Birth of America II: Wars in America 1750-1815 - v.1.10e - Game update - Download
Game update (patch) to Birth of America II: Wars in America 1750-1815 , a(n) strategy game, v.1.10e, added on Monday, November 19, 2012.
File Type: Game update
File Size: 75 MB
Last Update: Monday, November 19, 2012
Downloads: 785
Last 7 days: 1
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version: v.1.10e
• Python script checks run [thank you LaFrite!]
- Duplicate Aliases resolved in Move Types, Terrains, Sounds, Colors, Ability Kinds, Models and Units
- Aliases corrected:
- Settings file AI.opt
- added $SPA in Various.ini
• Setups
- Removed the setups for the ''original'' 1755 Campaign, 1756 Montcalm scenario, and 1759 Annus Mirablis
scenario, leaving the ''COL'' faction variants intact.
- The improvements made in the ''Colonial Faction'' variants are numerous, and were not consistently included
in the originals, resulting in some aberrant situations. Currently, resources are not available to reconcile the
differences and correct the original setups.
- The Database will still include these older variants for modding purposes, and the game will still include the
Events files for these scenarios to allow ongoing games to be completed.
• Events
- 1812 Campaign: corrected the timing of British reinforcements in 1814 after Napoleon's Exile.
• Text
- Latest verssion of LocalStrings__AGE included
- Last update: Monday, November 19, 2012
- Genre: Strategy
- File size: 75 MB