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CS:GO Gets Randomly Generated Map With 30 Million Variants

Michal Ciezadlik, 20 January 2021, 14:18

The CS:GO community continues to impress. This time, outstanding creativity was demonstrated by Russian moderator OrelStealth, who prepared a 100% procedurally generated map in Steam Workshop.

AC: Valhalla Players Attempt to Decipher Ancient Language Created by Ubisoft

Karol Laska, 14 January 2021, 18:45

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla players have been working hard to to decipher the fictional Isu language created for the game.

CS:GO Players Recall Best Plays by Bots

Arkadiusz Strzala, 10 January 2021, 20:30

The new update for CS:GO eliminates bots from ranked games. How did players react to this change? They aren't happy, but some of them recall what was worth remembering in those artificial enemies.

New CS:GO Update Removes Bots From Tournament Matches

Michal Ciezadlik, 08 January 2021, 17:34

The latest CS:GO update introduced a controversial change in ranked matches. The gaming community has not responded with enthusiasm, to put it mildly.

Cyberpunk 2077 Fan Creates a Giant Database of Clothing

Bart Swiatek, 05 January 2021, 11:41

The fanpage called Cyberpunk404 enables players to check out the appearance of individual pieces of gear from CD Projekt RED's latest game - Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Issues, Shortcomings, and Ideas How to Salvage the Game

Paul Musiolik, 13 December 2020, 21:48

The longer Cyberpunk 2077 is on the market, the stronger the players criticize it. Among the voices of admiration, disappointment is becoming more and more visible. Some people indicate what the game's problem is and how to fix it.

Fans Want Creators of The Mandalorian and Clone Wars to Take Over Star Wars

Tom Borys, 08 December 2020, 18:01

Some fans of The Mandalorian ask Disney to hand over the entire franchise to Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, the creators of The Mandalorian series, after their recent successes.

God Slayer Kratos Ends Up Reduced to Dancing Clown

Paul Musiolik, 05 December 2020, 22:17

Kratos' skin has been available for several days in Fortnite. Not everyone likes that. PlayStation and God of War fans despair, while others make fun of the whole situation.

Stricter Bans in Minecraft Bedrock Spark Controversy

Bart Swiatek, 24 November 2020, 18:53

Minecraft Bedrock is undergoing important changes - moderators have received a set of new tools that will enable them to permaban users for breaking community rules. The ideas of devs at Mojang Studios stirred considerable controversy among the players.

GTA 6 Goes Hot on Twitter and Irritates Gamers

Jacob Blazewicz, 20 November 2020, 19:10

The phrase „GTA 6” has suddenly gained popularity on Twitter. This is a result of recent activities of Rockstar Games, which have disappointed the community.

LoL Players Demand Changes in Item Shop [Updated]

Paul Wozniak, 18 November 2020, 21:10

Pre-season changes in items and shop apprared recently in League of Legends. Players didn't like everything and demand the developers to make significant improvements.

LoL Players Want Honoring Enemies Back

Paul Wozniak, 03 November 2020, 19:29

League of Legends players have made it clear to the devs that they want to see the in-game honoring of their opponents feature restored. The option was removed in 2017, when the honor system was completely rebuilt.

The World Reacts to Yet Another Cyberpunk 2077 Delay

Bart Swiatek, 28 October 2020, 10:57

Yesterday, CD Projekt RED delayed the release of Cyberpunk 2077 for the third time, after declaring it had gone gold. The game will not be released until December 10, this year. This is how fans, journalists and investors reacted to the news.

Clay Arthur From Red Dead Redemption 2 Goes Viral

Adrian Werner, 16 October 2020, 12:11

A video showing the process of creating a clay sculpture of the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2 went viral on the Internet. The video has been viewed over 20 million times on YouTube.

LoL's Newest Heroine is a Copycat, as Noted by Angry Players

Paul Wozniak, 13 October 2020, 18:53

Seraphine, the new champion of League of Legends, is taking heavy flak from players who claim that she is too similar to another existing character.

Flood of Fan-made Animations From Among Us

Bart Swiatek, 06 October 2020, 16:43

The huge popularity of Among Us makes the players, inspired by Innersloth's work, create numerous films and animations - mostly humorous.

Minecraft - Pickaxe Race Shows Differences in Quality

Jacob Blazewicz, 26 August 2020, 20:35

An unusual race conquered the Minecraft sub-forum on Reddit. More than 100,000 fans liked a video showing... comparison of pickaxes.

The Sims 4 Will Get More Customization Options - EA Grants Player Request

Milosz Szubert, 13 August 2020, 19:19

EA Maxis representative posted a promise on Twitter that more skin tones will appear in The Sims 4 this fall. This is a response to players' comments.

Ghost of Tsushima Fan Captures Samurai Duel on a Diorama

Milosz Szubert, 12 August 2020, 16:29

YouTube user hosting the North of the Border channel prepared a diorama as a tribute to Ghost of Tsushima. It presents two warriors preparing for a duel.

GTA Online - Rockstar Listened; Players Praise Changes

Bart Swiatek, 12 August 2020, 15:53

Players are pleased with the changes that have been introduced in the latest update to GTA Online. These include improvements removing known bugs and improving gameplay.

The Witcher 1 and 2 Analyzed by Fan Across 9 Hours of Videos

Milosz Szubert, 12 August 2020, 14:01

Youtuber Joseph Anderson has started a series of videos on his channel, in which he analyzes games from The Witcher series. So far, two videos are available - the first one focuses on CD Projekt RED's 2007 debut game and the second one on its continuation. They last a total of over nine hours.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Streamer Gives Up Cameo Because of Fans

Bart Swiatek, 10 August 2020, 12:19

One of Chinese streamers, who was supposed to appear in Cyberpunk 2077 as an easter egg, decided to resign from the project. The reason was pressure from Internet users.

The Sims 4 Players Want More Customization Options

Agnes Adamus, 07 August 2020, 21:50

A post on Reddit was published, which discussed the number of complexion variants available in The Sims 4. According to the community, the title offers too few skin tones to choose from. There were also opinions that the same problem concerns are other elements that can be edited while playing - from hairstyles to furniture.

Fans Disappointed With PlayStation State of Play

Jacob Blazewicz, 07 August 2020, 13:18

Yesterday's episode of State of Play did not feature many announcements of games from Sony's stable. As a result, some fans are disappointed with the show, even though the company informed in advance what to expect from the presentation.

Star Citizen - Fans are Irritated by Lack of Promised News on Squadron 42

Bart Swiatek, 28 July 2020, 14:04

Some fans of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 decided to point out insufficient communication about the progress of the latter. This March, the developers promised that they would provide this type of news much more often than before, but unfortunately this promise was not kept.

Red Dead Online - How to Join the Ongoing Clown Invasion

Jacob Blazewicz, 21 July 2020, 18:47

Red Dead Online players are still parading in clown costumes in protest against the lack of support from Rockstar. The community has started to organize special events, which can be joined by any Red Dead Redemption 2 owner.

Bannerlord - Greedy Kings Explained

Damian Gacek, 21 July 2020, 17:53

One of the main problems in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is the issue of acquiring a fief. Fans of the game complain that even though they have captured a castle or a city, they can't become their owner. An inquisitive player explains the mechanic.

Players Hope AC: Valhalla Will Not Repeat the Errors of Odyssey

Bart Swiatek, 21 July 2020, 14:54

Some fans of the Assassin's Creed series have decided to point out the problems that were troubling the previous installment of the series - AC: Odyssey. These players hope that AC: Valhalla will not repeat the mistakes of its predecessor.

GTA 6 - Fans Want a Map Combining Iconic Cities

Jacob Blazewicz, 16 July 2020, 19:01

The announcement of Grand Theft Auto VI is still nowhere to be seen. However, this does not discourage the fans of the series who already have an idea for the perfect GTA: a huge map with the cities from the previous instalments.

Bannerlord - Players Want Mechanics From Previous Games

Damian Gacek, 09 July 2020, 10:54

Mount & Blade 2 is still very popular. However, players are worried about the future development of the game. On the web we can come across lists created by fans about which mechanics should be included in the game.

CoD Modern Warfare Video Called „The Art of Toxicity” Conquers the Web

Paul Wozniak, 07 July 2020, 13:31

A Call of Duty: Modern Warfare frag montage has won the hearts of over 40,000 players in one day. The author of the video, counting the kill to the rhythm of a classic song, showed the „toxicity” of one of the weapon sets available in the game.

Reckful Committed Suicide - WoW Community Pays Tribute

Bart Swiatek, 03 July 2020, 11:58

Byron „Reckful” Bernstein - one of the best known World of Warcraft streamer - committed suicide yesterday. Reckful has been struggling with depression for years. The WoW community paid tribute to the deceased by organizing memorials inside the game.

EVE Online - Huge Battle Celabrates Birthday of Terminally Ill Player

Paul Wozniak, 28 June 2020, 21:27

EVE Online has organized an event to celebrate the birthday of a terminally ill player, with participation of more than 2 thousand people. As part of the action, its participants arranged a huge battle.

21 Years of Counter Strike, Artist Drew Maps From CS:GO

Paul Wozniak, 20 June 2020, 17:50

Yesterday, the Counter-Strike series celebrated its 21st birthday. On this occasion, one Reddit user presented several paintings, showing the most popular places known from CS:GO maps.

Warcraft 3: Reforged Still Lacks Announced Features

Paul Wozniak, 13 May 2020, 16:24

Warcraft III: Reforged players point out that more than three months after its release, the game still lacks a lot of features that the developers promised to restore. So far, only four patches have been released (mainly bug fixes and optimization), and communication from the developers is virtually non-existant.

Microsoft Admits to Mismarketing Xbox Series X Presentation

Damian Gacek, 10 May 2020, 20:06

Microsoft's recent presentation of games that will come out on Xbox Series X is behind us and it has raised controversy over the definition of the word „gameplay”. Xbox Games' General Marketing Manager Aaron Greenberg admits that they are to blame for the negative reception of the event.

Ban For a 9-year-old Gamer Triggers a Storm on Twitter

Paul Wozniak, 06 May 2020, 17:18

The Fortnite community is raging across Twitter because of a 4-year ban for a 9-year-old player. The boy is now unable to participate in tournaments and competitive modes.

Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord - Option From Previous Installments Returns

Milosz Szubert, 06 April 2020, 11:16

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, currently in Early Access, will soon get automatic blocking, after many players have been asking for this feature.

Fan Recreates Need for Speed: Most Wanted in Real Life

Agnes Adamus, 03 April 2020, 20:43

A video appeared on YouTube, in which Need for Speed: Most Wanted has been transferred to real life. The film was created by Chekunov_v.

Assassin's Creed Fans Vote on Their Dream Setting for the Next Game

Milosz Szubert, 01 April 2020, 18:24

On Reddit, there is an ongoing community vote on the setting of the next instalment of the Assassin's Creed series. So far, Japan and the age of samurai are in the lead. Second place is taken by the Viking era.

Fallout 76 - Toilet Paper a New Luxury Good

Damian Gacek, 20 March 2020, 12:01

In Fallout 76, Bethesda Softworks has launched a new luxury good. It's a toilet paper. Nowadays one roll can cost even tens of thousands of caps.

Netflix's Witcher Anime as Seen by an Artist From Portugal

Milosz Szubert, 16 March 2020, 13:58

An artist using the nickname CaroOllie has prepared a series of works presenting scenes known from The Witcher from Netflix in a style resembling Japanese animation. Her DeviantArt account features similar drawings from Game of Thrones.

LoL Official Forum Will be Closed

Paul Wozniak, 02 March 2020, 15:33

Riot Games has announced that the official forum of League of Legends will close on March 16, this year. The community has launched an action to backup all threads and files.

The Sims 4 - Player Traps 200 Sims in One Room

Milosz Szubert, 20 February 2020, 13:35

The host of Let's Game It Out channel took up a rather peculiar challenge in The Sims 4. He decided to use door locking mechanisms and lock as many sims as possible in a single room.

Sony Shuts Down PlayStation Forum

Paul Wozniak, 14 February 2020, 15:43

Today, an official announcement from Sony has informed of the closure of the PlayStation forum. The website will be suspended beginning with February 27, while the Japanese company encourages users to use other social networking sites.

Teenager From England Saved by Gamer 5,000 Miles Away

Krzysztof Kaluzinski, 13 January 2020, 15:32

Aidan from England had a seizure during an online game session, and his parents at home had no idea. Luckily, the boy was saved by a friend from the game. Dia, who lives in the United States, called for help.

Diablo 4 - Blizzard Accepts Criticism and Changes the Equipment System

Bart Swiatek, 05 December 2019, 23:26

Blizzard Entertainment takes the criticism of Diablo IV to heart. Having listened to the comments of the community, the developers decided to make a few changes to the planned equipment system.

Fan Intends to Keep on Driving in GTA 5 Until GTA 6 Comes Out

Bart Swiatek, 21 October 2019, 11:29

A fan of the GTA series decided to start a marathon - he will play the fifth installment and drive around San Andreas until the launch of the next part of the series. The project can be followed live on YouTube.

Experiment on Reddit - Internet Users Kept Plant Alive for Three Years

Julia Dragovic, 24 July 2019, 17:16

For 3 years, more than 11,000 users of the r/takecareofmyplant subreddit watched over the welfare of a zebra plant belonging to Tyler Wood, the author of the social experiment. Although the number of carers has decreased over time, the project is still ongoing. Cynics will be surprised by the result.

„Thank you, Hello Games” - Say Fans To Developers Of No Man's Sky

Jakub Mirowski, 16 June 2019, 16:20

A nice gesture from fans of No Man's Sky - after the developers managed to significantly improve the gameplay and content, players donated a billboard with thanks to Hello Games studio.