Depths of Peril - v.1.018 - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Depths of Peril , a(n) strategy game, v.1.018, added on Friday, July 15, 2011.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 1.7 MB

Last Update: Friday, July 15, 2011

Downloads: 921

Last 7 days: 0

Report problems with download: [email protected]

version: v.1.018



fixed a crash trying to access invalid resources (Bluddy)



fixed a cursor/selection issue



fixed a vendor exploit

updated copyright

fixed a couple dialog typos

fixed turning off XP numbers option (Castruccio)

changed to a perspective view (can turn off in graphics options)

added advanced shadows option

now UI centers when in widescreen (no longer stretches)

fixed Gabardine spelling

changed Dorr to Thaden in a few places

fixed a world map blink issue on first viewing

handle failure when grabbing rendering context better now

now saving is much safer

player now auto collects nearby gold

now can rebind alt and ctrl

added SetClipboardText support to Mac

added chest rewards to major boss rewards

made war and raid agreements less exploitable



fixed Cuastic Grotto spelling

fixed localization issue on vendor and bookshelf screens

fixed Ember Necklace not localized correctly

made Stats::increaseStat a bit safer from overflows

can now give food/potions to people from other covenants if adventuring with them

now recruits from other covenants keep their bonuses after death

fixed next target command

fixed treasure map quests to not get out of range of the world

made kidnapping quest a bit easier

fixed a rare item drop crash on Mac

fixed fire mastery not effecting Spontaneous Combustion correctly

fixed sweepingflames, ice storm, chain lightning, ball lightning mastery issues

fixed a way npcs could potentially get stuck casting



decreased lightningExplosion spawn count

fixed Close not localized on character screen

added OS X 10.3.9 OpenAL installer requirement to requirements & troubleshooting sections of manual

fixed mouse on 2nd monitor in dual monitor setup

updated copyright

skills ready icons no longer flash at beginning

thief can no longer steal from kidnapped, petrified, or dead vendors

if selected resolution & 800x600 fails, now tries desktop resolution (Win only)

now Crystals is localized in trade screen

treaty highlight text in trade screen is now localized

fixed a ton of typos, bad punctuation, and worded badly sentences (that was a joke :)

fixed a menu problem when deleting a character

added newsletter button

moved AttributePointsPerLevel to database

fixed in-game spelling

npc can no longer be poisoned if kidnapped, petrified, or dead

npc can no longer be petrified if dead

fixed a problem with 2nd stage bonus of large sets

fixed some collision issues in cross caverns

fixed some collision issues in town

fixed editor not working with zip files correctly

changed TextureList widget to work with ctx files instead of tga files

no longer spawn thief on resume if already killed

turning off Show simple UI tips now hides left/right click tips on items

turning off Show simple UI tips hides more simple tips

now mention in alt help that you can change it to a toggle

fixed a problem where you could cast spells on a friendly covenant's lifestone

fixed a problem with mana regen items

now if npc from another covenant attacks you without declaring war first game makes them declare war instead of you

now can handle player having covenant destroyed after winning the game

now beastmaster will have guards available if you are in a difficulty early

fixed an issue with not spawning monsters on some revenge quests



fixed some quest localization issues

now stat bars can set the blinkIntensity

increased ItemGenerationTries for armorsmith and weaponsmith quests to ensure they drop a reward item

improved mouse scrollball support

added a bit of text to explain why every monster doesn't drop a quest part

localized Left Click stuff in keyboard options

fixed some localization issues on relations screen

localized PoisonedSupply variant text correctly

localized switch weapons text

can now turn off automatically adding a or an

localized Revenge variant text correctly

fixed extraMinDamage & extraMaxDamage stuff not localized correctly

fixed damageMult stuff in status effects not localized correctly

fixed connection localization issue in minimap

localized a bunch of things in vbulletin/html export

added a reset map button on world map screen

added better descriptions to the rogues concentration skills

added intelligence bonus to Raven's set

npcs can no longer successfully gather items and complete quest when quest giver is dead

scouts and assassins in town can no longer hide

added scroll up/down and left/right to keyboard options

make sure AI covenant resets adventure state correctly after a raid

fixed an inaccessible location in Grim forest

added sound hook for npc dialog

made it so our patches will work with retail build



fixed save/exit while icon in cursor keeps icon

fixed colection typo

fixed acept typo

removed an assert that was causing problems on Mac

fixed database & zip filename sorting not taking into account capital letters correctly

added Mac min/recommended specs to manual

game will no longer crash if MaxRecruits is modded

updated Copyright

no longer show 0Hz as a frequency option on LCDs

fixed game when minimized on Mac still running at full speed

fixed divine intervention

increased difficulty of champion, elite, and legendary difficulty modes

increased monster resistance enhancements

can no longer map anything to the ` key (reserved for the console)

less wandering vendors

made rogue and warrior wandering vendors carry better items

decreased attribute bonuses on magic items slightly

trades now simplify to prevent trading 1 gp for 1 gp and getting a relation bonus

revenge quests now automatically get deleted if monster can't be spawned

attack skill now counts in use slot tutorial quest

added a maxFps var to the console to cap the maximum frame rate (defaults to off)

reworked how allied victory works a bit to make a little more sense

now can move to the next difficulty if you have beaten the story line in the previous difficulty

fixed a couple ways that trades could add more crystals or influence to the trade then you have

wandering vendors now stock more items



ported game to Mac (only applies to Mac build of course and most of this was technically in 1.010)

now when game is minimized it doesn't draw at all

fixed order of shutdown to prevent errors in world map and probably other places

fixed a potential crash in ServerSystem::parseClientData

fixed possible crash in deadly poison quest if npc no longer exists

fixed losing recruits/covenant stats when global sts & sav are missing

now file system prints out init status

fixed init order problem

fixed rtx files on PowerPCs

fixed some ctx issues on PowerPCs

added azerty & qwertz support on mac

fixed some byte swapping issues with wav sounds

now byte swap all wave samples if 16 bit and on big endian machine

fixed crash when monster fails to spawn from skill when no place to spawn



fixed dyeing typo in March of Evil: Tribute

fixed damage type not getting translated correctly

fixed Stealthed not getting translated correctly

event text system handles new lines better now

fixed kill quest from a monster

hopefully fixed a problem where a parent quest gets deleted when it has child quests

now get 1/2 of first party members money, item, and magic chance as a bonus

fixed vicious typo in Great Wars of Aleria

fixed another 4 spots where damage types weren't localized correctly

fixed left click to increase/decrease skill localization

fixed \n not working in text messages when also localizing

fixed rank textures having unneeded alpha channel

made enemy covenant power highlight text a bit more clear

fixed a few collision issues in Vicious Chambers

entity purge system will no longer purge secret levels

fixed town siege icon

fixed barbarian typo in war quest

made it so monster item names could be localized better

added centerLeft text alignment

added centerRight text alignment

added vertical stat bar

added reversed stat bar

added buildTgas command

set bonuses now update instantly when paused

escorts should follow a little better up/down dungeon/caves

added more code to prevent tiny caves/dungeons

localized under level part of quest text

fixed weather loading

now save reward chests

now can load database files that aren't specified in database.dbl

now can add new database entries that override only specified key/value pairs of other database entries, allows multiple entries to modify the same entry like GameSystem at the same time, also since it only overrides specified key/values mods and patches will mix better



fixed Cold typo

fixed not being able to finish tutorial in hardcore mode

changed covenant stash to shared stash wording in tutorial quest

fixed some html/vbulletin export ordering issues

fixed localization of covenant short names

fixed Resume Game translation

now Default Frequency is localized

now numCovenants option is localized

now guard & relic comparison stuff is localized

fixed some localization problems with hotkeys

localized saved monster text for journal stats

fixed some other journal localization issues

fixed Close not being localized on the equipment menu

localized quest progress stuff correctly

localized a few more things on keyboard screen

fixed an issue with cfg files not supporting unicode correctly

simplified version UI

made selected entity UI a bit bigger

decreased starting max damage of monsters a bit

made first areas have less champion, elite, and unique monsters

added loner challenge mode



fixed a typo in elemental text

fixed a typo in Badlands text

fixed Devastating Blow description

fixed some typos in hulk text

fixed a couple covenant dialog typos

fixed lacking typo in covenant dialog

fixed typo in lucky trait description

fixed tax magic bonuses not being capitalized like others

fixed a potential crash in item spawning

increased disarm trap bonus per point

changed Virtility to Virility

now flip min & max damage if min damage is higher

Left click to read is now localized correctly

ghost revenge NPCs should no longer be able to be killed

revenge quest now properly tells you to talk to NPC in town

fixed X armor on items not localizing correctly

fixed X defense on items not localizing correctly

fixed item comparison text not localizing correctly

fixed attribute names not localizing correctly in character screen highlights

fixed npc titles not localizing correctly

localized versions can now turn off rank endings (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...)

localized some general quest stuff

localized talk to stuff in quests

localized quest fail conditions

localized versions can now turn off plural ending - 3 monster(s)

localized Left Click to Select Quest

localized xp prints

localized miss type prints

localized damage types on item bonuses

fixed chared remains plural issue

increased XP reward for thief quest

influence now has a max to prevent math overflows

fixed an infinite loop when trading really large amounts of influence

fixed sometimes not being able to finish kill X monsters quests

tweaked some item drop numbers so tomes aren't so plentiful at high levels

fixed xp bar background showing as stripes on some graphics cards

fixed kick icon showing as stripes on some graphics cards

fixed an issue where multiple covenants could get credit for destroying the same covenant

boosted set bonuses for Fuse, Drel, Raven, Aversion, Retter, Shankar, and Mudbeard

added some code to prevent dual storylines if another covenant solves a storyline quest

added gold max to prevent math overflow

localized the rest of the tutorial quests

fixed good food typo

added unicode support for random names

added a hardcore mode



fixed a few textures that show up as stripes on some graphics cards

fixed gladius weapon

fixed Blackguard Pauldron spelling

fixed enemies spelling on found item npc text

fixed sized 14 bag description

changed Shamshire to Shamshir

fixed some leather helmets being based on cloth instead of leather

fixed some issues with portals

decreased Arcane Focus cast time from 2.0 to 0.5

extended radius that NPCs notice nearby lifestone to heal at

fixed sword mastery not working on 2 handed swords

fixed plural Cave Fish

fixed recruit quest time changing after save/exit

fixed siege quest telling you to kill guards instead of siege towers

fixed some spawn problems in caves

fixed some issues with child quests and the parent quest being deleted

fixed taxes stopping at 173

fixed some skills stacking strangely when paused

fixed Raven's Boots being in Damek's set

fixed experience bar highlight text

fixed typo in Jab description

fixed equipped typo in items/power comparison

fixed Arctic Breeze spelling

fixed spitting in Plaguebringer description

fixed numpad numbers not working on text input



fixed Select Crystals Amount text

fixed mage staff text getting screwed up (also fixed Nightmare)

fixed war staff text getting screwed up

fixed Lulan's Flail text

fixed trade route print problem

fixed ', ", and some other characters not showing up correctly in stories

fixed a few other item text problems

fixed a few other menu text problems

fixed Imperial Greaves spelling



fixed a few status effect names

fixed Desert Bloom item (mail shoulders)

fixed Blackguard Pauldren item (mail shoulders)

fixed Thadens Desire item (mail shoulders)

fixed Frostbite item (plate shoulders)

fixed Dranar item (plate shoulders)

fixed Titan item (plate shoulders)

fixed Bitter Wind item (cape)

fixed Cloak of Shadows item (cape)

fixed Archmage Cloak item (cape)

fixed Ciglio's Robe item (cloth chest)

fixed artifact Kracht's Pillage item (mail belt)

fixed artifact Stormguard Belt item (mail belt)

fixed artifact Erillin's Bait item (mail belt)

fixed shoulder starting items for covenants

fixed naga priest followers

fixed Damek's Cap being in Brenna's set

changed default rez to 1024x768

fixed map key not closing map correctly if changed from default

bad key mapping is now removed

increased xp & money rewards for rescue quests

lifesteal prints correctly on skills now (better mod support)

added hotkeys to zoom in and out

now if you do damage to yourself like when picking up nightshade doesn't piss off allies

npcs should no longer look at the player when they are in combat

now covenants take their level and yours into account when a shared adventure is proposed

will require better relations if you are a lower level and slightly less if you are higher

possibly fixed kill X monsters quests getting stuck

NPCs to rescue and delivery to try a bit harder to not leave their starting level

recruit will no longer teleport to player's position if player is dead (raids still work the same though)

fixed guards sometimes not defending the covenant

enemy covenants tax numbers are recalculated immediately when a guard is killed now

recruits are no longer allowed to attack things the player can't

fixed a problem in Caustic Grotto and some other caves that can make some areas not accessible

fixed a couple problems with Helaque’s Treasure

game will now purge old entities to prevent the entity cap from being hit

added cast on party member ui tip to manual

added click on lifestone health bar tip to manual

beastmaster should stock better guards in general now

enemy covenants should choose better guards now

made Draaien a little bit harder

decreased impact of influence or calculated power

kidnapped NPCs can no longer teleport home

fixed Bookshelf highlight text

NPCs can no longer be kidnapped when they are dead (no one probably ever saw this but me because the timing has to be almost perfect, but I forced the game to kidnap the NPCs every 2 seconds)

now min influence covenants use for comparison purposes is based on covenant level instead of set number

covenants no longer value player breaking trade routes & treaties as much

Everything else for 1.005 are localization issues

text parser now uses unicode

localization system now uses unicode

can now make fonts use any texture size

added unicode to code page mapping support (and vice versa)

text size/centering now uses unicode

Text UI widget now supports unicode

all menu text now goes through localization system

all items now go through localization system

chest names now go through localization system

object names now go through localization system

covenant trait text now goes through localization system

zone text now goes through localization system

skill trees now go through localization system

skills now go through localization system

status effects now go through localization system

magic modifier names now go through localization system

monster stuff now goes through localization system

covenant stuff now goes through localization system

quality names now go through localization system

faction names now go through localization system

general item text now goes through localization system

money text now goes through localization system

general status effect text now goes through localization system

fixed some small localization issues

credits text now goes through localization system

general stats text now goes through localization system

general game client stuff now goes through localization system

general game stuff now goes through localization system

time stuff now goes through localization system

added more keys to mapping

added loc.txt that defines what files to use for that localization

now can load as many translation files as needed and specified in loc.txt

moved item & covenant dialog to separate translation files

now load keyboard mappings from a file

now virtual keys are translated after localization system is up and running

added \" support in "" strings

moved up/down & left/right stuff to virtual keys

separated key names and key mappings

moved keyboard mappings to files

now load cfg files as unicode

fixed relations menu close being hardcoded to R

now key names can handle unicode text

now config files can handle unicode text

fixed the © not showing up in the copyright correctly with new localization stuff

fixed text color getting broken with some localized text

fixed RecruitingQuest text

fixed player/NPC skins broken from new localization stuff

fixed win progress string



fixed a crash in getEntitiesInRange

fixed a bug that allows most projectiles to get an extra critical hit bonus

fixed guard level display in higher difficulty levels

fixed guard information in higher difficulty levels not using difficulty mults for health, defense, and armor

fixed item highlight description sometimes going off screen

no longer show ground items when toggle is on if fullscreen menu is up

added an extra check to make sure covenant never thinks it is at war with itself

fixed a problem when fullscreen call happens during main ui loop and breaks ordered menu list

added very hard covenant aggression difficulty level

made lightning explosion sound effect quieter

fixed plaguebringer poison cloud after death not doing damage

made higher world difficulty levels a bit harder

potential recruits now save their skills and equipment correctly

increased damage per strength for rogue a bit

increased attack per dexterity for rogue a bit

AI no longer values a raid agreement if you already have one with them

fixed relation dropping to 0 if you offer a raid agreement with a covenant already raiding

fixed a problem where a character's gates would get lost when winning/losing a game and changing difficulty levels



added LowRelation help topic

added GetQuest tutorial quest

added ciglio belt as a reward for finishing the tutorial

added party member low health help topic

tutor intro text now mentions tutorial and item reward

updated manual with LowRelation and party member low health stuff

added dual core AMD cpus running game too fast to manual

fixed highlight info only working on 1st 6 effect icons

can now return to game if you accidently click on Win Game icon

ai will no longer try to buy guards when under attack

relic stats now applied correctly immediately after game starts

first few zones now have slightly less monsters

recruits can no longer wear mail or plate armor until they actually get the first skill point

made ghost's in quests more visible

added a show items toggle option

added gamma support/option

now recruit stat highlight information uses the correct class

added level to guard detail

added armor, defense, max health guard detail

tomes and treasure maps names are now white instead of grey to be a little more noticable

ai will no longer leave to next zone if on recruit quest in current zone

increased chance that a dead town NPC resurrects each chance

now can get highlight info on something and see all items on ground at same time

increased amount of chests in dungeons

now some quests require killing less monsters if in dungeon/cave



capped max stalker levels to 1 in Grimalkin Forest

thickened influence/power comparison lines

thickened relation lines

fixed defense magic enhancements not working correctly

updated copyright year on main menu

fixed another reflected damage problem with on hit skills like Major Fire Imbued

narrowed relation range a bit so relation line colors would be a little more distinct

now show exact relations with covenants when you highlight a covenant's icon

now add hate to guards when lifestone is damaged

now recruits and other ai will have health and power (faith/mana) maxed on level up

fixed crushing blow not working correctly on weapon with higher min than max damage

added a hints help topic after tutorial

rearranged equipment and character screen some to overlap less

F11 now defaults to recruit in your party

now weight player/recruits more in power calculations

added unidentified overlay icon

enemy covenant should no longer be in lead for a recruit if they don't want him/her

fixed getting back too much xp debt from soulstones when near max xp debt

space can now buy and sell items

armor now only applies to physical damage part from physical attacks

added QWERTZ keyboard support



fixed crash when moving around skill icons that have use hints

fixed after are parents typo

added DEP issue to troubleshooting in manual

added AC 97 driver stuff to troubleshooting section in manual

fixed some problems when both enemies have damage on hit effects

added tool tip for covenant aggression

shifted editor tile layout over a bit

fixed some collision issues in crystal type cave

now subtract 1900 from zip files year to match normal file system

fixed not building uncompressed textures if needed

can no longer sell bags with items in it

fixed a crash in skill mastery stuff

fixed mastery skills effecting the wrong skills

now clicking on covenant health bar uses/attacks that covenant's lifestone

added disable party member dialog option

  • Last update: Friday, July 15, 2011
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 1.7 MB