Drakensang: The River of Time - Ergo's AddonPack v.1.50 - Game mod - Download

The file Ergo's AddonPack v.1.50 is a modification for Drakensang: The River of Time, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 391.1 KB

Last Update: Sunday, March 15, 2015

Downloads: 6653

Last 7 days: 0

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Ergo's AddonPack is a mod for Drakensang: River of Time, created by Ergonpandilus.


The AddonPack, or community patch if you prefer that term, fixes several errors in localization and gameplay, as well as makes some adjustments in balancing the game.


  1. + New application icon
  2. + 3 new advantages for combat attributes
  3. + 7 new advantages for spells
  4. + 6 new disadvantages
  5. + 10 traits
  6. + 8 backgrounds (advantages)
  7. + 50% faster plant lore (gathering) and animal lore (skinning)
  8. + 25% faster movement speeds for all (including NPCs and monsters)
  9. + Renamed some attributes and special abilities back to as they were in Drakensang 1
  10. + Game follows orignal P&P rules more accurately
  11. + Darker dungeons
  12. + Localization fixes
  13. + Bug fixes


Just execute "Install_Ergo's_AddonPack.bat" anywhere and enjoy. If you are planning to use this with other mods that add archetypes for example, then first install the other mods and then the addon.

  • Last update: Sunday, March 15, 2015
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 391.1 KB