Cyberpunk 2077 - Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion v.1.4.2 - Game mod - Download

The file Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion v.1.4.2 is a modification for Cyberpunk 2077, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 36.2 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Downloads: 867

Last 7 days: 15

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Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion is a mod for Cyberpunk 2077, created by RMK. If you like the mod then consider supporting its author through the


Tracks and rewards Ghost, Pacifist, No-Touch, and more objectives for almost every quest and gig. Adds an all-new stealth-focused perk tree to unlock new abilities such as Pickpocketing. Unlock new items including new variations of Optical Camo. Inspired by games like Deus Ex and Dishonored.

The core of this mod is a system that adds stealth-related objectives to every applicable main quest, side/minor quest, gig, and NCPD scanner hustle. The aim is to motivate and reward stealthy gameplay, enhancing the vanilla experience by tracking these objectives as rewarding challenges to complete. It is not an overhaul of existing stealth gameplay (significantly changing enemy AI would be a whole other mod - and not easy), but it makes it more fun to play the stealth game that's already there.

By completing those objectives you get XP, Street Cred, Ninjutsu XP, money, and recipes (depending on the objective). Completing enough of each type also unlocks rewards including perk points, access to new cyberware at ripperdocs, recipes for new iconic weapons (one now, more to come), and access to perks in the included Stealthrunner perk tree.

Stealthrunner Objectives

  1. Ghost: Avoid being detected by enemies (entering into combat). This is enabled on most missions. If being detected is forced by the game then this will be disabled.
  2. Shadow: Avoid arousing suspicion (enemies noticing you at all or finding bodies). Attacking enemies from stealth and failing to incapacitate them quickly will fail this objective. Using non-covert quickhacks will also fail this objective.
  3. Pacifist: Don't kill any human enemies (or civilians) linked to the mission. Mechs, androids, and drones can be destroyed (we assume the mech pilot survives).
  4. No-Touch: Avoid attacking enemies in any way (covert quickhacks and pickpocketing are allowed). Targets who must be attacked to complete a gig are exempt (but the objective will be disabled for gigs with just one target, such as cyberpsychos)
  5. Hero: Complete quests and gigs where innocent civilians are at risk without allowing them to die and while incapacitating all enemies threatening the victims. Gig targets for rescue are not considered victims for this objective. This only applies to missions where the civilian is being held hostage or attacked by enemies (almost all are NCPD scanner hustles). In some cases the enemies are scripted to kill the civilian(s) if you don't intervene, but completing any mission with a victim where no victim is killed will earn you the Hero objective. Missions where there are civilians going about their business do not count. If you decide to shoot up a bar then you're the one putting them at risk. Missions with invincible civilians don't count.

Immediate Rewards for completing each objective:

  1. Ghost/Shadow: Money, Ninjutsu XP
  2. Pacifist: XP, Street Cred
  3. No-Touch: XP, Street Cred, Ninjutsu XP
  4. Hero: Money, random item recipe (recipe rarity is randomized but weighted toward better rarity if you have the required crafting perks)

Objectives are displayed underneath the normal objectives for a quest. For side quests and gigs with multiple steps, the Stealthrunner objectives usually aren't visible until you reach the combat part of the mission. Objectives may also be completed before the quest is over, if the part where combat is possible is over. For quests with bosses, if the boss is skippable (e.g. Royce) then the objectives will include the boss fight, meaning if you choose combat, you will fail Ghost and No-Touch. For non-skippable bosses like Oda the Stealthrunner objectives will be completed just before the boss fight.

Not all quests have all objectives. Cyberpsycho gigs for example will not have No-Touch available, and will only have Ghost and Shadow if it is actually possible to sneak up on them. It's also common that not all available objectives can be completed together. In gigs with Hero available, you need to take out enemies (failing No-Touch) to complete Hero. Some quests have forced combat when you walk into a certain area, unless you've already taken out the enemies. In those cases you can get Ghost/Shadow or No-Touch, but not both. There are no objectives on missions that don't have enemies, have only a single turret or drone (in some cases), have scripted combat, etc.

If all Stealthrunner objectives are failed, the text will turn red and say so

If you successfully complete one or more Stealthrunner objectives, the completed objectives and any special rewards for reaching a milestone will be displayed in the top left of the HUD underneath the health bar area:

By default you can also fail an objective for the last gig/quest you completed after it has been completed (for instance if you complete an NCPD gig by looting the evidence, and then are spotted by the enemies. When you fail an objective post completion, a notification like this will appear.

Stealthrunner Stats, Rewards, and Perks in the HUB menu

This mod adds a new page to the HUB menu

Each level of each objective offers a perk point, and some of them also offer access to new items. More items will be added to this mod over time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The amounts of each objective to complete (e.g. 100 Ghost objectives for the 5th Ghost reward) are reduced if you start using the mod partway through the game, to give you a chance to get most of the rewards no matter when you start using it. The reduction is based on your level at the time that you start using the mod, and can be turned off or modified in the mod menu. By default, if you start at level 50, the reward thresholds are all reduced by 50%, at level 25 the reduction is 25%, etc.

Item Rewards:


  1. Reward 2: Arasaka Lurker Camo (Rare and Epic)
  2. Reward 3: Wind (silent Ashura) crafting recipe
  3. Reward 4: Arasaka Lurker Camo (Legendary)


  1. Reward 2: Biotechnica Parasitic Camo (Rare and Epic)
  2. Reward 4: Biotechnica Parasitic Camo (Legendary)


  1. Reward 2: Smart Weapon Jammer cyberware (Common, Uncommon, Rare)
  2. Reward 4: Smart Weapon Jammer cyberware (Epic, Legendary)


  1. Reward 2: Nano Shades Eye cyberware
  2. Pickpocket (3 levels) - Allows you to loot enemies from behind while undetected. (pickpocket action time is reduced at levels 2-3)
  3. Picksocket (1 level) - Pickpocketed enemies will have an amount of Eddies based on their type and level.
  4. Socket Spy (1 level) - Enemies carrying shards and access cards are indicated with icons above their heads when you look at them.
  5. Jack In (1 level) - Allows you to take control of a surveillance camera when standing next to one, without a Cyberdeck.
  6. Featherweight (1 level) - Mine activation time is increased by 100%.
  7. Total Concentration (2 levels) - Enemy Reveal Position hack time is increased by 50%. (100% at level 2)
  8. Audio Disruption (2 levels) - Reduces footstep sound radius by 50%. (75% and you also land silently at level 2)
  9. Console Cowboy (1 level) - If you are not in combat, you will be undetectable while using computer terminals.
  10. Cyberninja (2 levels) - Melee attacks don't trigger combat (unless you are seen), and they deal 25% more damage while out of combat or cloaked. (50% at level 2)
  11. Energy Shield (3 levels) - Upon entering combat, you take 50% less damage the next 1 time(s) you are hit (expires after 60 seconds).
  12. Code Injection (3 levels) - When executing a takedown on a tagged enemy, the closest tagged human enemy on the same network within 8 meters suffers the same effects. 90 second cooldown. (12m, 60 second cooldown at level 2. 3 enemies at level 3)


This mod adds 11 (currently!) perks in a new perk tree. Most perks are locked at the start and require a certain number of Stealthrunner objectives to be unlocked. The perks focus on new abilities such as Pickpocketing, rather than stat boosts. Resetting your perks from the Character menu will remove these perks and return the points.


This mod has a settings menu in the "Mods" menu (via Native Settings UI). There are options for turning on and off some UI elements of the mod, settings for the rewards this mod gives, some stealth difficulty boosting options, and options to change every value for items and perks added by this mod. At the bottom are some debug settings (like turning on console logging) that I use and might ask you to turn on if you encounter an issue with the mod.

Cyberware Vendors

All cyberware that becomes available as rewards for completing objectives will be available for sale at at least two vendors. This table shows which cyberware is available where:

I've never had any problem finding my items at vendors, not from this mod or others I've added items in, but people have reported them not showing up on my Lynx Paws mod. It's possible you can have another mod that breaks this functionality if it adds items in a bad way, or maybe just too many mods adding items to the same vendor. If you can't find an item you've unlocked for sale, first try skipping time for 24 hours. If that doesn't work, you can manually add the item using the commands in the next section.

Item Console Commands

If you can't find the items for sale or you just want to check out the items without unlocking them, copy and paste these commands into the CET console:

For these items, you can replace "Rare" with "Epic" or "Legendary":

Game.AddToInventory("Items.OpticalCamoLurkerRare", 1)

Game.AddToInventory("Items.OpticalCamoStaminaRare", 1)

For this item, you can replace "Common" with "Uncommon", "Rare", "Epic", or "Legendary":

Game.AddToInventory("Items.SmartGunJammerCommon", 1)

There is only one version of this item:

Game.AddToInventory("Items.KiroshiOpticsFragmentBlindImmunity", 1)

Rare weapon recipes:

Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Silent_Ashura_Rare", 1)

If you would like to pay for the items, this command will subtract money (prices are visible in the item photos in the images section):

Game.GetTransactionSystem():GiveItem(Game.GetPlayer(),"")), -72800)

(replace 72800 with the value you want to pay)

Saved Data

This mod saves playthrough data in two locations: 1) in the save file, and 2) in its own files located at "Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\StealthRunner\sessions". The reason for this is that when I started developing the mod, storing data in the save file wasn't really possible, and didn't seem safe. By now, it's possible and I think more reliable to keep the data in the save file. Now it saves the same data in both locations, using the data in the save file first. There is an option in the debug options (bottom of mod options) to load from the session file data. This is a useful debug tool, a way to alter progression data manually, and a way to recover if something bad happens to the mod data in the save file.

If you ever uninstall this mod and want to save your data, ideally you should keep that folder (if you manage the mod with Vortex it will leave those files behind if you uninstall the mod). If you do a "clean install", "purge", "nuclear option", etc. to fix some problem with your mods, try not to delete that data.

There are no problems with uninstalling the mod and then continuing from a save file made with the mod, or installing the mod and starting to use it with a playthrough in progress. I've also tested saves made using this mod with the Cybercat save editor, and it works fine.

WARNING: If you make a save with this mod, and then continue from that save without the mod, you will lose the mod data in your new saves made without the mod. This makes sense: without the mod you can't use the new items the mod introduces, and you won't have the perks from the mod, etc. But keep in mind too that if you reinstall the mod later, you still won't have your old items or Stealthrunner progress including perks. That data has been lost (but is still present in your old saves made with the mod). You will still have perk points you've earned, XP you've earned, money you've earned, etc.

Patches and Phantom Liberty

This mod is resilient to patches. I've been developing it since around patch 1.3 and it rarely needs a lot of work after a patch. Likely some for a major patch, but not a lot. When the expansion comes out, however, this mod won't support any of the quests or gigs in the expansion until I've manually tested and added them.

When ANY patches come out, most of the requirements will need updates. Specifically, Red4Ext, ArchiveXL, TweakXL, Input Loader, and CET all need to be updated after every major or minor patch. Of those, Input Loader is usually the last to get updated (like 2 days average compared to 1 day or less for the others). You can probably run this mod without Input Loader if you've previously used the mod (uninstall it though), as the extra inputs this mod adds should be saved and used even if Input Loader is not present.

WARNING: as mentioned in the Saved Data section, continuing a playthrough without the mod installed will mean losing your Stealthrunner progression and the mod's items. This means that after a patch you'll need to wait until the mod and all requirements are updated if you don't want to lose Stealthrunner progress.

Misc. Gameplay Features

The mod includes a few features/bug fixes that aren't a part of the core Stealthrunner systems:

Dumping bodies in containers won't cause enemies to die in quests with non-lethal objectives. This applies both for getting the Pacifist objective on quests, as well as for quests that have different outcomes depending on if you kill anyone, such as the monk quest in Watson.

Bug fixes for base game Optical Camos (same fixes as in my other mod Optical Camo Bug Fixes). You can have both mods installed or not, it doesn't matter.

Fixed bug with some proximity mines not playing sound when you approach (same fix as in my other mod Proximity Mine Audio Bug Fix). You can have both mods installed or not, it doesn't matter.



This mod requires: CyberEngineTweaks, ArchiveXL, Codeware, cybercmd, Input Loader, Native Settings UI, RED4ext, redscript oraz TweakXL. Mod do dzialania wymaga wszystkich tych projektów.

How to install the mod:

To install Stealthrunner - Stealth Gameplay Expansion just download the mod and extract the archive into game’s main folder.

  • Last update: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 36.2 MB