Revolution Under Siege - v.1.06 EU - Game update - Download
Game update (patch) to Revolution Under Siege , a(n) strategy game, v.1.06 EU, added on Monday, November 12, 2012.
File Type: Game update
File Size: 107.2 MB
Last Update: Monday, November 12, 2012
Downloads: 826
Last 7 days: 0
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version: v.1.06 EU
• Game Engine [updated to version 121011]
Modification to rules for blocking crossing of a River region between two land region [via a crossing link]
To block movement of enemy land forces across a River:
• The River region must be Shallow water
• Ships must be in Offensive [Orange] posture
• 4 combat type ships will block movement of enemy land forces
Land unit bombardment of non-moving ships
• Land artillery must meet the bombardment requirements
Entrenchment must be 3 or higher, range must be 6 or higher
Elements must be capable of selecting a Naval target
Armored Trains may not fire upon Naval Units
• The leader [if any] of the land group must be active
• The land force must activate the Special Order to bombard ships.
• Once per turn, the qualifying land groups will then fire upon adjacent non-moving ships that are blocking crossings
Added parameters to GameLogic.opt for Experience Points and Home Area Penalty/Bonus
Consolidated all Game Rules parameters [start with rulxxx] into GameRules.opt
You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice.
Siege improvements
Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
In siege, the besieger will spend a quarter of his battle usage of ammos per turn of siege (plan to have supply trains on the long run), and will suffer -50% to his siege value if he can’t afford that. For the besieged, the spending will be 15% per turn, with a -35% siege value if there is a lack of ammos.
Each breach will make the besieged consume an extra 5% of his normal supply usage. The purpose of this rule is that by upping the supply usage, you'll have more chances to have your supply depleted enough so that the depot (or supply wagon) can't provide its 'surrender
protection' to the besieged force. For the rationale, just consider that the breaches are also making depots and stocks explode or be wasted, as you get shelled pretty heavily, etc...
Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown
Fixed a display issue with the animated battle gauge where a leader portrait could appear erroneously.
Leaders killed in battles while embedded in an unit (corps commander e.g) won’t cause recombination problems anymore.
Exported and modified 6 variables for ‘Maritime Trade Box’ warfare (a bit more damage against merchant ships)
A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault, aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
Fixed bug of a leader removed from his parent unit, corrupting the unit he is in.
Regional decisions can’t be played anymore in region that are yet to be unlocked by the scenario
A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
Corrected display of Costs to Construct in the Element Detail window [thank you AJE team!]
Added Overcrowding rule:
The overcrowding rule exists to penalize (rather substantially) forces that are too numerous to defend adequately in-cityscape structures (mostly cities and forts). As with other rules, the engine is not prohibiting in 'a hard way' troops to be stationed en masse in a given structure, as it would pose very large problems to handle for the interface, then the AI. Instead, it follows the philosophy of 'you can do it, but that's not
See Wiki article at:
Loyalty changes adjusted:
When you add some loyalty, there will be (almost always) another faction picked to lose the same amount. If you remove some loyalty, then another faction will be automatically picked that will gain this same amount.
The other faction that is changing its loyalty is never picked, as you may guess.
The faction chosen will be picked randomly from the list of factions having already some loyalty in the region, the chance being weighted by their current loyalty (i.e if another faction has 20 points and a third one 10 points, then the second one have 2/3 chance to be the one picked, the third one 1/3 chance.)
If no other faction exists, then the game will change toward NON = “non-Committed”, representing dissatisfied and uncommitted population.
This change applies to everything, including scripting commands, decisions, abilities, etc.
If you have suffered from the loyalty bug [inexplicable Loyalty for “obscure factions”], you can bring the console and type ‘CleanupLoyalty’. On next turn processing, odd loyalties will start to be removed. This will use the same logic as in the line before, only 100 times faster.
Fixed the exploit where a newly built unit could be incorporated into a Division, whereby the cost to build was immediately refunded
Fixed a bug whereby a unit under siege could always escape from the region using a specific sequence of Movement orders, Passive posture, and Evasive Move Special Order settings
Enable Option to switch to 120DPI text for higher resolution displays See Main Menu – System Reduced the “Away from Home” movement malus for Militia and Irregulars
• Setups [changes effective only in new games]
Poland 1920
corrected Polish 1st Tank Battalion to be faction POL, not WH3
Grand Campaign, November 1919 and May 1919
Advanced AutoGarrisons implemented for Forts, Redoubts, Depots and Naval Bases
Large cities in Russia and Ukraine will have loyalty change toward ANA rather than GRN
All setups recompiled with 121011 version of game engine
[Continued on next page]
• Database
Corrected duplicate Model Aliases for ldr_RED_Slaven1, ldr_RED_Dybenko1
Corrected duplicate Unit Aliases for uni_BAL_Div1, uni_TUR_Hq1, uni_RED_Slaven1, uni_RED_Ivanov1, uni_RED_Dybenko1
Fixed “Seaman” ability to actually give the move bonus as stated!
Added Map Aleas, which cause random Storms at Sea, Storms, Sandstorms, and disease to strike forces at random.
Many thanks to the AJE team for developing and debugging the new Map Alea system!
Frequencies reduced to lessen the disruption to game
Values are adjusted to cause mostlly cohesion and supply losses
Only Severe Disease [Influenza] can now actually “kill” an element
All “Emplaced Guns” now have weight 999 [to prevent rail moves] and Capture Probability = 100
Tachanka build time is now 30 days for all factions
Adjusted Regions assignments in Weather Areas
Partisan activity can begin when the SR uprising occurs
See Wiki:
Siberian Whites Partisan Cavalry changed to use WH3 Raider [Partisan] cavalry model
Fixed Regional Decisions Requistions and Conscriptions to pay the Loyalty costs stated in tooltips
• Events
Ice March
Fixed event where Kuban Army rises and takes control of Ekaterinodar [RED forces were not removed]
Finnish Civil War
Corrected syntax error in AI event
Added logic to German Intervention so that Finnish player is only penalized (-30 VP per turn) if German Land-based Combat elements are in
the Finnish Theater. Leaders, Service, Supply, Naval units do not cause penalty.
Grand Campaign, November 1918, May 1919: Shared Events
Fixed event where Wrangel replaces Denikin
Fixed French&Greek retirement events to remove all French and Greek forces
Corrected all options for proper regeneration syntax
Corrected tooltip hint for WHI recognition of independence
Removed redundant events for death of Trotsky or Kolchak
Comprehensive overhaul of events where British and Americans depart [fixes bogus Supply units, lingering Airfields]
Improved logic for choosing arrival region of a purchased New Officer
Corretced syntax of Desertion events [was using deprecated parameters]
Anarchists Alliance with Reds corrected to have ANA faction be “neutral” until Alliance broken [to avoid “friends” burning RED depots, etc]
Revised conditions for the ?Whites Recognize Independance” options
• Corrected costs, conditional filters and tooltips to be consistent [using new PayOption and CanPayOption script]
• Recognition event only after completion of German withdrawal
• Costs of all “Join” options generally increase [more VP, more EP]
• For Finland option to appear for Southern Whites choice:
• Start date June 1, 1919
• End Date December 16, 1919
• Southern Whites must have already taken the "Recognize Independance" option
• Southern Whites must have taken the Balts Join option
• The Yudenich Army option must have already been taken by Southern Whites
• REDs must not have already declared war on Finland
• White AI will use a probability roll of 5% to choose the option
• Generally, the AI will only choose the options if losing the war [NM low, NM lower than RED] and with low probability
• The AI has a 1% chance to choose the initial recognition event even if winning [NM>125 AND NM>RED]
Fixed message for “Remaining German Units go home” that occurs randomly on or after March 1920
“Close to city....” triggering events [for “Verdun” and “Move Capital”] now require:
• A garrison unit with 'Power' >=1 must exist in the 'target city'
• Enemy “Force Ratio” of at least 2:1 in the nearby regions [as defined in Areas.ini]
• Events are reset each turn to properly enable “Move Capital City” Options
• Player will receive notification each turn the threat is triggered
Removed duplicated officers from “Purchase Leader” Options
• Southern Whites: P.E. Tillo
“Verdun” options modified for RED, Southern Whies and Siberian Whites
• Starting Turn 2, player may 'purchase' the Verdun Option. This cost allows future construction of the 'Verdun' forces in the first [only the first] critical region that is threatened.
• As soon as an enemy force fulfils the “Close to city...” test, the 'Verdun' force will appear there, and further such appearances will be disabled for that Faction.
• If any Fort or Fortification [Redoubt, Fortified Position, etc] has already been built in the target region, the 'Verdun' result will not occur.
• Forces appear entrenched inside the Fortified Line. They are 'permanently' locked, but may be unlocked by the presence of a Friendly Force of equal or greater “power”, or by combat.
• RED “Verdun” Cities are: Moscow, Petrograd, Tzaritsyn
• Southern White “Verdun”Cities are: Dzhankoi, Ekaterinodar, Tzaritsyn
• Siberian White “Verdun” Cities are: Omsk, Irkutsk
Kiel and Kiel Bay are Unblocked at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, and is then controlled by Southern Whites .
This allows White and Allied fleets to enter the Baltic Sea, and represents the Royal Navy preventing RED Baltic Fleet from passing the Kiel Canal or Skagerrak.
Added RED Propaganda Campaign option [as seen in Drang Nach Osten]. Effective when Tcheka are activated.
Desetion events now also occur for Southern Whites and Komuch
[continued on next page]
November 1918 only
Fixed Anarchists Depots and Garrisons at Huliapole and Nova Odessa
Grand Campaign only
Fixed unblock of Psel Confluent during German Retreat event
Corrected duplicated leaders
• WHI: K. Udovenko, A.V. Korvin-Krukovski, Slushov [duplicate of Slashev]
• DON: A.P. Fitskhelaurov, I.A. Poliakov, P.N. Kudinov
• WH3: Bakich, F.E. Makhin
• RED: F. Makhin no longer recruitable by Option, and is removed when KOMUCH uprising occurs
Fixed Anarchists Depots and Garrisons at Huliapole and Nova Odessa
Corrected Czech Demobilization to allow proper arrival of Gaida's Independent Regiments and Artillery
Drang Nach Osten
RED Verdun option will also be activated if GER approach Moscow, Petrograd or Tsaritsyn in force.
Removed Engineers requirement from “Purchase Balt Division” option
Fixed RED break Alliance with Anarchists messages [ANA are not eliminated]
Fixed messages when RED does not DOW on minor countries [was sending DOW messages in error]
Fixed German Arms Sales to Whites option [was testing wrong faction for option chosen]
Corrected all options for proper regeneration syntax
Corrected 3rd Panzer Div option to only appear after 2nd Panzer Div is built.
Corrected 'flavor names' of 2nd and 3rd Panzer Divisions
Corretced syntax of Desertion events [was using deprecated parameters]
“Close to city....” triggering events [for “Verdun” and “Move Capital”] now require:
• A Friendly unit with 'Power' >=1 must exist near the 'target city' [as defined in Areas.ini]
• Enemy “Force Ratio” of at least 2:1 in the nearby regions [as defined in Areas.ini]
• Events are reset each turn to properly enable “Move Capital City” Options
▪ “Verdun” options modified for RED
• Starting Turn 2, player may 'purchase' the Verdun Option. This cost allows future construction of the 'Verdun' forces in the first [only the first] critical region that is threatened.
• As soon as an enemy force fulfils the “Close to city...” test, the 'Verdun' force will appear there, and further such appearances will be disabled for that Faction.
• If any Fort or Fortification [Redoubt, Fortified Position, etc] has already been built in the target region, the 'Verdun' result will not occur.
• Forces appear entrenched inside the Fortified Line. They are 'permanently' locked.
RED “Verdun” Cities are: Moscow, Petrograd, Tzaritsyn
• Text
Corrected missing text localizations as reported by Python script checking software.
Latest LocalStrings__AGE.csv included.
Added missing text for several Unit Recruiting Areas [State of Origin in tooltips]
General cleanup of event tooltips [removed all undefined DescEvent instances]
“Pestilence” description in Map Aleas changed to “Influenza”
Merchandise names now are Localized
End-of-game Victory/Defeat messages now refer players to the Ledger F9 for final scores.
• Graphics & Map
Corrected location of Destroyed RailRoad icon for region 672 Ilovlya
Changed MiniMap background [thank you Nikel]
Changed Unit color on MiniMap for Southern Whites and Siberian Whites [to improve visibility]
Fixed missing graphic for Move Capital options
Corrected terrain of regions [to match map graphic]:
1142Bavly is now Forest
495Balaklia is now Clear
Corrected links between Kiel, Kiel Bay, Dogger Bank and North Sea to allow fleets to enter the Baltic after German Retreats
Enable Dynamic Borders to view the boundary between controlled areas. [may affect map scrolling speed] See Main Menu – System
Area Borders now shown on map [brown dashed lines]
Changed Ukrainian Anarchists Ability icon to the Black/Green Ya icon [prepared by ERISS]
New leader graphic for Grigoriev [thank you jack54]
Corrected name of riiver Sesupe in region 92Kaupsukas [thank you ERISS]
• AI
Added AI Force Pool purchase adjustments [Details can be seen in event file RGDAI.sct], lowering “interest” in Ships and other less 'powerful' units.
Free factories for RED AI non-Drang scenatios [in Moscow, Petrograd]
Corrected and simplified AI logic for “More Money” and “More Railroads”
Corrected error in “free” Siberian White Regiments for AI
Added AI Logic to regulate Aggression conditionally and seasonally for Reds and Whites AI
Added random element upgrades [Militia, Infantry, Cavalry] for Reds and Whites AI
• Documentation
Strategic Map v1.02 for reference added to \Docs folder [thank you to Emx77]
• Destruction of RailRoads is no longer automatic [was implemented November 2011]:
• A check is made of D100 <{less than} Stack Strength. +25 to stack strength if attribute “*pillage*” is applied to model
• Day of destruction is random. Not always day 1, so if you give a move command, the unit may move away before destruction occurs.
• Units attempting to load land units onto ships and sail away [either in port or loading onto adjacent ships at sea] must have 'evasive move' set on if enemy troops are present in any form. Failure to set 'evasive' in presence of the enemy will abort the loading process, and ships will sail away without the units.
• Modders note: Filenames of Models are changed to facilitate corrections to Localized Text. [aliases are not affected]
- Last update: Monday, November 12, 2012
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 107.2 MB