Resident Evil 2 (1998) - RE2 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT): The Origin of Species v.2.0.2 - Game mod - Download

The file RE2 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT): The Origin of Species v.2.0.2 is a modification for Resident Evil 2 (1998), a(n) adventure game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 122.9 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Downloads: 6463

Last 7 days: 15

Report problems with download: [email protected]

RE2 Overhaul Mod (SOURCENEXT): The Origin of Species is a mod for Resident Evil 2, created by Komizo.

Description (in author’s own words)

This Resident Evil 2 Overhaul MOD is released in commemoration of "Resident Evil 2 Remake (2019)". The first edition of the MOD was created as a game like "Resident Evil 2 : Director's Cut" in the early 2000s. Introducing advanced techniques, it was revised and finally added Claire's story. The following points are changed.



- Changed skins of Leon and Ada

- Changed skins of Claire and Sherry

- Changed item locations

- Changed game progress route

- Ink Ribbon can no longer be got easy


- Changed weapon damage

- Long range attack do less damage

- Powerful weapons can no longer be got easy

- Replaced MAC-11 with H&K MP5

- Added Leon's weapons

- Combat Knife - increased damage and attack speed

- Handgun - wider varieties with different features

- Some weapons have new hold/shoot animations


- Changed enemy locations

- Increase the number of enemies

- Changed skins

- Some enemies move faster

- Some enemies have high resistance to physical(guns) attack

- Added new enemies


- Rebuilt the basement of the police station

- Added a new save point

- Added new cutscenes

- Added a new player's action - backstep and evade (status "Fine" only)

- Added death (game over) animations

- Added the extra game "Zombie Crisis"

Image 3


[ver 1.0.0 (2002 or 2003)]

- First release for Windows 98

[ver 1.5.0 (2006)]

- Released for Windows XP

[ver 1.5.1 (September 29th, 2018)]

- Released on ModDB with some updates

[ver 1.6.0 (November 30th, 2018)]

- Added some clues to proceed with the game

- Added Leon's weapons - Colt SAA and Bow Arrows

- Some weapons have new hold/shoot animations

- Added new enemies

- Some enemies have new animations

- Fixed a bug for the effect sprite

- Disabled unlimited ammo command

- Added "EASY" mode - the game start with some useful items

- Added "HARD" mode - increased enemies' toughness

- Added "Infinite Ammo " mode

- Added new stages of "Zombie Crisis"

- Supported with "Resident Evil 2 Classic REbirth" patch

[ver 1.7.0 (March 3rd, 2019)]

- Changed skins of Leon and Ada

- Replaced MAC-11 with H&K MP5

- Added Leon's weapon - Spark Shot

- Redesigned specifications of handguns

- Rebuilt the basement of the police station

- Added new zombies (Marvin Branagh and the chief's madness)

- Added the battle with Birkin II

- Changed enemy locations

- Some enemies can no longer respawn

- Changed item locations (more ammo and restoring items)

- Added new cutscenes

- Fixed some messages in the rooms (English)

- Changed "EASY" mode - enemies have lower HP

- Other minor bug fixes

[ver 1.7.2 (September 1st, 2019)]

- Changed skins of Claire and Sherry

- Added Leon's weapons - Grenade Launcher

- Added new enemies

- Increased Ink Ribbons gained for defeating Mr.X

- Fixed a bug in which if you installed the latest Gemini's patch,

the game crashs in some rooms

[ver 2.0.0 (September 1st, 2019)]

- Released Claire's Story

[ver 2.0.1 (September 7th, 2019)]

- Fixed a bug in which if you check the switch and select "No",

the game will crash. (Police station 3F, Clock Room)

- Fixed a bug in which if Sherry is sitting down and you move down a ladder,

the game will crash. (Sewer, Control Room Leon's side)

- Fixed a bug in which if you kill 2 zombies and go back to the pipe,

the game will crash. (New room connected with Laboratory)

- Other minor bug fixes

[ver 2.0.2 (April 5th, 2020)]

- Added "Infinite Ammo " mode (Claire's Story)

Image 1


1. [DVD-ROM] BIOHAZARD2 PC (SOURCENEXT, 2006) for Windows XP/2000

2. PC the above software can be run on (I used Windows10 64bit PC)

Patch download:

Resident Evil 2 Overhaul MOD ver2.02 Patch * Resident Evil 2 Classic REbirth [Optionally]

You can download the ".zip" file from my ModDB page. ("Files" Menu)



Extra MOD "Mr.X can run!"

Don't install this Extra MOD when you play the MOD for the first time. The game balance will be broken and some cutscenes won't work well.


Please note that I assume no responsibility if a problem occurs.

1. Full install BIOHAZARD2 from DVD-ROM.

2. Download "" and unpack.

3. Copy over "BIOHAZARD 2 PC" folder in "" to your installation folder. ("...\CAPCOM\BIOHAZARD 2 PC")

4. Run "toos_ver2_0_0.exe" or "toos(HARD)_ver2_0_0.exe" in your installation folder.

5. Load savedata "The Origin of Species" and enjoy playing!

6. If you need an English translation, plesese install "Resident Evil 2 Classic REbirth" patch of "The Apple of Eden", and start the game from "[Resident Evil 2 Overhaul Mod] - The Origin of Species".


- You need to re-install if you want to play the original game again.

- Please confirm the game is started with "toos_ver2_0_0.exe", or many errors will occur.

- If you start the game without the savedata, the first door won't open.

- Don't save/load when you're playing as Sherry with cheats, or Claire's menu screen will be broken.

For MOD Creators:

Please give credits to me when reusing my works for your MOD. I'm profoundly grateful if you share the link to my ModDB or Youtube. I'll get motivated to create new works.

See also:

[Resident Evil 3 (1999) Overhaul Mod] - The Lord of the Necropolis -


- MartinBiohazard (Weapons Fix PLW)

- Juvenal Jose Da Corte (Weapons Fix hack)

- Gemini (RE2CR patch)

- Leo2236 (RE2MV, RE2CIE, RE2BM)

- MarkGrass (BioFAT,BioScript)


- Exron (The origin of my Resident Evil 2 MOD)


I would like to express my gratitude to the people who have given me advice on the MOD design, and also to many other people who have played my MOD.

  • Last update: Tuesday, May 18, 2021
  • Genre: Adventure
  • File size: 122.9 MB