Call of Duty 2 - Realism Load Screens + Intro Dialogues for COD2 v.14022020 - Game mod - Download

The file Realism Load Screens + Intro Dialogues for COD2 v.14022020 is a modification for Call of Duty 2, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 23.7 MB

Last Update: Sunday, March 15, 2020

Downloads: 1463

Last 7 days: 2

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Realism Load Screens + Intro Dialogues for COD2 is a mod for Call of Duty 2, created by FeReise.

Description (in author’s own words):

Just another experimental work of mine, change some of the load screens, intro dialogues, in-game objectives, and menu dialogues to become more historically accurate by overall.


- New menu dialogues for these following missions: The End of the Beginning, Prisoners of War, The Crossroads, The Tiger, and Crossing the Rhine.

- New intro dialogue: Red Army Training, The End of the Beginning, Defending the Pointe, The Silo, Prisoners of War, The Crossroads, The Tiger, Rangers Lead The Way, and Crossing the Rhine.

- New in-game objectives dialogues: The End of the Beginning, Prisoners of War, and Crossing the Rhine.

- New load screens: Red Army Training, The End of the Beginning, The Silo, Prisoners of War, The Crossroads, The Tiger, The Brigade Box, Approaching Hill 400, Rangers Lead The Way, and Crossing the Rhine.

In addition, there is also a second version of this mod located in the '2nd Version' folder (iwd file). It has almost the same detail with the 1st version, except there is no custom intro dialogue and load screen for 'Rangers Lead The Way' mission.

Moreover, this mod will become a part of the update version of jnoonfelt's 'The REALITY of War' mod. And probably the update version of MCh2207Cz's Back2Fronts Mod also (with a little modifying to make it suitable for the B2F mod).

To install this mod, just put either 'zzz_newintro&loadscreens EDIT.iwd' or 'zzz_newintro&loadscreens EDIT2.iwd' (2nd version) into the main folder of COD2.

  • Last update: Sunday, March 15, 2020
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 23.7 MB