Painkiller: Black Edition - Nixos Tarot Mod - Game mod - Download

The file Nixos Tarot Mod is a modification for Painkiller: Black Edition, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 192.5 KB

Last Update: Monday, October 16, 2017

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Nixos Tarot Mod is a mod for Painkiller: Black Edition, created by nayoz.

Description (in author’s own words):

gameplay change of the tarot cards now the underused tarot cards received a power boost.

Playing painkiller black edition i found some of the tarot cards are crappy, so i tried to boost the worst ones.

at first i didn't know how, but i got inspired by the damage cards, the time extension cards, and the slowmo cards.

here is the idea: when a new card has only a crappy effect, give that card also another effect from a popular previous card.


let's start with the gold cards:

Speed: this card boost movement speed... not very much used, i improved speed and jump... jump is hard to control so it is probably better not to bunny hop, but when extra jump is needed to reach secrets C5L1 Docks, or holy items C4L1 Castle with ease.

Dextery: this card is fine, it is basically double damage at the cost of more ammo... it stacks with any other damage boost (except magic gun)

Magic Gun: added dextery effect... now you shoot twice as fast and also expend no ammo... it makes the card found in booh a worthy upgrade of dextery

Fury: better than dextery as it cost no extra ammo, and worse than magic gun... it can stack with either dextery or magic gun for 4x damage

Rage: 4x damage best damage card, can stack with dextery/magic gun for 8x damage

Weapon Modifier: added rage effect on the weapon modifier card... like rage/fury this card can stack with dextery/magic gun for 8x damage

Confusion: it provides defence as enemies will try to kill themselves not you, and a little of extra damage in the form of enemy damage dealt to themselves

The Sceptre: added confusion effect, every non boss enemy dies in 1 hit... this card beats fury/rage/weapon modifier vs non boss and can stack with dexterity/magic gun

Demon Morph: modified duration... previously it lasted always 30 seconds, now it last as long as the other golden cards. best offence and defence, at the price of view/perception penalty... can stack with dexterity/magic gun for the incresed rate of fire.

Endurance: modified damage received from 50% to only 25% nice appetizer before the next card is obtained

Iron Will: immune to any damage

Rebirth: added Iron Will effect to this card, the effect of this card are really hit and miss... as once you deplete totally your armor you will not regenerate it.

Haste: modified slowmo from -50% to -25% while the effect is nerfed, as a boost 10 extra second of gold card use are added (40 gold card seconds, during a 30 second real world time)

Double Haste: modified slowmo from -75% to -40% while the effect is nerfed, as a boost 20 extra second of gold card use are added (50 gold card seconds, during a 30 second real world time)

Triple Haste: modified slowmo from -87% to -50% while the effect is nerfed, as a boost 30 extra second of gold card use are added (60 gold card seconds, during a 30 second real world time)

Time Bonus: 10 extra seconds of gold card (it doesn't stack with the haste cards, or with the other time bonus card)

Double Time Bonus: 20 extra seconds of gold card (it doesn't stack with the haste cards, or with the other time bonus card)

notice: haste/double haste/triple haste v.s. time bonus/double time bonus... while the "haste" cards slow down time and offer the same or better gold card duration bonus of the "time bonus cards" some precious seconds may be lost waiting for doors to open, and for monsters to spawn... so with "time bonus cards" you benefit of extra real seconds, with "haste" cards you always have 30 real time seconds... but they are slowed down up to 60 "perceived" seconds...


silver cards:

Fear: modified initial hitpoints of enemies from 90% to 50% now it works like a permanent 2x damage that stacks with any other damage cards (so the best combo 16x is made by "weapon modifier/fury" + "magic gun/dextery" + fear)

Dark Soul: modified required souls from 50 to 33, now you go demon twice as much compared to standard 66 souls

Soul Keeper: modified soul lingering from 12s to 60s

(also modified standard soul lingering from 8 to 12 seconds when "soul keeper/soul catcher/soul redeemer" is not equipped)

Soul Catcher: modified leech distance doubling it, and added Soul Keeper effect.

Soul Redeemer: added the 2 previous cards effects in addition to this card effect.

Blessing: modified value from 150 to 200

Vitality: modified value from 150 to 200

Last Breath: added vitality effect, modified Last Breath effect from 33 to 100

Health Regeneration: modified how it works... it now costantly regenerates 1hp per second, up to the base health capacity (100 or 200 based on cards)

Armor Regeneration: added previous card effect, modified the armor regeneration effect... it now repairs 1 unit per second, and now it doesnt need hp >= 75 to work,

you can regenerate armor and hitpoints at same time, the max value of armor regenerated is based on the armor type it can be 100,150 or 200

Health Stealer: changed % of life stolen from 2,5% to 3% and now it also works on explosive weapons (rockets, grenades) too

notice: changed max health acquired from 250 to 300 using a "mega health item" (the thing which adds +100 health),

using "health stealer" silver card, the max you can steal is now raised from 250 to 300.

also changed max health acquired with soul mp item from 250 to 300.

Forgiveness: 2 time use of golden card, no change

Mercy: 3 time use of golden card, no change

Greed: modified cost, now is 0

Divine Intervention: added Greed effect.

Replenish: double ammo, no changes

666 ammo: added Replenish effect.


Apply this patch on top of the unofficial 1.66 patch.

  • Last update: Monday, October 16, 2017
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 192.5 KB