameEvents (flags) which are stored in the savegame.

(The gameEvents mark your path through the dialog tree.)

If you save a game with a manually modified soul value it doesn't fit those gameEvent values.

Which may leed to buggy/unplayable savegames.

You have been warned! (Again.)

  • Last update: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 91.9 KB