Cyberpunk 2077 - Weather Probability Rebalance v.2.8 - Game mod - Download

The file Weather Probability Rebalance v.2.8 is a modification for Cyberpunk 2077, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 19.9 KB

Last Update: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

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Last 7 days: 7

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Weather Probability Rebalance is a mod for Cyberpunk 2077, created by RMK.

Description (in author’s own words):

Changes weather probabilities and min/max durations so that rain and other interesting weather happens more often.

There are a few existing weather mods out there but this one is a little bit different, done the way I would have done it if I was CDPR (plus more rain because I love it :) ).

Thanks to Dravic1 for making a helpful reddit post about how this works which made me realize how easy it was to mod the way I want to. Their mod, Eye Adaptation Auto Exposure Fix, has some weather options that are similar to what I'm doing here.

Unmodded Behaviour

The weather probabilities are implemented weird. It's a list of weathers, each with a probability, min/max duration, and transition time. You would think that the game would pick one weather from the list according to the probabilities each time a previous weather is ending. Instead, my understanding is that it goes through the list top to bottom, doing each weather (or not) according to its probability. Worse, at launch I think the weather would restart at the top of the list (sunny!) on each game load, or at least the current weather state was inconsistently saved. I think that has improved in recent patches and the position in the weather cycle is saved.

Here's the unmodded weather list (durations and transition time are in-game hours... I think):

So you can see that Sunny is almost always chosen, rain and other interesting ones almost never are (haha Sandstorm at 2%), and the length of Sunny is huge. Also, the three cloud types are the next most likely, and they're all immediately before Sunny in the cycle, leading to long periods of plain sunny/cloudy weather.

What this mod does

I've mostly flattened the probabilities of the different weathers, with higher probabilities for rain and acid rain since the rain is great. Durations are similarly changed so that Sunny is shorter and rain is longer. I could add in the missing min and max values but I didn't feel it was necessary so I didn't bother. I've also re-ordered the weathers so that you're less likely to get cloud, cloud, sunny, rain, cloud, cloud, etc. Lastly I shortened the transition times... not sure if this will make anything look bad.

Comparison to other weather mods

These are the ones I know about:

Climate Change? just replaces the Sunny weather with one other weather type of your choice.

Geoengineering? moves Sunny and sets all probabilities to 1.0, and all min durations = max durations, so that there's a fixed cycle of weather that just loops. Various tweaks are also made to the visual parameters of the weather types.

Adaptation Auto Exposure Fix is primarily for what the title says, but because that modifies the same file as the weather they've added in similar weather tweaks as what this mod does in an optional version. No reordering though, I believe.

Because of the way the first two in that list work I had initially thought it was not possible to just modify the probabilities in a normal way. I like this method, it's just the way I expected it to work before I actually played the game. More like BOTW. Weather is frequently changing, but randomly.


Won't be compatible with any other weather mods and maybe not with things that alter the effects of certain weathers.

Other versions

I'm up for making other versions if there's demand... like other sets of probabilities / durations. Let me know if there's something you'd like that's significantly different.

I'm not interested in tweaking the visual parameters and stuff like that. It's really not my area of expertise.

If you'd like to make your own version (IT'S NOT HARD I PROMISE!) you can use my guide here?, but unpack basegame_3_nightcity.archive and the file to edit is "base/weather/24h_basic/cp2077_master_env_v008_m8.env". You can also just unpack my mod and edit that version of the file. The properties in the tables above are all in worldEnvironmentDefinition -> struct DATA -> worldEnvironmentDefinition[0] -> array:worldWeatherState[4] once you have the template applied in 010 editor.


This mod requires Cyber Engine Tweaks? & Redscript.

To install this mod, extract the zip file into the Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder (the mod files go to "Cyberpunk 2077/r6/scripts").

  • Last update: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 19.9 KB