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Square Enix Revolutionizes Its Approach to Games. Japanese Are Done With 'Quantity,' Now Aiming for 'Quality' and 'Multiplatform'

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 14 May 2024, 01:17

Square Enix revealed a new publishing strategy for the coming years. The Japanese company wants to release its big-budget games on multiple platforms.

Frontier Joins the Layoff Wave; Explains With Poor Sales of F1 Manager

Marcin Przala, 17 October 2023, 06:57

The poor performance of the F1 Manager series is one of the main reasons for restructuring at British studio Frontier Developments, as a result of which an unspecified number of people are about to lose their jobs.

EA Games is No More; Electronic Arts Undergoes Reorganization

Kamil Kleszyk, 21 June 2023, 15:14

Electronic Arts has announced that two different organizations will be created as a result of internal restructuring within the company: EA Sports and EA Entertainment.

Dead Island 2 In for an Earthquake; Big Changes Coming

Adrian Werner, 07 May 2023, 22:06

Plaion intends to merge its Deep Silver, Prime Matter and Ravenscourt divisions and start publishing games under its own banner.

EA Wants to Change; Ambitious Studios With More Autonomy

Adrian Werner, 20 September 2022, 14:11

Electronic Arts has changed the way it manages many of its teams. Developers have gained more autonomy, including in terms of what projects they undertake.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - That's Quantic Dream's New Direction

Sonia Selerska, 28 April 2022, 14:37

In 2018, the studio's management was sued for failing to uphold the rights of its employees. Today, it brags about its advocacy for women and those in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Homeworld Devs Switch to 4-day Work Week

Adrian Werner, 11 February 2022, 11:15

The studio responsible for Homeworld 3, Blackbird Interactive, has followed in the footsteps of Eidos Montreal and switched to a 4-day workweek.

4-day Work Week Without a Pay Cut is Eidos Montreal's New Model

Adrian Werner, 08 October 2021, 10:33

Eidos Montreal and Eidos-Sherbrooke studios are changing their work model. From now on, developers will only work four days a week.

Cyberpunk 2077 was a Valuable Lesson; Adam Kicinski on Work Organization at CD Projekt

Miriam Moszczynska, 30 September 2021, 18:58

In an interview with Bloomberg agency, the CD Projekt CEO Adam Kicinski announced significant changes in the company. Their reason is mainly the failure, which turned out to be Cyberpunk 2077 on the day of its launch.

Konami Will Remain in Gamedev, Clarifying a Confusing Announcement

Paul Musiolik, 26 January 2021, 11:24

Konami's brief announcement about restructuring sparked a storm on the Internet. The Japanese company will continue to develop video games, and info of studios getting shut down was quickly denied.

Ubisoft Will do its Best to Deliver More Unique Games in the Future

Konrad Serafinski, 18 January 2020, 21:30

Ubisoft plans to restructure and expand the team responsible for content and art direction of its games. The move is aimed at diversification of studio's portfolio and is a response to the company's poor commercial results from last year.

Starbreeze Gets Back on its Feet; PayDay's Future Looks Better

Michael Kulakowski, 06 December 2019, 23:54

Starbreeze, developer of the PayDay series, has confirmed that it got back on its feet being close to bankruptcy at the end of last year. The future of the present and future game from the PayDay franchise is therefore secured, at least for the time being.

Layoffs in Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe

Frozen, 10 October 2019, 11:22

Dozens of employees in the European branch of SIE were laid off on the day of the official announcement of PlayStation 5. The decision for the restructuring is explained by the need to unify individual branches of the company.

Intel Lays Off Common Employees, Hires a Pro From Nvidia

ElMundo, 01 April 2019, 14:59

One of the biggest producers of hardware components – Intel – plans to lay off several hundred people from two of its offices. What's more, Tom Petersen, one of Nvidia's top workers is going to join the company.

Electronic Arts Lays Off 350 Employees

ElMundo, 27 March 2019, 00:19

Electronic Arts announced that 350 workers will be laid off - the redundancies will mainly affect the publishing and marketing departments.

Blizzard Lays Off 209 Employees

Frozen, 09 March 2019, 23:26

According to EDD, 25% of the 800 people recently laid off by Activision Blizzard were Blizzard Entertainment employees.

Layoffs at

Adrian Werner, 26 February 2019, 10:05 has fired a significant number of employees. The reason for the layoffs is allegedly financial difficulties and the mounting market pressure to reduce the revenues of digital distribution stores.

Activision Plans Massive Layoffs?

Konrad Serafinski, 09 February 2019, 19:27

More alarming news concerning Activision. Bloomberg news agency reports that next week the company is to cut as much as hundreds of jobs.

Warface Devs Set Up a New Studio

Adrian Werner, 07 February 2019, 13:01

The Crytek branch responsible for the shooter Warface has just become independent. A group of developers has founded a new studio, where they will continue their work.

IO Interactive sets up new branch in Sweden

Jacob Blazewicz, 17 January 2019, 10:01

The developer of the Hitman franchise has decided to expand their manpower by creating a new team.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 dev CI Games gives up on AAA games

luckie, 27 June 2017, 15:49

CI Games admits that Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 was too ambitious a game for the studio's capabilities. In the future the developer will change its focus to making lower-budget games.

The creators of Dying Light go global as Techland Publishing

luckie, 02 June 2016, 13:44

The company that gave us Dying Light, Dead Island, and the Call of Juarez series is becoming a global video game publisher, under the name Techland Publishing. They're aiming to release two AAA games a year.