Final Fantasy VIII - Tonberry: Enhanced v.2.04 - Game mod - Download

The file Tonberry: Enhanced v.2.04 is a modification for Final Fantasy VIII, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 188.9 KB

Last Update: Saturday, February 16, 2019

Downloads: 6184

Last 7 days: 18

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Tonberry: Enhanced is a mod for Final Fantasy VIII, created by JeMaCheHi.


External Texture Support for Final Fantasy VIII

This is how it works:

We now have two new set of folders: { [your FF8 directory]/tonberry/hashmap and [your FF8 directory]/tonberry/hashmap/disabled }and { [your FF8 directory]/tonberry/objmap and [your FF8 directory]/tonberry/objmap/disabled }

In that "hashmap" folder you can put a set of *.csv files, with hashes that previously was at hash1map.csv

In that "objmap" folder you can put a set of *.csv file, with the previously set at objmap.csv

You should create a different .csv file for each mod hashes. You can name them as you like, but make sure they have *.csv extesion

Which advantages provide us this new directory system?

We now can release mods directly with its .csv file, just ready for copy-paste and make it work. Plug and play!

We can obviously split the "hash1map.csv" file into smaller ones.

We won't have to deal with the old massive "hash1map.csv" file, we won't have to look for duplicated hashes... etc.

We can disable certain mods by just by moving its csv file to the "disabled" folder.


It's fairly similar to Tonberry's previous versions

Install VC++ 2010 Redistributable (x86)

Extract directly into your FF8 directory (I'll call it [FF8Folder] from here)

Copy all your hash files to [FF8Folder]/tonberry/hashmap folder

Copy all your obj hash files to [FF8Folder]/tonberry/objmap folder

Copy the rest of .csv files (collisions.csv and hash2map.csv) in "[FF8Folder]/tonberry" folder (Thanks Mcindus for pointing it out)

Download and copy the corresponding textures to [FF8Folder]/textures (on its propper directories, off course!)

Check the prefs.txt file for configuring your particular Tonberry instalation. You will find instructions on it!

  • Last update: Saturday, February 16, 2019
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 188.9 KB