Hello Neighbor - Hi, Neighbor! - Game mod - Download

The file Hi, Neighbor! is a modification for Hello Neighbor, a(n) arcade game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 375.6 MB

Last Update: Monday, February 4, 2019

Downloads: 2324

Last 7 days: 0

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Hi, Neighbor! to modyfikacja do gry Hello Neighbor, której autorem jest ANormalDude.


The mod features 3 parts, the first one being the small house with also small puzzles that dont take too long to beat. The second part is the largest in my opinion, this is the really big house with the windmill and the railroad, it has some reused puzzles from the full game and some improved ones made by me. Some parts require the player to do box stacks to get to a specific spot on the house, so try to not ghost so much ( I tested the map so much and i can asure you, there is no need to ghost at all, only if you get stuck between an object or if you somehow fall under the map, witch is almost imposible). Finally, there is the third part witch revolves on the basement, a really dark one witch also has some tricky puzzles. Since it is really dark i put a flashlight to "light your day" (im not sorry for that pun), but you have to find it first, so try to not get lost on the way.

To install:

Extract into „Program Files\Epic Games\HelloDevKit\HelloNeighbor\Mods”.

  • Last update: Monday, February 4, 2019
  • Genre: Arcade
  • File size: 375.6 MB