Campaign 1776: The American Revolution - v.1.09 - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Campaign 1776: The American Revolution , a(n) strategy game, v.1.09, added on Friday, April 2, 2010.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 24.1 MB

Last Update: Friday, April 2, 2010

Downloads: 1054

Last 7 days: 0

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version: v.1.09

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.09

- Scenario updates.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.08a

- Fix for two-player hot-seat weather problem.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.08

- Change so that artillery counts as 25 men for stacking purposes instead

of 50.

- Added hotkey 'K' for the display of command ranges.

- Added number of unseen units in arrow keys in Hex Info Area.

- Added ability to display Users Manual to Help Menu.

- Added ability to display a color associated with the battalion of a unit

(see Battalion Colors under View Menu).

- Added ability to display labels using an alternate style (See Alt Label

Style under Settings Menu).

- Added ability for mounted cavalry to fire when the weapon they carry

is identified as being fired while mounted in the Parameter Data.

- Added the ability for artillery to retire by prolonge when the optional

rule is in effect and when the artillery type is identified as being

able to retire by prolonge in the Parameter Data.

- Added restrictive bridge values for movement, at least 10 for infantry,

at least 50 for cavalry, and at least 100 for artillery and supply


- Added ability to fire artillery at bridges and to melee against bridge

hexes to cause bridge damage.

- Added ability for infantry and cavalry to repair bridges.

- Added new engineer unit and leader type that is used to improve rate of

bridge repair.

- Change so that units behind an embankment or stone wall do not suffer

Enfilade fire effects unless the fire is coming from a higher elevation

(The Enfilade effect is now noted in the unit picture).

- Change so that units behind an embankment or stone wall get a +2 morale

modifier for rout checks (The bonus is indicated as a '+' after the

Quality value in the unit picture).

- Added optional background sound feature.

- Placed a "base" weather entry in each PDT file so that visibility can be

set to a max of 80 hexes.

- Put in various flags (PDT) for weapons to allow indirect fire, retire by

prolong, firing while mounted & small arms.

- Reduced the range for the Rifle w/ bayonet by 1 hex.

- Increased the effectiveness of artillery at short (up to 5 hex) range for

all artillery over 4lbs.

- Increased movement rates for supply wagons.

- Decreased stacking limits to 150 men per hex.

- Increased the movement costs in clear terrain to 3 for units in Line


- Increased the movement costs in forest to 5 for infantry, and slightly

higher for other unit types.

- Altered various modifiers for terrain types.

- Increased ammo depletion values for both armies.

- Decreased the value of artillery and cavalry, added points for supply.

- Increased the number of supply wagons in most scenarios.

- Added supply sources to forts as needed.

- Added in bridge strengths of 150 to all scenarios.

- Line & Cav troops will now disrupt if moved in Forest, Orchard, Marsh,

Town or Rough terrain types.

- Changed many Militia type units to low grade infantry.

- Decreased the number of Rifles carried by Militia units and replaced with

Muskets without bayonets & Muskets.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.07

- Fixes for Vista compatibility.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.06a

- Fix for melee from/to bridge problem.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.06

- Added a new On-Map Results feature which shows combat results on the

map instead on in a dialog box. Feature can be turned on/off from the

Settings Menu and defaults to on.

- Added Indirect Fire ability to certain weapons. See Users Manual

under Defensive Fire for more information.

- Added new Emplaced artillery units which cannot move from their

location. More information is available in the Users Manual in the

Defensive Fire section.

- Added a new Boat Movement feature which allows infantry and leaders to

cross water.

- Added Alternative Scrolling option to solve graphics problem with

certain video cards.

- (Scenario Editor) Added a hot key "E" for toggling Fixed status.

- (Scenario Editor) Added ability to check for Duplicate Leaders under

Scenario Menu.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.05

- Added ability for Supply loss to count towards victory point levels in

scenarios based on scenario data specified in Scenario Editor.

- Fix for main program crash at start of turn with certain scenario


Changes for Campaign 1776 1.04

- Added Line Disruption indicator in Terrain Info Box.

- Change to Optional Line Disruption Rule so that it does not affect

units in Extended Formation.

- Removed Ctrl key from Hot Keys as this conflicted with mode changes.

Now N means next unit that has not moved, while Ctrl-N means next unit

that has not fired.

- Added number of turns to File Selection Dialog.

- (Pdt) Fixup to data issue in pdt files.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.03

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: This version of Campaign 1776 incorporates a new

game engine that is based on a single-phase turn rather than the original

multi-phase turn structure. Games that were started under the original

multi-phase approach can be continued and finished in this mode, but new

games by default will be started using the single-phase turn structure.

See the new Getting Started help file to learn more about the single

phase turn and use the Manual Defensive Fire Optional Rule to retain

the old multi-phase approach in new games if you desire.

- Fix for outcomes in full Campaign game scenario in last situation.

- Fix for Line-of-Sight Fog-of-War leak.

- Added new Weak Zone-Of-Control Optional Rule which allows one-hex

movement and retreats through enemy Zones-of-Control.

- Change to melee strength for artillery from 12 to 8 men per gun.

- (Camp) Fix for victory image in Southern campaign conclusion.

- (Scn) In Brandywine scenarios, moved Delaware regiment to cover

Painters Ford.

- (Map) Updates to Monmouth and Princeton maps based on subsequent

research and field study.

- (Map) Fix for spelling of "Ensign Tavern" on Saratoga map.

- (Scn) Spell corrected several scenario descriptions.

- (Scn) Added alternative Eutaw Springs scenario with additional forces.

- (Scn) Converted American cavalry in Eutaw Springs scenarios to mounted

status from dismounted.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.02

- Possible fix for excessive casualty reporting in Victory Dialog as a

result of Routed units failing morale test and suffering additional

casualties as a result of stragglers.

- Added modifiers to Line Disruption Optional Rule based on the Morale

of the unit moving and the terrain being moved into and over.

- PBEM encryption is not supported in campaign game and is disabled

when playing PBEM campaign game.

- (OBs) Fix for spelling of Moylan in Yorktown OB.

- (Maps) Fix for broken road on Monmouth map and fix for missing stream

on Brandywine map.

Changes for Campaign 1776 1.01

- Added new weapon type of bayonet-less musket. Added this to an

alternative Bunker Hill scenario for the American forces.

- Added new Optional Rule: Line Movement Disruption which can result

in Disruption for units moving in Line Formation.

- Added command Leaders To Top in Main Program and Scenario Editor which

moves all leaders in current hex to top of the stack. Can also be

invoked by holding down Alt key while clicking Leaders button.

- Added feature where Fixed units are automatically Released when spotted

by enemy units that are 5 hexes away or closer.

- Fixed bug that allowed leader additional movement points by attempting

to change formation.

- Added Ctrl-J as hot key for displaying Jump Dialog.

- Added + symbol to "Has Not Meleed" message to indicate that the

unit did not fire in the preceding Offensive Fire Phase.

- Attempt to fix certain PBEM replay bugs caused by multiple games

or restarting turns.

- Fix for bug that allowed to Supply Wagons to lose leaders under

Rifle Fire Effects Optional Rule.

- Fix for being able to change to Extended Line formation on bridges.

- Fix for being able to change into Extended Line from Column formation

after moving.

- Added documentation of Semi-Auto Melee feature in Users Manual.

  • Last update: Friday, April 2, 2010
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 24.1 MB