Iratus: Lord of the Dead - Nightsister - A class of her own v.1.4 - Game mod - Download

The file Nightsister - A class of her own v.1.4 is a modification for Iratus: Lord of the Dead, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 135.9 KB

Last Update: Monday, May 18, 2020

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Nightsister - A class of her own is a mod for Iratus: Lord of the Dead, created by scorpiovaeden.

Description (in author’s own words):

This mod adds an additional Monster Class to Iratus - The Nightsister. This class is a variant of Banshee, but stands as a separate class.


This mod adds an additional Monster Class to Iratus - The Nightsister. This class stands as a separate class.

To my knowledge this is the first class mod for Iratus: Lord of the Dead. As such I have put it together to the best of my ability with the tools I have access to. This class is separate from the Banshee, and does not replace the Banshee in any way. This class does have the same assets as Banshee, as for now modders do not have access to the art assets or sound assets.

If you would like to try out my new custom class, please be sure to back up your game files before hand. To add new classes at this time requires replaces some game files. Whenever you make or install mods, expecially in a game that does not have mod support, always be sure to back up any affected files! Also keep in mind that whenever the devs update their game, if they update the files used in the mod, then you would need to update your files afterwards to re-inset the custom class. I recommend not to insert the class until I update the mod files to reflect any balancing/changes made by the devs. Just some common sense advice so that no one panics if the class breaks.

With any modding - use at your own risk. The devs of Iratus: Lord of the Dead are not responsible for any ill-effects that come from using a mod in their game.

Known Issues:

Also PLEASE note this, as the game does not feature any mod support, there are limitations. If you were around in the early days of DD modding then you would know this. Currently there is no access to art assets, so you will see a blank portrait in the creation screen, for some reason you will also not see any icons for the 2 extensions for each skill. Luckily the Character sprite, portrait, and primary skill icons, all work fine. Also, note that modders do not have any access to sound files, so the class will not make any sound effects when using their skills.

If there is a way to add sounds or access the art files, please feel free to advise me, as I would love to do alt skins or unique looking classes.

The Nightsister:

"Nightsisters are a clan of magick-wielding females who embrace shadows and darkness. They long to feel the moonlight on their flesh. Her dark magic is infused with the power of her Master, bringing terror to her opponents."


The Nightsister acts as a support/healer with some offensive capabilities, unlike the Banshee her Stress skills are minimal.


1. Doom

-Debuffs an enemy - they take 50% more damage.

1a. Eternal Doom

-Puts an enemy to Sleep - skipping their turn until they receive damage.

1b. Magic Doom

-Feeds Mana and Spellpower to Iratus.

2. Charm

-Heals 1 Ally - Buffs the ally to do 50% more damage for 2 turns.

2a. Focused Charm

-Stronger Heal, 1 Ally - Buffs the ally to do 50% more damage for 2 turns. 1 less launching position.

2b. Enchanting Charm

-Strongest Heal, 1 Ally - Buffs the ally to do 50% more damage for 2 turns. Only 2 launching positions.

3. Lunarian Tears

- Heals all Allies.

3a. Lunarian Blood

-Magic Attack, low power. Ignites 2 enemies in magical fire.

3b. Lunarian Soul

-Heals all Allies, higher power.

4. Moonbeam

-Stikes all enemies with low power Vigor damage. Debuffs Luck for turns.

4a. Piercing Moonbeam

-Strikes all enemies with low power Vigor damage. Debuffs Luck for entire battle .

4b. Crippling Moonbeam

-Strikes 2 enemies for moderate Vigor damage. Debuffs Luck .

5. Judgement

-Magic Attack 1 enemy - 30% chance to Stun.

5a. Punishment

-Magic Attack 1 enemy - 40% chance to Stun.

5b. Rapture

-Magic Attack all enemies - 30% chance to Stun

6. Magic Meteor

-Ire cost 50. Moderate Magic Attack all Enemies. 2 launch and target positions.

6a. Dazzling Meteor

-Ire cost 50. Strong Magic Attack all Enemies. 2 launch and target positions.

6b. Dark Meteor

-Ire cost 50. Strong Dread Attack all Enemies. 4 launch and target positions.


Feel free to offer balancing suggestions as you use the class in-game. I am sure some skills may feel OP or too weak. From my experience that depends on the player. If you are offering suggestions please do so in a constructive and helpful manner - if you are disrespectful in any way, I will be quick to ban you. I make no apologies for that. If you like to mod and enjoy using mods I look forward to hearing your suggestions - but if you're here to moan about mods, then move along, no one is forcing you to do anything.

I make this for fun, and to bring attention to Iratus: Lord of the Dead as I think it's a great game with excellent potential for modding/expansions/dlc.


Extract the contents of the zipped file. Place each file in the respective folder as indicated in the mod pathing. In places where it asks you to overrite you will have to say yes to add the class to the game. Like mentioned before BACK UP YOUR VANILLA GAME FILES BEFORE REPLACING.

Most peoples game files would be located around....

steam - steamapps - common - Iratus Lord of the Dead

  • Last update: Monday, May 18, 2020
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 135.9 KB