Elex 2 - ELEX 2 Enhanced v.2.8 - Game mod - Download

The file ELEX 2 Enhanced v.2.8 is a modification for Elex 2, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


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File Size: 298.7 MB

Last Update: Thursday, January 26, 2023

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ELEX 2 Enhanced is a mod for Elex II, created by Magus


A collection of best mods merged together that will enhance your time spend in Magalan. More fun for everyone.


1. Aim Assist Enhanced?

Always hit your target with Aim Assist Enhanced aka standard Gothic behaviour.

What it does

Always hit your target with Aim Assist Enhanced aka standard Gothic behaviour. Video here. Compatible with any and all mods out there.

2. Black Market Trader?

Finally meet Death, the Ultimate Black Market Trader channeling his items from the Underworld, selling every custom item I've designed for


What it does

Finally meet Death, the Ultimate Black Market Trader channeling his items from the Underworld, selling every custom item I've designed for ELEX 2. Video here?.

3. Brave Party Members

Jax: Why is no one helping me fight these monsters? I specifically requested it.

What it does

While I was doing research of the AI for my Hell Difficulty, I noticed that there might be some Cowards among potential Party Members so I made changes to remedy it and Party Members will not shy away from combat anymore. Also increases the perception, view distance and FOV of party members. They will now actually help you in fight and will engage enemies sooner. Video here.

4. Brighter Flashlight

Brighter Flashlight with 10 options. Normal version was streamlined to perfection and there is now a XXL version to light up your dreams.

What it does

Makes the Flashlight brighter. With version 3.0 it packs quite a punch. Normal version was streamlined to perfection and there is now a XXL version to light up your dreams. See the gallery. Video here.

5. Combat Enhanced?

New Melee, Magic and Ranged Combat. New 2H2 Combat, Chainswords, Standalone Elexetor Armor Set, New Sounds and more.

What it does

A mega mod to all aspects of combat and more. New Melee, Magic and Ranged Combat. New Melee, Magic and Ranged Combat. New 2H2 Combat, Chainswords, Standalone Elexetor Armor Set, New Sounds, Sunglasses Buff Always Active support.

This started as Melee Combat Enhanced in my mind but due to compatibility reasons a whole mega mod was made. Videos here and here.

Melee Combat Enhanced


Restores additional damage types present on Damaged weapons that were disabled by PB.


Hehehehehehehe yeah this is fun. Restores chainsword's sounds we all love to all Outlaw 1H Swords.


Best in Sloted (BISed) selected Legendary weapons. Every Melee category now has one BIS weapon that is a Legendary. 10% more DMG, 5% more stats required over the 2nd best weapon in its category.

1H Axes

BISed Troll Reaper at 267 DMG, 535 MAX DMG, 86 STR, 66 CON.

1H Maces

BISed Grinder at 284 DMG, 568 MAX DMG, 98 STR, 53 CON.

1H Swords

BISed The Cutter at 284 DMG, 568 MAX DMG, 86 STR, 66 DEX.

2H Axes

BISed The Executioner at 432 DMG, 864 MAX DMG, 100 STR, 57 CON.

2H Maces

BISed Steam Hammer at 457 DMG, 913 MAX DMG, 100 STR, 42 CON.


BISed Guardian at 267 DMG, 535 MAX DMG, gEBlockStability_High, 68 STR, 52 CON.


Takes selected 1H weapons and puts them into off-hand to act as a shield. Took ages to figure out usable off-hand Hold and Equip Offsets. Weapons were chosen to complement the top legendary sword and axe, the recently BISed 1H mace and the top 2 Outlaw chainswords. They are upgradable all the way up to Legendary status with stats identical to the recently BISed Guardian at 267 DMG, 535 MAX DMG.


Buffs Healing Potions thus:

- Small Healing Potion to 100.

- Medium Healing Potion to 200.

- Strong Healing Potion to 300.


Adds Quick Slot support to all Headgear, Armor, Pants, Amulets and Rings.


- Externalized Elexetor Armor so it no longer ovewrites anything and is made unique. Elexetor Armor Set is located behind the old Converter in Ignadon together with Cap'n Spike.


- Introduced Armor Buffs into the game.

- Armors now have its Faction specific Enviromental Protection Bonuses.

- Armors now have Max HP and Attributes Bonuses.


The highlight visual effect granted by the 3 types of sunglasses (PERSPECTIVE, MEANING OF LIFE, MACHINE FOCUS) remains active even after sunglasses are taken off.


- Lowers the Build Weapons skill requirements with selected Melee Weapons.

- Upgrading Damaged Melee Weapons to Normal Melee Weapons now costs 2 Damaged Melee Weapons (down from 3 and 10).

- Upgrading Normal Melee Weapons to Enhanced Melee Weapons now costs 1 Normal Melee Weapons (down from 2) plus default materials.


Combining Socket Gems now requires 3 Gems (down from 4).

1.12 ICONS

Changed Icons of Amulets and Rings.

6. Create Ammunition Fixed

Makes the skill Create Ammunition actually useful and also fixes the 2/2 perk.

What it does

Drastically lowers the crafting cost of crafted ammunition by increasing the amount of ammo crafted. Also fixes recipe requirements for the 2/2 version of Create Ammunition skill - this change is based on the ingame description. The overall goal was to get the crafting price below what it costs to buy the ammo from merchants. See attached images for the exact changes. Video here.

7. Custom Companions?

Recruit New Custom Companions - your own pets Gina the Icewolf, Mefisto the Chimera, Rex the Demonwolf and Magus, Mia, Eva, T-800 and Death. And have loads of fun with them.

What it does

Recruit New Custom Companions - your own pets Gina the Icewolf, Mefisto the Chimera, Rex the Demonwolf and Magus, Mia, Eva, T-800 and Death. And have loads of fun with them. Video here?.

8. Easy Pickpocketing

Reduces the pickpocket difficulty of every ingame NPC to zero.

What it does

Reduces the pickpocket difficulty of every ingame NPC to zero.

9. Enable Raw Mouse Input??

Get rid of your Mouse lag once and for all.

What it does

Well ladies and gentlemen here it is. Completely disable Mouse Smoothing by enabling Raw Mouse input. This actually fixes ELEX 2 for any mouse user on PC and is just so good that I encourage everyone to at least try it, you'll all love it. It is also completely compatible will all the mods out there. Video here.

10. ELEX 2 Soundtrack Enhanced?

Gothic 3 Soundtrack for ELEX 2. Highest quality and Standard quality versions available.

What it does

Gothic 3 Soundtrack for ELEX 2. Highest quality and Standard quality versions available. Composed by KaiRo. This is a STANDALONE version but I do recommend you to download it MERGED with ELEX 2 Enhanced. Video here.

11. Extended Sunglasses Scanning Range

Magnifies the scanning range of sunglasses. Also scans for objects.

What it does

Magnifies the scanning range of sunglasses. Also scans for objects. Compatible with any and all mods out there. Videos here and here.

- Choose between 2x, 3x and 4x magnified scanning ranges.

- DEFAULT version scans for all items, living things and machines.

- FULL version scans for all items, all objects, living things and machines.

- LITE version scans for all items, only useful objects (chests / safes, explosives, mining veins), living things and machines.

Best used with Items Visibility Enhanced and Sunglasses Buff Always Active or Sunglasses Buff Equippable.

12. Faster Sprinting

Faster Sprinting, Sneaking Sprinting and NPC Sprinting.

What it does

While I was rummaging through the game files I saw some useful settings here and there. These modify Player's Sprinting Speed, Sneaking Sprinting Speed and NPC's Sprinting Speed. We have 3 MOD options that set the ForwardSpeed float value at 133%, 166% and 200% respectively. The last one doubles the speed then. Thought someone might like it. Videos 200% here and 166% here and 133% here.

13. Gear Enhanced?

Quick Slot to all Gear, New Gear, Standalone Elexetor Armor Set, Armor Buffs, Sunglassess Buffs, Invisibility for Headgear, Death.

What it does

Quick Slot to all Gear, New Gear, Standalone Elexetor Armor Set, Armor Buffs, Sunglassess Buffs, Invisibility for Headgear. Finally meet Death, the Ultimate Black Market Trader channeling his items from the Underworld, selling every custom item I've designed for ELEX 2. Video here?.

14. Glowing Ore Veins

Greatly increases the visibility of all mining veins. Multiple versions for everybody.

What it does

Greatly increases the visibility of all mining veins. If you'd ever wanted to see Haridium veins now's the time. Video here.

4 options:

- m_1_OREVEINS ?modifies all mining veins with a red/yellow glowing texture.

- m_1_OREVEINS_REDUX modifies only (Iron) Ore and Haridium veins. Because I know what you need.

- m_1_OREVEINS_XXL never again miss a vein. Custom texture for cracks. Visibility level insane.

- m_1_OREVEINS_XXL_REDUX Custom texture for cracks. Original colours except for Haridium, which uses the red/yellow texture.

15. Items Visibility Enhanced?

Magnifies the visibility range of all items and plants.

What it does

Magnifies the visibility range of all items and plants up to 5 times. Compatible with any and all mods out there. Video Here.

Best used with Extended Sunglasses Scanning Range and Sunglasses Buff Always Active or Sunglasses Buff Equippable.

16. Magic Enhanced

Magic redesigned, improved and buffed. Every magician's dream.

What it does

Magic redesigned, improved and buffed. Every magician's dream. Videos here, here, here and here.


- Mana Potion redesigned both appearance and effect wise. Now restores 100 Mana and 100 Elex.

- Consuming Elex (Mineral) restores 100 Elex. Added consume animation.

- Consuming Mana (Mineral) restores 100 Mana. Added consume animation.

- Consuming certain foods, drinks and plants.


- With the help of equippable items and perks new cap for Mana and Elex is 500.

- 120 for joining a faction.

- 80 through Perks.

- 200 for having a SpellFist in inventory (50 Mana per Fire Fist, Flaming Bow, Inferno, Phoenix, 50 Elex per Ice Fist, Lyn, Nyx, Rin).

- designed new items:

- ?Berserker Amulet +50 Max Mana

- ?Berserker Ring +50 Max Mana

- ?Alb Amulet +50 Max Elex

- ?Alb Ring +50 Max Elex

Note: Genome will only display one Energy Bar if you have both Berserker and Alb SpellFists in inventory. If you want to see the Mana Bar then put all Elex increasing SpellFists in any chest and if you want to see the Elex Bar then put all Mana increasing SpellFists in any chest.


- New unique Projectiles that are faster, better and with new Sounds. SpellFist Projectiles explode on impact.


- Added Flaming Bow into the game. Flaming Bow is located at the top of the Lighthouse in Tavar together with Troll Reaper.

- Added Flamethrower into the game. Flamethrower is located on the road in NE Ignadon together with Basher.

- Added PSI Fist into the game. PSI Fist is located in an abandoned Church in Mararcor together with The Wrathful.

- Added Harmony into the game. Harmony is located inside Betara in the control room together with Guardian.

- Added Death into the game. Death was last seen tracking a lone traveler who's been leaving Small Notebooks behind.

- Added Advanced Laser Weapon System into the game. A.L.W.S. is located inside Deltara in the last room together with Sorrowbringer.

- Added Sniper Rifle into the game. Sniper Rifle is located in SW Tavar in the control room above the beach together with Hero's Call.

- Added Darkness into the game. Darkness is located at the top of the highest mountain in Ateris.


NPCs will only use SpellFists with equipping animation so while the SpellFists were buffed, copies were made without the equipping animation. All SpellFists can be bought from Death and some can be found in the game world.

- Copy of Fire Fist is Inferno.

- Copy of Flaming Bow is Phoenix.

- Copy of Ice Fist is Rin.

- Added New Lightning SpellFist Lyn into the game. Basic attacks can be used by everyone. To unlock it's true power you'll need to become an Alb and learn Boost and Chain Lightning skills. Lighning SpellFist Lyn is located on upper floor of a destroyed building in Carakis east of Bastion together with The Master Blaster.

- Added New Reality SpellFist Nyx into the game. Basic attacks can be used by everyone. To unlock it's true power you'll need to become an Alb and learn Boost and Chain Lightning skills. This also solves all ranged attack issues Albs had before. Reality SpellFist Nyx is located in a shack in north western Tavar together with Hacker.


- Externalized Elexetor Armor so it no longer ovewrites anything and is made unique. Elexetor Armor Set is located behind the old Converter in Ignadon together with Cap'n Spike.


Significant buffs to all SpellFists:

- Removed the long equipping animation of SpellFists. Caja insisted that it stayed on Flaming Bow though. Added Phoenix, which is Flaming Bow's exact copy only without the equipping animation.

- Reduced Mana / Elex consumed of selected SpellFist abilities. This together with the new Mana / Elex regen options will allow you to go full ham on that magic playthrough. Smile.

??- Fire Fist

??Light Attack = 1; (down from 2)

??Heavy Attack (Block) = 2; (down from 7)

??- Flaming Bow, Phoenix

??Heavy Attack = 2; (down from 4)

??Light Charged Attack = 2;

??Heavy Charged Attack = 5;

??- Ice Fist

??Channel Cast = 5; (down from 10)

??- Lyn, Nyx

??Looping Attack = 2;

- Reduced CD between Ranged Charged attacks by 40%.

- SpellFists now buff Max Mana / Max Elex just by being in the inventory.

- SpellFists are now Legendary Weapons with 3 available Sockets.

- Ice Fist's Chain Lightning buffed in AoE damage, Number of Enemies affected and Cone of Effect.


- Added Lightning Storm into the game. Lightning Storm is located inside Epsilara in the last room together with The Cutter.

- Reduced CD on all spells but Rain of Fire and Blizzard to 1s, meaning you can recast them faster and also during their effect.


- Rain of Fire buffed to 8m Range, CD 40s.

- Firewave buffed to 8m Range, 20 Mana.

- Mana Aura increased duration to 300s, quadruple damage, 40 Mana.


- Blizzard buffed to 8m Range, quadruple damage, duration 8s, CD 8s.

- Heal buffed to 250.


- Rage increased duration to 300s.

- Ignore Pain increased duration to 300s.


Unified the duration of all Stims at 60s.


32 New Sounds plus a whole bunch from Black Market Trader and Ranged Combat Enhanced.

- New Lightning Sounds for Chain Lightning.

- New Sounds for Magic Projectiles, Heal.

- New Looping Sounds for Hold Effects.

- New Lightning Weapon Hold Effect Sounds.

- Muted sfx_int_dr_pee_01, sfx_int_dr_pee_02 and sfx_int_dr_pee_loop_01 sounds.


Enhanced Effect's View Ranges and Sound's Hearing Distances.

17. Magus Albs Retexture??

My own redesign of the Albs in 4 colour variants with a total of 276 textures. 6 Male Armors, 1 Female Armor, 1 Child Armor, Colossuses, Robots, Drones, Faction Colours, Banners, Cables, Calaan's Light, Jetpack.

What it does

My own redesign of the Albs in 4 colour variants with a total of 276 textures. 6 Male Armors, 1 Female Armor, 1 Child Armor, Colossuses, Robots, Drones, Faction Colours, Banners, Cables, Calaan's Light, Jetpack. If you are struggling to get the armors ingame then use Armor Showcase? and just take them. Standalone Elexetor Armor set is available within multiple of my other mods. Video here.

18. Magus Clerics Retexture?

My own redesign of the Clerics in 4 colour variants with a total of 296 textures. 5 Male Armors, 1 Female Armor, Colossuses, Robots, Drones, Faction Colours, Banners, Calaan's Light, Jetpack.

What it does

My own redesign of the Clerics in 4 colour variants with a total of 296 textures. 5 Male Armors, 1 Female Armor, Colossuses, Robots, Drones, Faction Colours, Banners, Calaan's Light, Jetpack. If you are struggling to get the armors ingame then use Armor Showcase? and just take them. Videos here and here.

19. New Hell Difficulty?

A complete package of buffs for enemies and allies to make the combat more challenging and fun.

What it does

Ultra too Easy for you? Enemies take no interest in you or even run away from you? Never again! Welcome to Hell. New Hell Difficulty, New Hyper Aggressive AI, Increased Perception for Enemies and Allies, Enemies willchase you for much longer, Enemies and Allies move faster, Creatures shoot deadlier Projectiles, Cowards fight, 10% XP bonus. Video here.

Note that the mod's features will work on any difficulty and the difficulties themselves are just multipliers of Player's and NPC's damage / stamina.

Merged are (do not run as standalone):

- Brave Party Members

- Faster Sprinting

- Steal Everything


- Story difficulty has been removed.

- New difficulties are Easy, Normal, Hard, Ultra, Hell. Original difficulties were unchanged, Hell is buffed.

- Difficulties work like this:


Player Damage?150%

NPC Damage? 50%

Stamina Cost? 100%

AI Targets??99999


Player Damage?100%

NPC Damage? 100%

Stamina Cost? 100%

AI Targets??99999


Player Damage?100%

NPC Damage? 150%

Stamina Cost? 100%

AI Targets??99999


Player Damage? 75%

NPC Damage? 200%

Stamina Cost? 150%

AI Targets??99999


Player Damage ? 50%

NPC Damage? 250%

Stamina Cost? 200%

AI Targets??99999


- Enemies will attack you straight away, removed Gothic's typical boring threaten phase.


- Enemies will snuff you out sooner, how perceptive of them. Also increases the perception, view distance and FOV of party members. They will now actually help you in fight and will engage enemies sooner.


- Enemies will chase you for much longer than ever before, how persistent of them. Some might never forget, even if you leave the area.


- Creatures now walk at running speeds and run at sprinting speeds. NPCs sprint 66% faster. SPRINT 166% versions allow the player to sprint and sneak sprint 66% faster too.


- Creatures' projectiles are now up to 100% faster and deal up to 300% more damage.


- All ingame cowards (both enemies and allies) went through a training camp and are now battle hardened veterans that will not shy away from combat anymore.


- 10% overall XP bonus for playing with this mod.

20. Pickpocket Ammunition Stacks

Pickpocket Ammunition Stacks instead of default 1 by 1.

What it does

Pickpocket Ammunition Stacks instead of default 1 by 1. If you like me ever tried to pickpocket every living being on Magalan and especially moving guards with 50 arrows, you'd know that insanity is waiting for you, unless you strike back. Use this if you want to have more fun with the game or just stay sane.

Video here.

2. How Pickpocketing actually works in ELEX 2

2.1. Every NPC has a perfect 180° cone of vision and as long as you are sneaking, behind your target and no other NPC sees you, you can pickpocket it. If the target is leaning against a wall, crouch next to it and start moving into the wall while trying to pickpocket.

2.2. If there are multiple NPCs, then you NEED to stay behind ALL of their perfect 180° cones, otherwise they will spot you. If you find this tedious or just don't care, use Steal Everything, which will definitely make the game more fun.

2.3. Every NPC has a different pickpocket awareness value. So even though your skill might be 3/3, don't expect much.

2.4. The easiest to pickpocket are sleeping NPCs, you can usually grab up to 5-6 items. But not many of them actually have a sleeping cycle in ELEX 2, bummer.

2.5. Bosses or gate guards usually have such high levels of pickpocket awareness that you will never be able to steal more than 1 item at a time. If you can't pickpocket more, reloading the save will reset your chances so you can steal everything.

21. Ranged Combat Enhanced

A whole package of Ranged Combat improvements and buffs to make it more fun. New Sounds, Faster ROF, Less Recoil, Bigger Magazines, No Blinding Muzzles, Sockets.

What it does

A whole package of Ranged Combat improvements and buffs to make it more fun. New Sounds, Faster ROF, Less Recoil, Bigger Magazines, No Blinding Muzzles, Sockets. Create Ammunition Fixed?? support, Pickpocket Ammunition Stacks support. Videos??? showcasing the changes. Easily try all the improvements with my master save? that has all the weapons ready.

2. Weapon Changes

Best in Sloted (BISed) selected Legendary weapons. Every Ranged and Heavy Weapon category now has one BIS weapon that is a Legendary.

10% more DMG, 5% more stats required over the 2nd best weapon in its category.

2.1 BOWS

- Added Scatter Shot effect to Seeker.

- New real life shot, reload and draw sounds.


- BISed Fang at 250 DMG, 65 DEX, 53 STR.

- 15% Faster ROF per XBOW quality (0-45%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (2-5) depending on the quality of the XBOW.

- New real life shot and reload sounds.


- BISed Bringer of Blessings at 112 DMG, 59 DEX, 44 INT.

- Recoil lowered by 75%. 25% Faster ROF per Blaster quality (0-75%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (20-40) depending on the quality of the Blaster.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- BISed Calaan's Light at 284 DMG, 88 DEX, 64 INT.

- Recoil lowered by 75%. 25% Faster ROF per Rifle quality (0-75%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (20-40) depending on the quality of the Rifle.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- BISed BOOM BOOM BYE BYE at 720 DMG, 82 DEX, 82 STR.

- Recoil lowered by 100%. 20% Faster ROF per Cannon quality (0-60%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (5-20) depending on the quality of the Cannon.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- Changed The Wrathful to reflect our loving memory of the Widowmaker. It now has Full Auto Mode, 80% Faster ROF.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- Recoil lowered by 100%

- 30% Faster ROF per Cannon quality (0-60%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (20-30) depending on the quality of the Cannon.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- Increased Magazine Capacity to 6.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- BISed Thunderclap at 275 DMG, 75 DEX, 75 STR.

- Recoil lowered by 25%.

- 10% Faster ROF per Shotgun quality (0-30%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (6-10) depending on the quality of the Shotgun.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- BISed Death Stick at 517 DMG, 77 DEX, 77 STR.

- Full Auto Mode for Normal, Enhanced and Legendary Throwers.

- 30% Faster ROF per Thrower quality (0-90%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (6-10) depending on the quality of the Thrower.

- New shot and reload sounds.


- BISed Capt'n Spike at 594 DMG, 82 DEX, 59 STR.

- Added Ranged Cooldown.

- Full Auto Mode for Enhanced and Legendary Spearguns.

- 20% Faster ROF per Speargun quality (0-60%).

- Increased Magazine Capacity (4-10) depending on the quality of the Speargun.

- New shot and reload sounds.

3. Other Changes


Removed the blinding muzzle effect of Blasters and Laser Rifles (WTF PB, really?).


84 new sounds. I've spent a lot of hours on these and the quality is immense.


Added full sockets support like thus (minus Grenade Launchers that didn't take the change well):

- Damaged weapons 0 sockets.

- Normal weapons 1 socket.

- Enhanced weapons 2 sockets.

- Legendary weapons 3 sockets.


- Added gravity to Arrows.

- Increased the speed of Grenades by 50%.

- Increased the speed of Plasma Cells by 300%.

- Increased the speed of Rockets by 300%.

- Removed gravity from Spears.


- Lowers the Build Weapons skill requirements with selected Ranged Weapons.

- Upgrading Damaged Ranged Weapons to Normal Ranged Weapons now costs 2 Damaged Ranged Weapons (down from 3).

- Upgrading Normal Ranged Weapons to Enhanced Ranged Weapons now costs 1 Normal Ranged Weapons (down from 2) plus default materials.


Merged into this mod are Create Ammunition Fixed? and Pickpocket Ammunition Stacks.

22. Steal Everything

Turns off AI's reaction to your stealing endeavours and disables fines for thefts.

What it does

Let's you steal freely without NPCs noticing. Turns off AI for actions: SNEAKING, STEALING, PICKPOCKETING, RESTRICTED ACCESS, CALL GUARD. In v3.0 I managed to solve and disable all fines for thefts. It's open season everywhere. Videos here and here.

23. Sunglasses Buff Always Active for ELEX 2

The highlight visual effect granted by all sunglasses remains active even after sunglasses are taken off. Also adds Quick Slot support.

Ingame Usage

Just put on and take off any of the 3 sunglasses that provide the visuals (PERSPECTIVE, MEANING OF LIFE, MACHINE FOCUS) to retain the effect. New Quick Slot support to all 4 sunglasses (PERSPECTIVE, MEANINGOF LIFE, MACHINE FOCUS, SIXTH SENSE). Video here.

Sunglasses Locations

You can find them all on this map.

  1. 24. Unlimited Companions

Play with all your beloved companions and their affection and their weapons at once.

What it does

Play with all your beloved companions and their affection and their weapons at once. Adds multiple dialogue options for all companions allowing you to recruit them, change their affections towards you, change their weapons or dismiss them. Scripted for Bully, Caja, Crony, Falk, Fox, Nasty and Nyra. If you no longer want them you can make them wait or leave the group by sending them back to your camp. All languages supported. Video here?.

How to install the mod

Extract archive into your ELEX 2 folder.

Example: C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\ELEX2

  • Last update: Thursday, January 26, 2023
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 298.7 MB

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Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Widescreen patch v.8072023 - mod - 1.2 MB

Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Widescreen patch v.8072023 - mod - 1.2 MB

Need for Speed Carbon - Widescreen Fix v.8072023 - mod - 4.3 MB

Need for Speed Carbon - Widescreen Fix v.8072023 - mod - 4.3 MB

Stronghold: Crusader HD - G.M.B. v.4.6.0 - mod - 1010 MB

Stronghold: Crusader HD - G.M.B. v.4.6.0 - mod - 1010 MB

The Sims 4 - No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 v.15012017 - mod - 0.9 KB

The Sims 4 - No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 v.15012017 - mod - 0.9 KB

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - Windows 10 Fix - mod - 2.4 MB

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - Windows 10 Fix - mod - 2.4 MB

Grand Theft Auto V - NaturalVision Evolved v.beta (17072024) - mod - 12762.4 MB

Grand Theft Auto V - NaturalVision Evolved v.beta (17072024) - mod - 12762.4 MB