Gary Grigsby's War in the West - v.1.00.29 - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Gary Grigsby's War in the West , a(n) strategy game, v.1.00.29, added on Thursday, May 14, 2015.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 41.1 MB

Last Update: Thursday, May 14, 2015

Downloads: 1897

Last 7 days: 0

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v. 1.00.29


1. oups will now cause morale changes per rule 23.2.4. Previously only ground units did this. The more a/c in the group the greater the likelihood of morale changes. Increased the morale gain/loss due to the movement of ground forces to/from the East Front. Also, the movement of motorized units now has a somewhat higher impact on morale than non-motorized units.

2. Adjusted calculation of CV value of artillery and flak units in the East Front to include the morale of the unit. Also reduced CV values of on-map artillery units on the Eastern Front.

3. Adjustments in air game

a. Increased early detection of flights forming close to enemy.

b. Adjusted night detection code.

c. Adjusted night air combat routines.

d. Increased interception probability of recon flights

e. Adjusted interception code

f. Adjusted flak attack code

g. Slightly reduced efficiency of night fighters

h. Increased ops losses for night flights

i. Tweaked air combat.

j. Made manpower a more probable target in case of blind area bombing.

k. Made manpower more resistant to GP bombs (not incendiary).

l. Increased ops losses for the night flights with no navigation devices (night fighters and bomber command groups tend to have navigation devices).

4. Aircraft can now be manually changed on turn 1 of any scenario.

5. When Italy surrenders and Italian airbases are changed to German nationality, their supply priorities were set to 0 and their Max TOE were set to 1. Now, they retain the setting they previously had.

6. Minor tweaks to AI, including improving Allied AI taking of Southern Italy when it invades Central Italy, and not having German AI fly Nav Patrol missions in the middle of the Tyrrenhian Sea for no reason. Also, the AI used to cheat and sometimes plot naval patrols off of beaches that had been targeted for invasion. This cheat has been removed. Also, fixed a case where a surrounded German unit warped out of the position because the AI wanted to use the unit as a garrison.

7. When “show factory” is toggled on or when setting bomb city air directives, hexes which are within OBOE range in air planning mode will be slightly shaded.

8. Added the ability to set the air execution detail level for each air directive on the air directive summary screen. Each directive can be set to show either ‘none’ (no information during air execution) or ‘all’ (normal information based on air execution phase detail setting).

9. Added ability to have more than 23 air HQs in scenarios (added scroll bars).

10. Adjusted pilot list on the air group screen.

11. Added victory point bar on the campaign game victory screen.

12. Removed irrelevant weather info for the ground support air directive from the air directive summary screen.

13. Enabled sortable columns on the Air Directive city target selection.

14. The airfield overloaded sign is no longer shown for enemy airfields when FOW is on.

15. Disabled A-36 upgrade to P-51B.

16. Editor – Added an Axis Allies production usage value in the editor that will determine the percentage of production by the Axis Allies in the scenario (distinct from German production).

17. Editor - Added ability in the editor to set up the victory levels for campaign, air battle and the new air campaigns. Designers should note that: 1) Each number once entered should be lower than one on the right and higher to the one on the left 2) The major allied VP level should be positive otherwise it will reset it to defaults.

18. Editor - Added the ability to set air target score modifiers for the various industry types in air campaigns. On the victory screen, each type of target that scores victory points has a number displayed between 0 and 200 that modifies the amount of points scored for that target type (VPs are multiplied by the value/100, so 200 will multiply the points scored by 2). These can be set in the editor for all factory types by clicking on the number in the victory screen, and only those with a value greater than 0 will be shown in-game on the victory screen.

19. Editor - Added ability to set VPs per plane type and number of engines for the Air Campaign games.

20. Rules Clarification – Units that are temporarily motorized and are retaining their motorization each turn pay admin points for the motorization each turn (but not to reduce APs below 0).

Bug Fixes

1. Fixed air navigation bug causing bad night (blind) accuracy. Fixed another instance where newly created airfields were not being set to supply priority 3.

2. Certain air units were not receiving replacements. This was because Commonwealth country air groups were incorrectly using British aircraft instead of CW aircraft. The data file changes will correct this in any newly started game.

3. Aircraft weapons loadouts are being used before the weapons are available. Fixed.

4. Italy surrender is being triggered by isolated Allied hexes in Italy. Surrender should only be triggered by supplied Allied hexes. Fixed.

5. A ranger unit that landed next to a German SS division with FOW on is not visible to the German player. Fixed.

6. When there are Allied units in a garrison zone, the German garrison requirement should be 0 and the partisan activity should be set to 10. Fixed.

7. Blue “command” lines are shown on the map from Taranto to England for no reason. Fixed.

8. Wrong training flag for the FB group is checked when adding fighter type pilots. Fixed.

9. In some rare cases non-isolated defending units that lost a battle would surrender instead of retreating. Fixed.

10. Multi-role units could be converted to on-map status while at sea. Fixed.

11. German units could be forced to conduct a rout move during Italian surrender due to hexes incorrectly flipping to Allied control. Fixed.

12. Amphib HQs not in a port during the logistics phase are not losing their amphibious prep points. Fixed.

13. Airdropped freight is triggering units to be resupplied from other depots than the one in the hex where the supplies are dropped. Fixed.

14. Under some rare cases, when transports are conducting air drops of freight, they may receive flak fire from units not in the game. Fixed.

15. Fixed bug when escorting night fighters could get unexpected experience boost.

16. Fixed pilot initialization code.

17. Fixed interface bug when resigning from MP game.

18. Fixed small display issue during air execution.

19. Fixed a bug in the AD summary screen.

20. Fixed device list filter in CR.

21. Fixed bad AD deletion in AirTaskError() function.

22. In some rare cases built numbers in the production screen could be displayed incorrectly. Fixed.

23. In small scenarios, off-map airfields that were not erased by the scenario designer could send manpower back to the pool even though they shouldn’t be in the game. Fixed.

24. - Admin points are adding to the pool when unit demotorizes. Fixed.

25. Fixed flak bug causing bad speed evade value and incorrect plane destruction and tweaked flak attack code - decreased altitude evade value.

26. Fixed wrong sound file usage during air interdiction battle.

27. Fixed fogged factory damage report on battle screen.

28. Fixed a bug where flak units not yet in the game could show up on the hex rollover attached to a city.

29. Editor - Fixed surrender flag misalignment in main editor tab.

30. Editor – Going to the editor with the PBEM button depressed can cause data problems when a scenario is saved. Fixed.

31. Editor - In some cases air directives that have been pre-set can get contaminated, causing the loss of some directives during game play. Fixed.

32. Editor - Axis damaged vehicles were increased by 50k when saving a scenario with the EF option on. Fixed.

Data and Scenario Changes

Scenario Files

1. Fixed starting Axis damaged vehicles in all scenarios and made a few adjustments to starting vehicles.

2. Adjustments to go with the aircraft data file changes.

3. Minor adjustments to some of the older scenarios.

4. Bulge to the Rhine – Several adjustments to airfields and German air units.

Data Changes

1. A few corrections and additions to the map text.

f 109G-14 and variants, G-6/R2 - climb +330 to 4268

Bf 109G-10 and variants - climb -86 to 4514

Ju 52/3m and variants - fuel +83 to 4134, add weapon set with additional fuel (although transport load-outs are not currently being used)

0015 Bf 109K-4 - climb -222 to 4678

0084 Me 410A - fixed wrong location of some gun loadouts

0441 Bf 109G-6/AS - climb -600 to 4k

0532 Spitfire VIII - climb +100 to 3400

0533 Spitfire LF.IX - climb +100 to 3700

0535 Spitfire HF.IX - climb +200 to 3500

0545 Hurricane IIC - climb +300 to 2500

0550 Spitfire IX - climb +100 to 3400

0551 Spitfire XII - climb +100 to 3600, max alt +1k to 40k, cruise speed +23 to 263, maxspeed alt -2k to 18k

0552 Spitfire XIV - endurance +15 to 145, climb +200 to 4400

0553 Spitfire LF.IXE - climb +150 to 3750

0556 Spitfire FR.XIV - endurance +20 to 175, climb +200 to 4400

0557 Spitfire XIVE - endurance +20 to 175, climb +200 to 4400

0558 Typhoon - climb +200 to 2700

0559 Tempest - climb +200 to 3400

0571 Mustang III - zero alt speed -14 to 376, max alt speed -9 to 380, climb -100 to 3300 (sync with P-51B-10)

0572 Mustang IV - zero alt speed -12 to 372, max alt speed -6 to 378

0656 Hudson III - crew +1 to 5, two .303 side guns added

0657 Ventura II - renamed Ventura GR.V, crew +1 to 5

0668 Hurricane IID - climb +200 to 2200

0669 Hurricane IV - climb +200 to 2400

0687 P-38J - climb up by ~260 to 3400

0689 F-5C - climb up by ~310 to 3450

0690 P-47C - climb up by ~130 to 2350, cruise speed +15 to 240

0691 P-47D-5 - climb up by ~70 to 2450, cruise speed +15 to 240

0692 P-47D-15 - maxspeed +5 to 433, climb up by ~140 to 2600, endurance -5, cruise speed +25 to 250

0693 P-47D-25 - maxspeed -5 to 430, climb +200 to 3000, max alt reduced by ~500 to 42k, cruise speed +30 to 250, endurance -30 to 235, zero alt speed -13 to 340

0695 P-51B-1 - build limit -12, maxspeed alt +3k to 28k, zero alt speed -19 to 370

0696 P-51B-10 - build limit +5, zero alt speed -14 to 376, max alt speed -9 to 380

0697 P-51D - zero alt speed -12 to 372, max alt speed -6 to 378

0699 F-6A - change .50 guns to 20mm Hispano cannon. Many/most F-6As retained their Hispanos. (part of an earlier update, just kept here for reference)

0700 F-6D - zero alt speed -12 to 372, max alt speed -6 to 378

0701 F-6C - zero alt speed -14 to 376, max alt speed -9 to 380

0728 PV-1 Ventura - crew +1 to 5

0024 Bf 110G-2 - invalid location for a weapon set gun

0566 Kittyhawk II - add 100 imports from P-40F

0604 Beaufort I - build limit/expansion of 5/1 added, upgrade changed to Beaufighter TF.X, ends 4/43 now

0610 Blenheim VD - build limit/expansion set to 7/1, remove upgrade to Wellington X

0631 Wellington III - build limit/expansion set to 5/1

0706 A-20B - invalid upgrade path to non-existing 0708 fixed, changed to 0707 A-20G

  • Last update: Thursday, May 14, 2015
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 41.1 MB