Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich - Marvel Adventures v.2.2 - Game mod - Download

The file Marvel Adventures v.2.2 is a modification for Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 753.3 MB

Last Update: Sunday, September 29, 2019

Downloads: 1342

Last 7 days: 0

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Marvel Adventures is a mod for Freedom Force vs The Third Reich, created by Benton Grey.

Description (in author’s own words):

This mod for Freedom Force v The Third Reich, the greatest superhero game of all time, features a massive roster of both heroes and villains, including most characters you can imagine that were around by the end of the Bronze Age. This mod has everyone from the most famous, like Spider-Man, to the deservedly obscure, like Stilt-Man (yes, I'm serious!). It also features multiple universe-spanning adventures, full campaigns that you can play with different teams of heroes.

Not only that, but you can play as literally anyone included in the mod in the game's incredible sandbox mode! Have you always wondered who would win in a fight between the Hulk and the Juggernaut, well wonder no longer! You can throw both of those massive musclemen into the arena, taking the controls yourself, or watching as a spectator! Curious if the X-Men could take the Avengers? Well, put the question to the test!


10 widely different, original campaigns packed full of adventure!

So many characters that I've literally lost count around 300!

Maps for some of Marvel's famous locations!

Take control of teams of four (or more!) heroes or villains!

Use unique powers and abilities!

Face off with enemies and friends in the Rumble Room!

Smash entire cities in your battles!

Use your destructible environment as a weapon!

Add your own stories and adventures!



Fantastic Four



Iron Man


Guardians of the Galaxy

Spider-Man and the Marvel Knights


X-Men 2 (solo stories)

If you have questions or issues, you can get help from mod’s autor and the rest of the community at:

  • Last update: Sunday, September 29, 2019
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 753.3 MB