Battlefield 2 - BF2 Total War Realism Mod v.9.0 - Game mod - Download
The file BF2 Total War Realism Mod v.9.0 is a modification for Battlefield 2, a(n) action game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 3371.7 MB
Last Update: Sunday, May 20, 2018
Downloads: 3498
Last 7 days: 3
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BF2 Total War Realism Mod is a mod for Battlefield 2, created by sw33tsp0t.
Prepare to be Engaged in Full Single Player Realistic Combat! Mod is for Single Player only, it is Intended
To bring a "Total War" Aspect to single player Battlefield 2.
This Mod was made and Conceived by Me, sw33tsp0t
and you are fully allowed to customize and use it if you see fit.
AI Modder is Jonas Hendrikx
Custom Map support By Jones(tm).
**We are currently looking for skinners/modelers/coders to help improve the mod and make way for later releases.**
Mod Template Thanks go to the maker of BF2_Realism mod.
Custom Map Thanks to the makers of all the custom Single Player Maps included in the mod.
Here goes for the release notes.
**warning: there are known crash bugs, AH-1Z Littlebird as co-pilot, or trying to switch seats, the game CTD's. I am trying to resolve these issues ASAP
But the game is 100% stable besides this issue.**
Lowered Handheld Rocket Damage.
Made Handheld Rockets shoot a Tad Faster.
Increased all Land Tanks Hit Points, M1A1 Abrams the most, Type 98 Tank the Second best, and T90 Tank Last.
Removed C4 From Assault and Engineer Classes.
Made all Default BF2 Maps 64 Player Size with Enhanced AI spawning and Intelligence, Thanks to my Mods AI Programmer, Jonas Hendrickx
Reskinned 3rd Person "World" Skins for M4 and M16A2 to Be accurate to thier skin.
Added 1 Extra Magazine to the M82A1, Now there are 3 Clips Total.
Added Chinese Type 85 To China Engineer Class, to Kindof Even out the Double Weapon factor on US And MEC.
Reskinned the Type 85.
Edited the ammokits to have 2 boxes now instead of only 1.
Added Overdrive to All Vehicles, Small Buggys have more than Vodniks or Humvees, Which have more than Tanks or APC's This can be Acessed by Holding Shift.
Increased the power of 250lb Bombs and 500lb Bombs.
Increased the Damage of Tow Missles Since they Are such a Large Missile.
Optimized Tanks and Apc's for better tank battles.
v7.4 (BETA)
Changed Menu Background Movie and Menu Movie
Made a New Mod Icon
Added 4 Types of Game Modes, With Server Graphics And Dialogue ,
BF2 Easy Settings,No Spawn Times or Friendly Fire. BF2 Default Settings, The Battlefield 2 Vanilla Default. TWRM Default Settings, The Standard for TWRM. and TWRM Search and Destroy Settings, For the Hardcore. No Respawning, Full Friendly Fire in a Elimination Match. Download it to read the changes.
Added the RPG-7 to China and Mec Anti Tank Classes.
Added 64 Player Size Support for All Euro Force Maps.
Tweaked RPG7 not to be too powerful,
added skin to M249 SAW.
Lowered All helicopters hit points, before a blackhawk had more hitpoints than an abrams tank.
Increased Sprint times on car type vehicles by +1
Changed The Spread of the HK21 European Machineguns fire, to be more accurate.
Slightly Increased the Damage of m203/GP25/GP30 Grenades and Increased thier number by 2.
Changed the M4A1 To US Anti Tank class, and also M4A1 to US Medic Class.
Spruced up The M4A1 Skins.
Added G36C To EU Spec Ops.
Added SA80 (L96A1) To EU Assault.
Added MP5 to US Specops.
Added M24 to US Engineer.
Added BIZON to MEC Assault.
Doubled the Recon Boat's Overdrive time.
Reskinned and enhanced all soldiers skins.
Retextured the F18B.
Enhanced texture of the MP5A3.
Skinned the BIZON.
Spruced up the SCAR-L Skin.
Reskinned the M67 Frag Grenade.
Enhanced Skin for M24 Sniper.
Reskinned M1187 US Shotgun This now has a Metallic look.
Added scope Hud for AKs74u.
Faster Flag Captures, The time to Capture a point Was Doubled to be faster.
Soldiers AND Vehicles now stay 5 Minutes after being killed/destroyed, or untill respawned (vehicles only).
**Edit: I Took out this effect because it causes way too much lag/too demanding on the system for use.
Made M24 More accurate.
Increased the Medikits Heal Effectiveness. and Increased the amount of bags to 2.
Changed the physics of the soldiers, you can now shoot in the air and change stances faster.
Made bots shoot at ALL Vehicles now including soldiers, they are more effective at soldiers, but will now Shoot rockets at helocopters/naval units and have strengths in certain fields, pending on class.
New maps added,Very Good Maps with all custom content! Proffessional type work from map creator JONES.
Fixed map bug where the map wouldnt display during selection.
See Screenshots for Pictures ;).
Added new HUD For Player Points.
-Lowered AI Range of Shotgun Usage, before they were too Overpowered with shotgun class weapons.
-Increased AI CPU (How Smart) % by 50%. So now the bots will behave 50% More Skilled.
-New HUD Graphics for Iron Sights on all Weapons :).
-Increased amount of rockets a AT Soldier can hold by 1. So now there are 4 Rockets total.
-Blood Effects from Being shot Will Now show in 1st Person View.
-Added Zoom Factor to All stationary Machine Guns.
-Made the Light Stationary Weapons much more Accurate than before.
-I Seen how the M16M203 Rifle was only one color, green-camo, So ive changed this. The
Green Camoflauge will be used on china-woodland maps vs USA, while a new Skin (Called Blufor)(Derived from COD4)
Will be in play on all USMC vs MEC Desert Climate maps.
Also included the Bleed effects to Work properly, And deleted 8.0.1, Combining this fix with 8.3b
Added Co-Op Gamemode to TWR. Now you Will Be Able to Play Co-Op With all the Settings Such as Bot Ratio Etc, For Co-Op Gameplay.
Note: When you Run the AI Bot Changer it Over-Rides the Bot Skill and Bot Count Settings. On the New Game-Mode. Added Support for All Local Server-Ran Gamemodes.
Note: If you want to run a Co-Op Game-Mode, You can do so in any map version you want, this version of gameplay IS best for victory-type matches, because you can change the Bot-Ratio to whatever ratio you would Like. Making The Capture/Defend Part much Harder or Easier. Great for a Challenge.
Note, with this game mode (Co-Op) you MUST install the BF2 Default Server Settings file to be Able to Change The Values in the Options of the Game Mode. The Other Ones are for TWR Gameplay, Which still Can Be Used In these New Game Modes, Just not Without Bot Ratio/other Customizable Options. Best when used for Singleplayer Skirmishes.
The New Gamemodes that Are in the Mod are Located in Multiplayer Tab > Create Local . You can do Everything From Here, the Singleplayer Tab is for SP Skirmishes.
The Bot Changer over-rides Bot Skill/Bot Count, So when using that, do Not worry about what the Menu Options Say.
I Noticed this, it kind of sucks. I Cant write Proggies or do Much programming at all for that matter, which is why my Mods Stay Kind of 'Base' in thier setup. IF, you want to play with different Bot Ratio Settings, UN-CHECK The Serversettings.con READONLY Property in C:/Documents/Battlefield 2/Profiles/Default. This will allow you to Change the Bot-Ratio for Easier/More Difficult Battles.
***Important Note***: When doing Co-op Game-Mode, Do Not Ever have more than 94 Players, that Being Ut-Most Max. When you Make the Bot Ratio 100% in Co-Op Options, it Caps at 48 Bots. So you Put 100% Bot Ratio, Attacking Team Will have 48 Bots, Never More. This is Hard-coded in Battlefield 2.
So, Imagine if you had 80 Bots lets say, 100% Bot Ratio would yeild the Attacking Team 48 Bots, And Leave the Defending Team with 32 bots. IF You Put 96 Bots, it would be an Even Battle (48 vs 48).
This is Best Used in Singleplayer Skirmishes Via the Game-Mode Installers/Bot Changer.
Also, if you had 0% Bot ratio, That would leave The Defending Team with 48 Bots, and the Remaining Amount on the Attacking Team. (Note, Ive Tried this, sometimes it only leaves the player on the side, try using 10% to 25% to 50% Bot Ratio. This works.)
- Last update: Sunday, May 20, 2018
- Genre: Action
- File size: 3371.7 MB