Dragon's Dogma II - DLSS3 Enabler (with FrameGen) v.0.1 - Game mod - Download

The file DLSS3 Enabler (with FrameGen) v.0.1 is a modification for Dragon's Dogma II, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 209 KB

Last Update: Sunday, April 7, 2024

Downloads: 89

Last 7 days: 2

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DLSS3 Enabler (with FrameGen) is a mod for Dragon's Dogma 2, created by PureDark.


The project activates the hidden DLSS3 mode in the game, allowing owners of Nvidia GeForce 40x series cards to enjoy the technology's features, including FrameGen.


1.Extract the archive to the game's root folder and overwrite the file (you can make a backup first).

2.You must, of course, enable DLSS and Reflex in the game settings.

3. in the game you can press END to toggle DLSS FG (on by default).

IMPORTANT Some gamers report FrameGen crashes, so that's probably why Capcom hid this option. However, there are still many people reporting no problems at all after hours of play, so try it out and see if you can use FG. If not, you'll have to wait for an official patch that will fix it.

In addition, some people have reported that limiting the frame rate can reduce the risk of crashes, such as limiting it to 90 in the Nvidia Control Panel. You can also try limiting it to 60 in-game, and in FG it is actually limited to 120.

  • Last update: Sunday, April 7, 2024
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 209 KB