Dragon Age: Origins - Trouble in Rainesfere v.1.1 - Game mod - Download

The file Trouble in Rainesfere v.1.1 is a modification for Dragon Age: Origins, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 61.2 MB

Last Update: Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Downloads: 316

Last 7 days: 1

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Trouble in Rainesfere is a mod for Dragon Age: Origin, created by Tchos.

Description (in author’s own words):

A standalone campaign module for Dragon Age: Origins

Roaming through rural Rainesfere, you happen upon a small tavern, where you receive word of a wizard in distress, and four fellow adventurers willing to help. This two-week challenge mod contains all-new colourful landscapes, 4 new recruitable NPCs (a tank, a combat rogue, a damage mage, and a healer), and a main quest lasting about an hour

I consider this a lighthearted "loose-canon" mod, with references to canon topics, but not attempting to adhere to the general tone and lore of DA:O.


The mod is provided as a .dazip. You can install it using the standard Dragon Age Update Manager, or your mod manager of choice, such as DAO Modmanager or DA Modder. When installed, it will appear in the Other Campaigns section from the main menu.

4. Using the mod

You can (and I recommend you do) import a character from one of your previous saves. I suggest level 10-12.

You'll need to set your companions' tactics yourself. The presets for defender, scrapper, damager, and healer work well. I played with Flint taking all sword and shield talents, Buffington taking all spirit healer talents, Speedy taking two-weapon talents, and Sigil taking fire and crowd control talents.

  • Last update: Wednesday, August 24, 2022
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 61.2 MB