Crysis Remastered - Improvement Project v.0.29a - Game mod - Download

The file Improvement Project v.0.29a is a modification for Crysis Remastered, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 274.1 MB

Last Update: Monday, January 23, 2023

Downloads: 1392

Last 7 days: 1

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Improvement Project is a mod for Crysis Remastered, created by Ambient_Malice.


Crytek are supporting Crysis: Remastered with a steady stream of improvements, but some stuff slips through the cracks.

Intended for Crysis: Remastered Patch 2.1.2. Please read these instructions carefully.


Levels | Various patched level files. You will need to overwrite the existing ones.

zzz_ImprovementProject.pak | The mod itself.


zzz_CrytekUKWeapons.pak | Optional add-on that replaces Scar, Socom, and FY71 with Crytek UK's 2011 versions, and uses the 2011 sound effects for weapons.

UK_CREDITS.txt | A list of people who worked on the 2011 console version but aren't credited in the remaster for some reason. A lot of these names went on to make games you probably know and love.


Make sure any pre-existing "zzz_" files are deleted if you have installed previous versions of this mod.

Navigate to the game folder: eg. "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\CrysisRemastered\Game".

Copy the mod files into this directory, and accept all overwrite permission requests.

In order to uninstall/refresh your installation, delete the "zzz_" files, and then perform a file verification in EGS (or Steam/etc. when it releases there), which will restore the vanilla map files.

Thanks to Crytek & Saber for their ongoing support for the remaster, as well as making it reasonably mod friendly. You know what would make it friendlier, though? Releasing the level editor! And the rest of the SDK!

|0.17 Changelog|

Mission Specific:


Patrol boat AI view distance changed to match OG Crysis. But slightly limited FOV for AI in vehicles has been left untouched, so boats no longer have eyes in the back of their heads like OG Crysis.

Restored a rock to opening cove.

Restored Ceph Mountain.


Reimplemented blood on Caroline Chang/The Hostage by manually painting blood onto her textures.

NPCs Entrance_One_End_3 and Entrance_One_End_4 were placed inside a objects/library/architecture/nodule/smallhut.cgf shack, and couldn't get out. Not sure why. Relocating them out allows them to move freely.

Fixed town hall model (objects/library/architecture/village/townhall_modern_middle_big.cgf) to match PC original, which has cables connecting the lights on the ceiling.

Removed a vegetation object that was consistently misaligned with the ground.

Music will now transition correctly after completing side objective.


NPCs Farm_11 and Farm_12 were not entering their jeep correctly because they were stuck inside a shack (same issue as Village). Since I (likely) can't fix whatever AI bug is causing this, I moved them outside the shack.

Changed a utility vehicle vehicle back to police truck variant like OG game, and fixed its decal materials to match OG game.

==Paradise Lost/Ice==

Restored missing rockslides.

Increased Ceph ship glow to match OG game.

Fixed graphics bug present since OG Crysis during opening cutscene (corrupt nanosuit arm textures).


Music now plays correctly.


Restored Naked Ceph refraction trail. Also need to investigate Ceph bleeding.

Fixed various issues with LTV/Jeep, including: AI seating problems, not exploding in head-on collisions, and the car exploding instantly when the fuel tank is shot. There were multiple cascading things wrong the the LTV. For example, it seems like NPCs were unable to reach the gunner seat. Flagging every entrance as "can reach the gunner seat from here" seems to fix that. These fixes should cause numerous improvements to AI Jeep behavior.

Attempted to slightly improve Psycho's head appearance.

Fixed truck explosion behavior. Previously, explosion effect was being suppressed?

Fixed strange red radiosity on utility vehicle. Was caused by an invisible decal with red diffuse.

Replaced wooden boxes with PC model that breaks differently, and includes a piece of tumbleweed-like debris.

The 2011 port restructured/split the music xmls into a hodgepodge of per-mission imports (probably to save memory), resulting in several missing music issues in the remaster. This arrangement has been replaced with the original version's act1.xml structure, with some fixes for things like mission loadscreen imports. (I made sure to keep the Crytek UK credits music, though.)

Changed some particle effects to be closer to PC originals. More work needs to be done here, without being silly about it because a lot of the remaster's particle effects are optimized with little to no drop in quality.

Added PS3 version audio files to Crytek UK weapon mod, complementing the models nicely.

With the new fixes, the jeep is a WEE bit fragile. I'll look into slightly rebalancing so it booms when you want it to boom, but with some leeway.

Known Problems/Stuff to Look Into:

Camera shake doesn't seem to work in several cases. There's some oddity around "Camera:CameraShake" and "Camera:ViewShake" and the deprecation -> obsolete status of camera shaking stuff.

The game is supposed to give different tutorial prompts depending on whether classic nanosuit is enabled or not. This does not happen. The reason is that the command Crytek/Sabre are using to check is debug-only.

Post-2011 versions of Crysis placed a perhaps overkill number of rocket launchers in the village battle. Two tanks vs the world's largest collection of rocket launchers. Who will win?

Relic/Rescue has a LOT of frogs. An almost comical number of frogs. The original game was the same, but they blended in more. Will possibly reduce frog density.

The fixed LTV/Jeeps will put you in the gunner seat if you enter from any door except the driver's.

Nomad holds his mask wrong in the opening cutscene. I think this is fixable by rotating the mask's alignment with his hand bone.

Some dirt screen splatter effects when firing at certain surfaces are missing. Adding them back is trivial, though.

The Crytek UK sound effects seem to have the (since fixed by Crytek/Sabre) bug where the first shot sound fired after loading into a map would be missing. Not a huge issue, but just be aware of it.

Helicopters aren't psychic in the remaster, but they're very bad at chasing the player now. Maybe a middle ground is possible.

Dynamic frost effects are broken. Not sure why, not sure if anyone except Crytek/Sabre can fix.

The broken HUD/UI colouring can potentially be fixed by manually editing every UI flash file. I don't relish this tedious task.

Speaking of sound, the audio mixing in Crysis Remastered is... not great. There is severe clipping on loud noises. This could maybe be alleviated by rebuilding the FMOD files.

Wind pressure/bending effects are broken, and I don't think this can be fixed without source code access.

NPCs have issues using mounted weapons. I think it's an animation flowgraph transition problem. If I can narrow down why some NPCs can use them successfully, maybe a fix can be jerry-rigged.

==Previous Changelogs==


Hopefully fixed all the missing music from Ascension.


Fixed incorrect loadscreen music for "Core".

Fixed missing music from Ascension mission.

Removed various fixes that are no longer needed.

Removed alternate energy usage for classic suit. Will revisit later.

Removed slow-mo feature that no longer works, probably due to optimizations.

  • Last update: Monday, January 23, 2023
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 274.1 MB