Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Banner Editor v.1.0.5 - Game mod - Download

The file Banner Editor v.1.0.5 is a modification for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 601.7 KB

Last Update: Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Downloads: 1115

Last 7 days: 9

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Banner Editor is a mod for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, created by  Bloc.


Banner EditorImplementation of a Better Banner Editor. Editor that we all deserve since the beginning of EA. This implementation is almost identical to website and pre-release version that most of you didn't have a chance to see.


  1. Banner Editor: Proper editor that allows you to add multiple layers, icons, colors etc. It's like website but a natively supported.
  2. Premade Banners: You can simply add more banners to presets and keep them in a file so that you can access them whenever you want. You can also compile your own file and share with others, you can add it inside mods so that people can use that file (i.e. if it's Medieval mod, you can create preset so that people can use those presets with your mod) You can add your beloved banners to BannerEditor/BannerData/PremadeBanners.xml - all you need to do is adding <Banner>yourbannercode</Banner> and you can always access your collection during gameplay without searching for it in every playthrough.
  3. Copy-Paste: You can simply press Ctrl+V and paste your bannercode, and it will apply everything to your banner.
  4. Player Color Persistence: Out-of-the-box it disables color changing happening in the game when you load the game. Meaning that, your banners won't be messed up after you load your save. This is only for Player banners
  5. Mod Support: For mods that are adding new sigils like (CC's Banner Mod) it works as expected. It should technically work for any color extender mod as well - although I'm already adding and ordering the colors in game.

How to install the mod:

Extract to „… bannerlord\Modules\” and activate in launcher

  • Last update: Wednesday, July 5, 2023
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 601.7 KB