2Awesome Studio

2Awesome Studio is a developer and publisher.

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2Awesome Studio is a developer of video games. 2Awesome Studio has been active on the market since before 2017. One of its first projects was game Dimension Drive. In publishing its games, 2Awesome Studio collaborates with PlayStack. The developer's most recent work is AK-xolotl. Production release occurred on 14 September 2023.

Most Popular Games Developed by 2Awesome Studio


Action - September 14, 2023

PC / Windows

Dimension Drive

Action - December 7, 2017

PC / Windows
Dimension Drive

Aeon Drive

Arcade - September 30, 2021

PC / Windows
Aeon Drive

Developed Games

List of all released games developed by 2Awesome Studio.

AK-xolotl - September 14, 2023 - PC, PS4, PS5, XONE, XSX, Switch

Aeon Drive - September 30, 2021 - PC, XONE, XSX, PS4, PS5, Switch

Dimension Drive - December 7, 2017 - PC, Switch, PS4, XONE

Released Games

List of all released games published by 2Awesome Studio.

Startup Company: Console Edition - April 10, 2020 - Switch, XONE, XSX, PS4, PS5

Rainswept - February 1, 2019 - XONE, Switch, PS4

Dimension Drive - December 7, 2017 - PC, Switch

Back to Bed - August 6, 2014 - Switch

2Awesome Studio News

'It's Not Too Late to Bring It Back': Brazen Thief Steals Indie Dev's Gamescom Award

'It's Not Too Late to Bring It Back': Brazen Thief Steals Indie Dev's Gamescom Award

Independent developers AK-xolotl did not enjoy the award they received at gamescom 2023 for long. Now they are appealing to the thief through social media.

video games

Maciej Gaffke

August 30, 2023

'It's Not Too Late to Bring It Back': Brazen Thief Steals Indie Dev's Gamescom Award